Friday, January 12, 2024

OP05 Green/Purple (Donquixote Doflamingo) Deck Profile


Doffy is back in action with the new support for Donquixote Pirates and not just Corazon. However for Doffy, I will be providing two deck list for the builds. One obviously using the FILM engine from OP04, but the other build will be using Donquixote Pirates support. For me, I don't think the FILM engine need to be remove entirely for OP05 support, you can keep the FILM stuff and add it OP05 stuff and the deck will still work. But some people may not like that idea which is why I have two deck builds for Doffy.

Rest Mechanic

The resting mechanic plays a huge role in this build, especially when your opponents doesn't want to attack. Sugar has two different effects, the first ability works during your opponent's turn. When your opponent plays a Character, if your Leader is Donquixote Pirates, rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters. Then, rest this Character. This will mean if your opponents decided to play a Character, they will also lose an extra attack, unless that Character has Rush. The second effect is an on play effect where you can rest up to 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. This is a very simple effect, but will be very effective later on the game.

Machivise is similar to Sugar's on play effect. If your Leader is Donquixote Pirates, rest up to 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Then set 1 DON as active during the end phase. We can possible have 3 DONs as active thanks to Doffy's Leader effect, and if you leave 1 DON as active, you would have 4 DONs to work with during your opponent's turn. But what I also want is the resting effect from Machvise, as 5 cost or less is a lot better than 4 cost or less since some decks run 5 cost Characters, and I want to rest them.

Punk Gibson is a nice counter card that works amazingly well with Doffy thanks to Doffy setting 2 DONs to active during your end phase, allowing us to use 2 drop Counter cards for the deck. The Counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gains 4k power during this battle, then rest up to 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. The resting also helps to reduce the amount of attacks your opponents can do. The trigger effect is also amazing as it will let up rest any Characters, no cost restriction, allowing you to slow your opponents down if you need to use the Trigger effect.

The Freeze/Lock

The two main cards that freezes your opponent's Characters. One being OP04 Doffy who only have an on play effect. On play, choose up to 3 of your opponent's rested Leader and Characters, they cannot become active in your opponent's next Refresh Phase. Freezing them or locking them, depends on which way you want to say this. Doffy is definitely strong especially being able to stop Leader attacks as well. I know some Leaders have when attacking effects, so this will hurt those Leaders the most.

I've mostly centred the build around using Birdcage. Birdcage only works if you have Doffy as a Leader and no one else. This make sense since Birdcage is one of Doffy cruel moves. The effect is, if your Leader is Doffy, all Characters with 5 cost or less does not become active during both players Refresh Phases. Basically if your opponent attacks, they will know that Character won't be active, and you will not need to attack your opponent's Characters with Birdcage around. The second effect is, if you have 10 DONs on your field, KO all rested 5 cost or less Characters, then trash this Stage. Most likely, your opponents will not attack with 5 cost or less Characters when Birdcage is in play, unless those Characters have rush. They would use their 6 cost or more Characters to attack so they can wait until 10 DONs until this Stage is gone.

Returning DONs

Birdcage will automatically triggered if you have 10 DONs, and it will be a no brainer for your opponents if they wait until you have 10 DONs for Birdcage to be gone. However thanks to Doffy being a Purple coloured as well as Green, we can make use of Purple returning back to DONs. Making Birdcage to stay on the field for much longer, and torturing your opponents even more. ST04 Queen is a Blocker with an effect that let us filter our hands. The effect works on play, by returning 1 DON, you can draw 2 and trash 1 cards from your hand. This is a very simple effect but definitely effective to get the extra card draws.

ST05 Uta is also a Blocker, but with an On Block effect. By returning 1 DON, you can rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. She is definitely strong combining with Birdcage effect, so your opponents won't be having 5 cost or less Characters staying as active. That's only if your opponents decided to attack you. But you do want to use the On Block as returning DONs back to deck mean Birdcage can be active on the field.

Tesoro is a stronger draw power of Queen but his effect only works when attacking. By returning 2 DONs, you can draw 2 cards. The only downside is that Tesoro will be affected by Birdcage since he is a 5 cost Character, but you will have cards like Spiderweb to set Tesoro as active. So I wouldn't worry too much about the Birdcage restrictions.

ST10 Kid is mainly in the deck for returning DONs, but also powering up your Leader. But Kid can constantly return DONs back to deck so you wouldn't need to worry about Birdcage KO effects. Anyway Kid's effect works on play/when attacking, making him a very strong card. By returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until start of your turn. A 6k Leader is a lot easier to defend with than 5k Leader, but if you managed to get a 2nd Kid in play, you could constantly power your Leader by 2k, whilst keeping Birdcage freeze effect.

