Saturday, January 13, 2024

OP05 Purple (Kaido) Deck Profile

Purple Kaido is not too bad as you still access the ramp cards like Blue/Purple Kaido build, but you wouldn't have the help of Blue cards in this build. Although for this build I did have to reduce the number of high cost Characters because of the amount of DON returning you can do with this deck. So you will definitely need all the ramp you can get to get back the lost DONs and be able to ramp back up to play your big Characters. On the bright side, we are mainly using ST04 as based of the deck, so if you have bought ST04 starter deck, you wouldn't need to worry about the amount of changes to the deck.


Purple have some great ramp cards for this Kaido build who focus on returning DONs back to deck. Sasaki's effect only works if you give him 1 DON and when attacking. You may trash 1 card to add 1 DON as rested. You will lose a card from your hand just for the DON, but remember, he is a when attacking effect rather than on play effect. If you give him 1 DON, you would also have a nice 5k beat stick in play. You also got a 2k counter card which will be great when you need to go on the defensive and stop your opponent's attacks.

OP01 Hawkins only has an on play effect which is add 1 DON as rested. A very simple effect, but the only reason why I didn't use Zala is because of the Trigger effect. The Trigger effect of Hawkins is play this card, whilst Zala is returning 1 DON back to deck. For this deck who focus more on the ramp side, you don't really want to return DONs just to play DONs.

ST10 Bart is another ramp card. For the on play effect, you pay 1 DON to add 1 DON as active. Technically if you want the ramp to get going, you will need to wait until you have 5 DONs in order to play Bart, but if you are desperate in needing an attacker on the field, then you can play him for 4 DONs. Although for me, the only reason he is in the build is for the ramp effect and being a 5k beat stick.

Jet Gatling only ramp ability is the Trigger effect which is, add 1 DON as active. Otherwise it is a Counter card, and the Counter effect is, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gains 3k power during the battle. The reason why I'm only running Jet Gatling as my only Counter card is because of the Character costs. The Character cards are pretty high to pay, so you will have no room leaving DONs up to pay for your Counters.

Onigashima is the main stage card, and the one we must have in our opening hand in order to get the ramp going. It will make our life a lot easier once it hits the field. The effect works by resting this Stage, if your Leader is Animal Kingdom Pirates, add 1 DON as rested. This is the reason why we need this card in our opening hand, and currently, not many cards can KO Stage cards.

The Beat Sticks

OP01 Kaido is mainly in the deck for board wiping. The effect is very simple, on play, by returning 6 DONs, if your Leader is Animal Kingdom Pirates, KO all Characters other than this card. This is all about the timing as you do not want to KO your own beat sticks, unless you can afford to. I usually wait until your opponents either have plenty of Blockers, or plenty of beat sticks in play that will threaten my Leader. On the bright side if you do managed to play this Kaido, he is a 12k beat stick, which is very nice to have a 10 drop Character.

ST04 Kaido is a card I would rather play over OP01 Kaido because of the effect. On play, by returning 5 DONs, you can KO 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. This Character gains Rush. I think having a 10k Rush Character can really be threatening for your opponents. You could potentially KO 2 Characters in one turn with just ST04 Kaido alone. That's already removing 2 potential threats your opponents have for your Leader.

ST04 King is a cheaper version of ST04 Kaido since you can play King for 6 DONs instead of 9. The effect is on play, by returning 1 DON, you can KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. No Rush and you only choose 4 cost or less instead of Kaido 6 cost or less, so if your opponents have any 5 cost, which some decks run, you will have trouble in removing those Characters without attacking.

ST10 Kid is in the deck for the power up. Although you can actually remove Kid if you don't need the power up and just focus on bumping up the numbers with ST04 King and Kaido, so we can have a higher chance to draw them and KO your opponent's Characters. But for me having ST10 Kid in the build can be handy sometimes. The effect works on play/when attacking, by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until start of your next turn. The extra 1k bonus can be very helpful when you used Counter cards.


We do have plenty of Blockers in the deck so we can stall to play our main Characters. Higurashi is a 2 drop Blocker, no additional effect. I'm mainly playing her because sometimes, I leave 2 DONs open if I'm lucky enough, so putting an additional Blocker in play will help me at least stops 1 of your opponent's attacks. Plus you can play her quite early during the turn as we don't have any 1 drop Characters to play in this build, mainly 3 cost or higher.

OP05 Kid is amazing in this build. Not only he is a Blocker, but the effect will help us with the ramp. Once per turn, when a DON on your field is returned, add up to 1 DON as active. There are a lot of returning DONs to deck in this build, so Kid is really handy, and having that 1 extra active DON can make a difference in what Characters you should play in your hand.

ST04 Queen is a staple, no comment on that. He does have an on play effect which is by returning 1 DON, you can draw 2 and trash 1 card from your hand. This is mainly a hand filter we could use, especially when we have plenty of cards we can actually trash like extra copies of Onigashima. We are only allowed to have 1 Stage on our fields, so having extra copies in hand can be a dead card.

ST10 Law is our 4 drop Blocker. The on play effect is actually depends on the situation. On play, by returning 1 DON, if your opponents have 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from their hand. Certain decks, this effect is useless, but during the early stage of the game where your opponents is able to afford to take Life, he is amazing. I think it is in that situation is when we play Law so your opponents will not be able to keep the cards in their hand.

The Siblings

It is up to you if you want to run these cards in the deck, or focus more on the big Characters. For me, I like going aggressive which is why I am running these two in the deck. ST04 Ulti's on play effect is by returning 1 DON, you can play 1 Page One with 4 cost or less from your hand. The Page One we got is 4 drop vanilla, but 6k power, making your opponents to use 2k Counters only if they are running 5k power Leader. But we can still hit 6k Leader with Page One without any DON boost, that's the best thing about this vanilla, whilst Ulti is a 5k beat stick as well as having 2k Counter on her. I don't think it will be a bad idea to play Ulti and Page One setting up your attacks.

Deck List

OP05 P Kaido


As you can see, most of these cards are made up just using starter deck cards, but that is only if you are building this deck in real life. The first thing you do want to see, which I've explained is Onigashima Island to set up the ramp. You will have other ramp cards, but Onigashima is more consistent compare to the other ramp cards in the build.

There is a timing to use Kaido Leader, and that is when you are able to finish off your opponents in that turn, trashing their Life, so they can't take one more hit. You do have plenty of high power beat sticks in the build, but this will mean you need to use all the ramp cards to get up to 8 DONs. I think 8 DONs is the zone where you would be able to play your big drops, putting the pressure against your opponents.

Otherwise, I think the build is pretty much the same as Blurple Kaido build but for me, Blurple Kaido will have more consistency because of the draw power you can get with that deck, compare to this build who is more luck based. Then again we do start with 5 Life instead of 4, and having a Leader being able to trash Life, means we can push our attacks a lot earlier.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.