Saturday, January 27, 2024

Budget Deck Profile - Blue/Yellow (Queen) OP04 + OP05

The style for this Queen build is very different to the main build which can be found by clicking (here). That build is more defensive control, but it does have quite a few expensive cards, whilst this build is more of a normal control deck rather than going defensive. It is a budget deck which is why the build is just a normal control deck. OP04 and OP05 sets made it easy for me to build a Queen budget build because everything you need will be in those 2 sets.


For a budget deck we do have a few cards who can remove your opponent's Characters. Starting of with the 10 drop Kaido. Now 10 drop Kaido is very cheaper for a Super Rare, but he cost 10 to play which is why I'm not running a lot of copies. The effect is on play, return 1 8 cost or less Character and 1 3 cost or less Character to the owner's hand. You will be able to bounce 2 Characters in 1 turn, and what's more they do not have to be restricted on your opponent's side. Although for 3 cost or less, you would mostly choose your low cost Characters unless your opponents have 3 cost beat sticks in play.

Ice Oni is a 8 drop Character, but don't worry we will have a card in this build that let us him for free. The effect is at the end of the battle in which this Character battles your opponent's 5 cost or less Character, place that Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. He might be a 0 cost power, but Blockers will not stop them as they will bounce Blockers to bottom of the deck. I guess they need something that can stop Ice Oni attacks, but it will depends of the colour of the deck.

Gedatsu is another card that can KO your opponent's Characters, however, he is not very good during late game. The effect is on play KO 1 of your opponent's Character with cost equal to or less than your opponent's Life. This is why Gedatsu should be played early, but even if you drawn him late, you can still have a 6k beat stick on the field.

Red Roc lets you remove any cards for 6 DONs. The effect is return 1 Character to the bottom of owner's deck. Very strong card especially if you save Red Roc against your opponent's big drops. The Trigger effect is different and you only return 1 4 cost or less to the bottom of owner's deck. Not as strong as the main effect but 4 cost or less still have plenty of choices to choose from.

Draw Engine

I know draw power in Queen is bad as you wouldn't be able to use the Leader effect, but most of these are just hand filters, so you won't gain cards, but you won't lose cards either. OP04 Sasaki is basically a second mulligan. On play, return all cards from your hand to deck, shuffle the deck, then draw the same amount of cards you returned. That second mulligan will come in handy especially if you draw bad, and needed that reshuffle. Plus even if you don't use Sasaki's effect, he is still a 2k counter for defending.

OP05 Ulti is very cheap for a super rare. She's only a little bit more expensive over OP04 Kaido, but in my opinion it is in the budget price range. The effect is on play, if your Leader is multicoloured, look at top 3 cards and add 1 card to hand. Then place the rest at top or bottom in any order. The best thing about this effect is that you can literally add any cards you want as our Leader is multicolour Leader.

OP05 Garp is just a hand filter, on play draw 2 cards and place 2 cards from your hand to the bottom of your deck in any order. I guess the effect is better than trashing 2 cards from the hand. The only downside is that Garp is just a 3k beat stick so you will need 2 DONs to hit the magic number. But on the bright side we do have a 2k Counter which will be good for defending if needed.


To be honest, I've wanted to make Queen build similar to main build but it is impossible with only 2 sets involve. Although maybe a standard budget Queen is more possible to do. Anyway we have Maynard and Yama who will be your 2 drop Blockers. I think low cost Blockers will help you burn up your hand a lot quicker, allowing you to trigger Queen Leader's effect much easier. Not to mention is that these cards can take some attacks so you don't have to burn Counters from your hand. 

X Drake is a Blocker with an on play effect. Look at top 5 cards of your deck, place them on top or bottom of the deck in any order. This is a key card allowing you to know which cards you would draw into or what cards will go into your Life. Although the latter wouldn't matter much as we are barely running any Triggers in the deck to activate unlike the main build. But it is still good to know what cards you will be getting when you used Queen Leader's effect.

Animal Kingdom Pirates

OP04 Who's Who is just an Animal Kingdom Pirates searcher as most of the cards in this build are Animal Kingdom Pirates. On play look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Animal Kingdom Pirates card other than Who's Who, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Nothing special, just a search to add specific card to your hand, and that's mostly it.

OP04 Queen is another searcher, but a very specific one to boot rather than Who's Who generic searching. The effect is on play, look at top 7 cards of your deck, reveal up to 2 Plague Rounds or Ice Oni cards, add them to your hand, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The thing I like about Queen is that even if I wiff the search effect, I can still have a 5k beat stick on the field ready to attack your opponent's Leader/Characters unlike Who's Who who mainly need DONs to hit magic numbers.

Plague Rounds is one of our key cards in the deck as this is the card that will allow us to play Ice Oni for free instead of paying the full 8 DONs. The effect is you may trash 1 Ice Oni from your hand and return 1 4 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Play 1 Ice Oni from your trash. So not only we can play Ice Oni for free, (technically 2 DONs instead of 8), but we can also remove any 4 cost or less Characters from the field, mostly targeting your opponents unless they have none.

Deck List

OP05 U/Y Queen


To be honest, nothing really interesting on the Yellow side unless you already got Bege. But because I've posted this deck after Bege price spike, I didn't include him in the build. The deck focused on control, being able to remove your opponent's Characters but also have the Life gain ability to activate Queen Leader's effect. This is also why I am running plenty of 8 cost or higher in the build just to trigger the Leader's effect.

What you want to do is burn your hand, I know it feels a bit strange, but you need a total of 4 or less in hand and Life to activate Queen's Leader. You do want to take some Life down to 2, then I think that will be the safety point where if we take anymore, it could make us lose the game. At that point you want to start gaining Life, as well as being able to remove your opponent's Characters dragging the game to put you more of an advantage than disadvantage.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.