Setting Cards to Active

One of the build will have plenty of ways to set your Characters to active so you wouldn't need to worry about Birdcage restrictions. OP04 Baby 5 is an exception, instead of setting your Characters to active, she only set your DONs to active. However, you might need to use Baby 5's effect if you are planning to use 2 of the 2 drop Counters, as they will cost you 4 DONs altogether. Making Baby 5 in that situation very helpful.

Diamante is a Blocker, but with a nice effect on top. You have to put a DON on him to work though. At the end of your turn, if you have 2 or more active DONs, set this Character to active. This works especially well in Doffy build as Doffy sets your 2 DONs to active at the end of your turn, triggering Diamante effect. But on top of the effect, it will mean we will have a 7k attacker thanks to Diamante being able to set to active at the end of turn, as well as getting around the Birdcage restrictions, since he is a 5 cost Character.

Pica also have an end of turn effect similar to Diamantes. At the end of your turn, by paying 1 DON, you can set this Character to active. Thanks to this effect, we can get around the Birdcage restrictions. The second effect is a once per turn effect, if this Character would be KO'd, you may rest 1 of your 3 cost or more Characters instead other than Pica. With Birdcage in play, you don't want to rest your low cost Characters unless you have ways to set them back to active again.

Spiderweb is a Counter card that would work amazing with Birdcage. The effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gains 4k power during this battle, then set up to 1 of your Character as active. Thanks to this effect you wouldn't need to worry about your low cost Characters being restricted by Birdcage, and might be able to provide an extra attack on your next turn. The trigger effect is only a power bonus effect, 1 of your Leader gains 2k power during this turn. I think this is mainly a last resort effect when your opponents trying to go all out on attacks on your Leader, otherwise I would mainly add Spiderweb into my hand for the Counter effect.

Donquixote Pirates

The rest of the Donquixote Pirates support. OP05 Baby 5 is our main searcher in order to search out the main cards, especially Birdcage. The effect is simple, you pay 1 DON and rest this Character to look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Donquixote Pirates card, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. What's great about this searcher is that we can search for any Donquixote Pirates including Baby 5 herself, which most searchers would have this restrictions. Then again, you do need to rest Baby 5 so she will be the target of attacks.

OP05 Corazon is a Blocker. As you can see in these builds, we have a few Blockers in the deck, as we also want to stall for time to get our 10 drop Doffy or Kid in play to start making the deck effective. On top of the Blocker skill, we have an effect that works during your opponent's turn. If your rested Character would be KO'd, you may trash this Character instead. Just like the One Piece series, Corazon sacrifice his life in order to protect another life. I like how the game just makes something similar to the series.


The FILM stuff. It is a good job that Doffy is a Green/Purple Leader allowing us to mix up the FILM from Green and Purple. I do like the FILM stuff as you could gain a lot of cards in your hand from the searchers. OP02 Nami has an effect that works on play/when attacking just like ST10 Kid. You pay 1 DON to look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card other than Nami, add it to your hand, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. I guess the only downside is that if Birdcage is in play, we wouldn't be able to use Nami more constantly.

OP02 Luffy is a 7 drop Blocker, but the on play effect. The on play effect lets you play 1 4 or less Character cost with FILM or Straw Hat Crew in their type from your hand. We actually don't have many choices to choose from with Luffy effect. You've only got Nami or Festa unless you add more 4 cost or less FILM Characters in the build.

Festa is our FILM searcher for the FILM version build. The effect works on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 FILM card other than Festa, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck. Just a plain simple searcher with 2k Counter, so if you need to use any Counters, you can always use Festa for that.

Deck List


Doffy FILM

OP05 G/P Doffy

OP05 G/P Doffy FILM


Characters x40

Events x7

Stages x3

Stages x3


Both builds are very different, although we are using the same Events and Stages for the build. What you do want is to get your Birdcage in your hand as soon as possible using OP05 Baby 5 search effect. For the Doffy build, you can actually play Birdcage as soon as possible because of the amount of resting you can do. Whilst the FILM deck, the ideal situation is when you can get at least 3 rested Characters on your opponent's field to play Birdcage, so we can lock your opponents from attacking.

Once Birdcage is played, you will then want to focus on returning DONs back to the deck so you don't actually trigger Birdcage KO effects. Forcing your opponents not to wait for Birdcage countdown. This is why, Queen, Uta, Kid and Tesoro will be able to drag as long as possible. You also got 10 drop Doffy to freeze your opponent's Leader/Characters, but only useful if you don't have Birdcage in play, unless your opponents have 6 cost or higher rested, and you want them to freeze for a turn, dragging the game longer, and you won't be losing Life easily.

But I do think the Doffy build is much easier to use than FILM build as you would have plenty of cards being able to set to active like Diamantes, Pica and Spiderweb who can bypass Birdcage freeze restrictions. This is where you will be able to attack your opponents more comfortably with those Characters, whilst your opponents will need to play 6 cost or higher to bypass Birdcage restrictions. But you also have the rest cards, resting your opponents beat sticks, so they will not be able to attack your Leader with ease.


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