Wednesday, January 31, 2024

COTD - OP07 Salome


Cost 1 / Power 2000 (Strike)

Animal / Kuja Pirates

[Counter +1000]

[Your Turn][On Play] Up to one of your [Boa Hancock] gain +2000 Power for the turn.

This is actually not bad if I assume Hancock is a deck that focus on bouncing your own cards to hand. You could bounce Salome to hand, use the on play effect again, and for 2 DONs, Hancock Leader would get 4k power in one turn. Plus she also a Kuja Pirate which means we can search her out with our searcher. Although if there are better cards coming out for Kuja Pirates/Amazon Lily, I would use Salome in a Budget deck instead, assuming we are getting more Super Rares for the deck.


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