Sunday, January 7, 2024

OP05 Purple (Monkey.D.Luffy) Deck Profile


If you want a ramp deck, this can go against Kaido ramp, but I think Kaido ramp is a bit better whilst you need to take a Life. Although both decks has similar concept, ramping up the DON to play your big characters, whilst also making use of returning DON back to the deck. So therefore you wouldn't need to worry about having too much ramp in your deck.

The Ramp

The ramp cards on top of Luffy's Leader skill, so I wouldn't worry about the amount of DON returned back to deck if I've got these ramp cards in the build. Paulie has an on play effect which is by paying 2 DON, add up to 1 DON to the field as active. Then if you got 8 or more DON in play, KO up to 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. Technically in total, you need 7 DON to play Paulie in this specific deck as this is not an Iceburg deck where you can play Paulie for free.

OP05 Miss Doublefinger, I didn't even know she is called Zala, but I will be writing Zala instead of Doublefinger because shorter name. Zala only works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON to the field rested. This ability is okay, but don't forget Zala has a Trigger effect which is returning 1 DON, you can play this card. You could actually run Hawkins instead which has a similar effect to Zala without the cost, but Hawkins only have 2k power and 1k Counter compare to Zala 4k power and 2k counter.

ST10 Jean Bart works pretty well in this build because of Luffy's Leader skill. The effect works on play, you pay 1 DON to add 1 DON to the field as active. Basically you need 5 DON altogether to use this effect, but I don't think it is hard to do in this build. After the effect, you would have a 5k beat stick which is the nice magic number against your opponent's Leader compare to Zala who needs a DON to make her 5k power.


As you can see in this build I am running plenty of different type of Blockers. All of these Blockers will have their own used to the deck. Higurashi is a 2 drop Blocker. Sometimes when I played this build, I tend to have 2 DON left unused because of the ramp, and returning of the DON. Not to mention you can use Higurashi quite early because of her low Cost instead of waiting for 3-4 DON to play your Characters.

OP05 Kid definitely plays a major role in this build as we play a lot of returning DONs back to deck. The effect works during your turn and once per turn, when a DON card on your field is returned, you can add up to 1 DON card as active. This will allows you to use more DON cards to play more Characters on top of being a 6k Blocker.

Another 6k Blocker is the staple ST04 Queen. Queen is no doubt the best purple Blocker in Purple, so he is a must run in Purple builds, unless your deck says otherwise. Queen only has one effect which is return 1 DON to draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Pretty much a hand filter to filter out the unwanted cards in your hand as this build do need specific cards to make them work.

ST05 Uta is optional, but I like running her because of her on block effect. On block, you return 1 DON to rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 5 cost or less. This will definitely slow your opponents down especially when they are going for a full front assault against your Leader/Characters. Not to mention on your next turn, you could try and get rid of those Characters to reduce your opponent's board or make your opponents use the Counters in their hand.

ST10 Law is a very situational card which is why I am running 2 different 4 drop Blockers in the build. Against some decks, Law is amazing, but against others, Law is just a 4 drop Blocker vanilla. Anyway the on play effect is you may return 1 DON, if your opponent has 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. This is why the effect is very situational, I know some decks can get 7 cards in their hand with ease, but some decks can use up their hand in one turn.

The Siblings

The sister and brother combo which helps this deck to go wide with the board. Page One is just a 6k vanilla, but we don't need to hard play him for 4 cost thanks to his sister Ulti. ST04 Ulti works on play, return 1 DON to play up to 1 Page One with cost 4 or less from your hand. Ulti is also a 2k Counter if you need to use Counter to stop attacks, but I mainly want to use Ulti to play Page One for free, so I have 2 beat sticks on the field. Of course sometimes it doesn't work as you plan to, so you may have to use 1 of these Characters to stop some attacks instead of saving them in your hand for the combo play.

The Big Costs

Two more cards from the two starter decks. ST04 Kaido only has an on play effect but I think that on play effect is what make me worth running this card in the build. The effect is return 5 DON to KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 6 cost or less. This Character gains Rush. By having a 10k Rush along with KO ability, you can easily remove 2 Characters on your opponent's field in one turn.

ST10 Kid is mainly in the build to boost our Leader's power to strengthen our defence as well as our offense. The effect works on play/when attacking, you may return 1 DON, up to 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until the start of your next turn. What I like about this effect and if possible to get 2 ST10 Kid in play, to constantly gains 2k power for your Leader, making it very easy to use Counter.

Deck List

OP05 P Luffy


The only reason why I am running more of a defensive build because of Luffy's Leader skill who you need to take a Life in order to gain an extra DON. Those extra DONs can be very helpful especially when we are running plenty of high cost Characters in the deck. You do want to ramp as much as possible in order to get Kaido and Kid in play, having both Kid in play can be very handy, as Blocker Kid helps you set a DON as active when you return some DON back to deck, allowing you to play more cards, whilst ST10 Kid powers up your Leader.

I am not running Magellan in this build. He can slow down your opponent's DON by 1, but most of the time, they can leave Magellan in play, then KO him when your opponent's are at 10 DON. This is why I've took him out of the build to fit some other cards, mainly strengthening the defence of the deck. As you have Paulie, Kaido and ST10 Kid who doesn't have Counter on them, so I didn't want anymore in case my opponents decided to spam the field of Characters.

Apoo is just for the vanilla beat stick because 6k is a nice number. X Drake is for the hand trashing, a lot easier to activate than Law on play. Plus Drake also have 2k counter, and for a 5 Cost this is not bad. You can use him as a beat stick or counter depending your hand. Franky (Fra-Nosuke) is for the Rush as well as being a 2k counter. This is just in case you need the help to push for extra damage against your opponents. I am running Colors Trap even though I have 5 Blockers in the build. Colors Trap can slow down your opponents if they are planning to go for the push just like Uta, so next turn, you could focus on attacking your opponent's Characters.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.