Monday, January 22, 2024

Will One Piece Ever Get Reprints Collection?

After seeing the Rarity Collection II for YGO, this gave me an idea to question One Piece Card Game. The popularity of One Piece is very high, however, if Bandai wants One Piece to be as popular in term of player base, they will need reprints. I know their sales are really good, but that also includes scalpers buying a bunch too, not just players only. I know its only been a year since One Piece got release, but starter decks are out of stocks, and the only ones available are the one sold at a high price. I don't want to compare Bandai to Konami as they both are different company with the only difference is that Konami has a separate release schedule with booster boxes than their JPN counterparts, unlike Bandai games (mainly One Piece and Digimon).

There was actually one exception. ST10 The Three Captain, 2 of the key cards OP01 Nami and Zoro got reprinted in that starter deck, this brought the price down for those cards, and for me who never got OP01, this was actually very helpful, I was able to make R/P Luffy deck using those cards. I am hoping Bandai do more of these to drag the price down of certain staple cards.

Will One Piece Ever Get Reprints?

They will have to at some point that is all I can say, otherwise you will have new players joining the game in 2 years time, can't get any of the staples, because Bandai doesn't do reprint, make them lose interests, and play another card game that can get the cards easier. I don't think I can rely on building budget decks just from straight out of the booster boxes. That is the only good thing about One Piece. Most decks can be built out of one booster box, making it easier for people to get a deck even if they didn't not get any old stuff. If we look at Digimon, they did get some reprints, but most of them are already out of the meta format, so that didn't really help. Although it did help me a little when I was building an old deck.

Look at VG for example since it is the closest game I can relate to One Piece. That game did not do any reprints for a long time until few years in G era (Unfortunately for me I've experienced that era). People getting old staples were almost impossible, they are either out of stock, or you need to pay a ridiculous pricing. Although I think G era is where most people quit the game, so did I as I've also stopped playing VG during the G era because it was just getting ridiculous. 

I should stop ranting about the old VG, but we can look at the VG now. Bushi is doing plenty of reprints, so even if new players didn't get the stuff and joined right in the middle, they will still be able to get the cards now. For me, I won't go back to playing VG even though they made it user friendly, the powercreep of the game just ruins it compare to their old VG. The old VG was more about skill so it doesn't matter if you have no power in your attacks, you can still win in that era, whereas now the game just can't win without power.

Now after two paragraph of VG, I actually don't want One Piece to follow that old VG footstep, but it will depends how generous is Bandai is considering they are a massive company who also do video games, anime and merchandise. The only reason why I've went back to YGO is the reprints, reprints can attract both new and returning players who were out for the game. Very healthy for the community, tournaments can get more people, shop will also get more sales. It is simple, but very effective. To be honest, I can never fully quit YGO unless the meta is a game breaking mechanic that tells you don't play the game. I just stopped until ban list hit them, then go back to playing the game again like nothing happened at all.

We don't want scalpers hogging all the starter decks (since they are the most important) to sell them in future for triple/quadruple the pricing of MSRP. That is never good for the community. For me player base should be the priority of any card games instead of revenue. You don't really want a come and go situation where people try the game, but leave, never generating that huge player base, simply because the products fails to players need. Its fine to have a fanbase, but there are always non fanbase who will want to try the game to find out for themselves. 

Currently I know One Piece Card Game is still new (at the time this was posted), but they should at least consider reprint set by the end of this year, or next year, if they want to attract more players to join the game. I don't know what the player base is like as I don't have a locals who play One Piece. I'm mainly on the Sim most of the time, literally the only way I can play One Piece. 

Well I hope I've wasted/enjoyed your time reading this long post as I rarely write this much, unless its deck profiles. But it is a thing I want people to consider when playing One Piece and comparing this to another card game. The more the merrier? or do the game just want to stick with fanbase? I do quite enjoy the gameplay of the game, so it will be a shame that the lack of reprints ruined the game for new players who wants to try the game.

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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.