Tuesday, January 9, 2024

OP05 Red/Yellow (Belo Betty) Deck Profile


I've already posted a budget version of Belo Betty (Belo Budget) which is made from using only OP05 set. Now I've decided to make a normal build for this deck. There are plenty of ways to build this, but I will provide two decks for this post. Once a defensive build where we can focus on defensive strategy as well as offense, whilst the other will focus all on attacking, chipping away your opponent's Life as much as possible, but also being able to rebuild the board. When OP06 is released, I think there will only be one build, because of the new cards for the deck.

7k Power Requirements

Currently in this build, there are 5 cards when you need to reach 7k power in order to trigger their effects. All of these Characters can be powered up by using DONs instead of Belo Betty Leader's skill. But I would only use DONs on Ivankov since he only has a main effect whilst the other works when attacking. Inazuma needs another Character to reach 7k power or more in order to trigger Rush. He is definitely a good sneak attack if we want to go aggressive with the deck.

OP05 Ivankov only has one effect that can be activated during the main phase. Once per turn, if this Character has 7k power or more, play up to 1 Revolutionary Army Character with 5k power or less from your hand other than Ivankov. Best thing about Ivankov is that you can give him DON when you play the Character to activate his effect instead of wasting Belo Betty power up on Ivankov.

Karasu have two abilities, the first ability works on play, if your Leader is Revolutionary Army, 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters loses 1k power during this turn. This effect will depends on what cards you have on the field, are you able to go aggressive? or are you able to remove their Characters? Don't forget Karasu has a summoning sickness, so we won't be able to attack with him. The second effect works when attacking, if this Character has 7k power or more, 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters loses 1k power during this turn. This is pretty much same as the on play effect, allowing you to reduce your opponent's Leader/Character so you can go in for the kill.

OP05 Morley only has an effect which works when attacking, if this Character has 7k power or more, your opponents can't activate Blocker during the battle. Morley is only good if your opponents have a full field of Blockers to help stop the attacks, or you can force your opponents to use Blockers before Morley attacks. But what we want is to try and trigger Morley's Trigger effect which is you may trash 1 card, if your Leader is multicoloured, play this card.

Lindbergh is a card I would want to have in play as he is able to KO some Characters which is what we want. The effect is, when attacking, if this Character has 7k power or more, KO up to 1 of your opponent's 3k or less Characters. Currently, the only reduction we have in the deck is Koala and Karasu who are able to reduce your opponent's Character power. Although you can run OP05 Fire Fist is you want to trigger Lindbergh more often. The Trigger effect is exactly the same as Morley. You may trash 1 card, if your Leader is multicoloured, play this card.

Revolutionary Army

The rest of of the Revolutionary Army Characters for OP05 set that I am running. Koala is a 2k Counter with an on play effect. If your Leader is Revolutionary Army, 1 of your opponent's Characters loses 3k power for this turn. The effect is simple, but if you want to get rid of high power Characters, she is very effective along with the power boost from Belo Betty's Leader skill.

OP05 Kuma only has an on play effect which is KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with 2k or less power. You can actually KO some 5k power Characters if you combined Koala and Kuma together, and in total, you only need to use 4 DON. Don't forget, once you have Ivankov in play, you won't need to use as much DON to play Characters. We do have a Trigger effect which is if your Leader is multicoloured, play this card. The only difference between Morley and Lindbergh is that we don't need to trash a card from our hand.

Now finally we move onto one of our key card Belo Betty. You really want to search her on your turn one so you can pull off the search effect, mainly to get Ivankov in hand to start pulling off spamming Characters. Belo Betty effect is on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Revolutionary Army card other than Belo Betty, add them to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.


The Triggers are luck based in this deck, you could run like 35 Triggers in the build, but you won't always hit them, that is how the game work. Although not in Yellow builds who can make use of Trigger cards. Cracker is for the aggression in the build. You give him 1 DON, if you have less Life than your opponent, this Character gains Double Attack and 1k power. In total you would have a nice 7k beat stick, not including Belo Betty Leader power up. The only downside is that you need to have low Life in order to activate Cracker's effect which might be difficult for an aggressive build like Belo Betty. The Trigger effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card.

Moscato is basically in the deck for Banish effect, for anyone who doesn't know what Banish do, you pretty much trash your opponent's Life without triggering effects, and they don't get a card in their hand. The effect do need you to give 1 DON to Moscato in order to gain Banish just like Cracker, making him a 5k beat stick, but will be more if combined with Belo Betty, putting pressure on your opponents. The trigger effect is just the same as Cracker which is trash 1 card from your hand to play this card.

Satori is just a vanilla Trigger but with 2k Counter, which will need in the build after all the trashing from card effects. The trigger effect is just the same as Cracker and Moscato which is trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. But you will have a 5k beat stick if you managed to hit the Trigger effect, or you could keep a 2k Counter in your hand for defence.

The Defence

More Trigger cards for the deck, but we will be going for the defensive side of things. We would definitely lose a bit of hand size from all the trashing involve, which is why I am running Blockers so we will be able to defend our opponent's attacks. We are also running a Counter card since we won't be using as much DON, unless we are going for the final push to win. OP04 Sanji is a Blocker with Trigger effect the same as the Yellow Characters that I've mentioned that had Trigger effect. Trash 1 card from your hand to play this card.

Brulee and Promo Koby are the same card except one has Counters, the other doesn't. The good thing about them is that the Trigger effects let you play these Characters for free. You do not need to discard a card to active the Trigger effect which is what I like especially in an heavy aggro deck like Belo Betty.

Emporio Energy Hormone a move, but a nice Event card to have. Not only it is Revolutionary Army, but this card is a Counter card we can used against your opponent's attacks. The Counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Character gains 3k power during this battle, then play up to 1 Revolutionary Army Character with 5k power or less from your hand. We do want to play more Characters especially when your opponents decided to wipe your Characters to reduce the amount of power up your can do. The Trigger effect is play up to 1 Revolutionary Army Character with 5k power or less from your hand.

Deck List

Belo Betty Aggro

Belo Betty Blockers

OP05 Belo Betty Aggro

OP05 Belo Betty Blockers


Characters x47

Events x3


Both decks is technically the same, but with two cards changed. The one difference will be one is more aggressive build whilst the other focus more on the defensive side. It might feel weird using plenty of Blockers in Belo Betty build, but if your opponents can play the card rights, you pretty much lose your hand a lot quicker, so Blockers will be nice to block for your Characters that you want to keep in play, so you don't have to constantly use Counters to stop your opponent's attacks.

The Aggro deck will focus more on the attacking side of the thing which suits Belo Betty style more when we go in full attacks. But if your opponents play their cards right, we could lose out on the Characters as well as our hand. I guess it is all about the timing of which Characters you want to keep, but also which one to sacrifice for an attack. You do not want to attack with all your Characters if your opponents is at 3 or more Life. You want to go in for the more when your opponents is at 2-1 Life, but also it will depends on how many cards they have in hand, and what Characters they have in play before you go all out.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.