Tuesday, January 2, 2024

OP05 Red/Purple (Monkey.D.Luffy) Deck Profile


I quite like this deck with both Ramp and Rush involve, literally two of my favourite mechanic we can use for this deck. Not to mention we also have cards that can power up our Leader so we can stall for time. It does make sense as we only have 3 Life with this build and 3 Life is not a lot if we don't have the cards to stall until we get our big boys in play. Although, I know playing against the next set who has OP06 Yamato Leader will struggle quite a lot, as that Yamato deck is very aggressive even if we do have 6k power as our Leader.

The Big Boys

The main aim of the deck is definitely stall enough time to get our big boys into action. ST10 Kid is definitely handy as the effect works on play as well as when attacking. You return 1 DON and up to 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until start of your next turn. This will allow us to make Luffy constantly 7k base power as long as Kid is on the field and doesn't get targeted by effects or get attacked. But I doubt people will be generous enough to leave Kid in play to let you power up Luffy.

Whitebeard is back at 4 thanks to the December ban list, and I do regret not buying a playset of Whitebeard when it was cheap. As soon as the restriction lifted, the card just went up dramatically. Whitebeard aka Edward Newgate is one of our main card. The first effect works on play, up to 1 of your Leader gains 2k power until start of your next turn. Then, you cannot add Life cards to your hand using your own effect. This last effect doesn't matter as we are not using Whitebeard Leader, but that 2k power up is a nice thing to have, not as consistence as Kid since it is an On Play effect. However, if you can get both Kid and Whitebeard in play, they will make Luffy 9k power base, giving you a lot of defense. The second effect works when attacking, KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 3k or less power. Again, this effect doesn't really matter as we don't have cards that can reduce Character's power.

Nika Luffy is mainly used as a finisher, so the timing to use this card is very important, or you lose out on your next turn. The first effect works on play, by returning 10 DON, place all of your Characters at the bottom of your deck to take an extra turn. Extra turn can come in really handy especially when you know you can win with that extra turn. The second effect is literally, by paying 1 DON, you can add 1 DON from your DON deck and set it to active. This is after you used Nika Luffy's On Play effect along with your Leader skill.

The Ramp

We do want to ramp until we have 8 DON in our DON zone, once you got 8, these cards actually becomes pretty useless, but for our early turns, we need these cards so we can get the big gun going. OP01 Basil Hawkins only has an on play effect which lets you add 1 DON from your DON deck and rest it. More importantly, he has a Trigger effect which is Play this card. This is the only reason why I am running Hawkins in the deck.

Zoro-Juurou aka Zoro in Wano, but doesn't have Wano as the type is our main ramp card. The effect works when attacking, if you have 3 or less Life cards, add up to 1 DON from your DON deck as active. 3 Life is pretty easy to do thanks to our Luffy Leader only giving us 3 Life from the start, so we don't need to take any Life away to trigger Zoro's effect. The only downside to this card is 4k, but you do not need to attack Leaders to trigger this effect, so you can attack lower power Characters to start the ramp.

To be honest, I am not a big fan of ST10 Jean Bart effect. The effect works on play, you may pay 1 DON to add 1 DON from your DON deck as active. Technically, you will need 5 DON altogether to play Jean Bart and to use his effect in the same turn. 5 DON can be a lot considering there's other better cards to play, but I am running him just for the extra ramp, in case we don't have our main ramp engine.

OP01 Thunder Bague is another ramp card, but it is much easier to trigger the effect thanks to Luffy being at 3 Life from the start. It is a Counter card and the effect works, up to 1 of your Leader or Character gains 4k power during this battle, then if you have 2 or less Life, add up to 1 DON from your DON deck and rest it. You do need 2 active DON to use this Counter, so you will need to think about the best timing to use the effect. The Trigger effect is just add up to 1 DON card from your DON deck as active, giving you another DON to work with during your opponent's turn.


I know one card is not a Blocker, but it is related to Blockers. Queen and Law are very handy for the deck as we need to slow our opponents down whilst ramping up the DON. Queen also has an additional effect which works on play, return 1 DON to draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Basically this is just a hand filter to filter out the cards that are dead in your hand. It is very handy when you can't use some cards as you don't have enough DON.

Law also has an on play effect, but not as good as Queen. The effect is by returning 1 DON, if your opponent has 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. This effect is only useful if your opponents play decks with decent hand size, if they don't, then Law is just a plain vanilla 4 cost Blocker.

Diable Jambe is a card that stops your opponents from using Blockers. Now currently, most decks will run Blockers in their deck, there are only very few decks that don't run Blockers. The effect is one of your Straw Hat Leader or Character will prevent Blockers from activating when they attack. You can use this on Nika Luffy when you do your extra turn, if your opponents still have Blockers in play, but 0 Life. This would mostly guarantee the finish. The trigger effect lets you KO 1 of your opponents Blocker with Character cost 3 or less. Most main Blockers are cost 4 or more, but there are a few decks that run 3 cost or less Blockers in their deck.


Now we got the aggressive side of the deck with the Rush keyword. OP01 Zoro just have Rush but no counters. Although being a 5k beat stick, he can attack most Leaders unless Bandai makes more 6k Leader. So you can attack with your Luffy Leader first to check if your opponents got any Triggers, then pay 3 DON to play Zoro and attack, allowing you to do 2 attacks in one turn, and this will either makes your opponent loses 1 extra Life or 1 counter card from their hand.

ST01 Luffy is mainly an anti Blocker card, so it doesn't matter if your opponents have a full field of Blockers, they will be useless against Luffy. Luffy has Rush, but also by giving 2 DON cards to this Character, when attacking, your opponents can't activate Blockers during this battle. So basically he will be a 8k beat stick with unblockable, making your opponents to use Counter cards instead to protect their Leaders or Characters.

Fra-Nosuke aka Franky from Wano just like OP05 Zoro, but doesn't have Wano in their type. Franky technically cost 6 DON altogether because you need to use a DON to use his effect. If you have 8 or more DON on your field, by giving this Character, 1 DON, he gains Rush. But on the upside, we do have a 2k Counter when we need to use Counter cards.

Deck List

OP05 R/P Luffy


The key point about this deck is that you want to get down to 2 Life so you can trigger Radical Beam and Thunder Bague's effect. But once you down to 2 Life, you don't want to take anymore, unless you have to. You want to start ramping with this deck using Zoro-juurou, Basil Hawkins and Jean Bart to get to at least 8 DON, which is the main goal of this build. We also have the two Blockers to stall for time, or take the hits from the big boys, but Queen can also help filter your hand which will be really useful especially when you got 8 DON, those 3 ramp Characters will be useless, and can be used for Counter, or to get something better.

Once you get to 8 DON, then this is where the funs begin, you will play Kid and Whitebeard (Newgate) to power up your Leader, so you will constantly have a high Leader power, making your opponents to use up more DON so they can hit the magic number, otherwise they won't be able to hit your Leader for a while. 

I know playing Nika Luffy is tempting, but I wouldn't play Nika Luffy unless you know you can win in that extra turn. I've been playing this build for a while, and I rather play something else like Rush Zoro, Luffy and Fra-nosuke to chip away their Characters or their Life. Then if I know I can win using Nika Luffy extra turn, that's the time I would play Nika Luffy, otherwise it will be a waste of DON when you know you can do something much more creative with the Characters you've got.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.