Thursday, February 1, 2024

OP05 Red/Black (Sabo) Deck Profile

I think Sabo have a nice effect for a Leader, on top of that he is also Revolutionary Army which means we will be able to utilise the Revolutionary Army cards in OP05. However, most of the cards we need to use for Sabo are mainly Straw Hat, so this build will have a mix of engine in the deck. I think if you can get the deck right, Sabo can be a real contender. Unfortunately I won't be using any of the Cost Reducers because it doesn't work with the Red stuff.

Using Rest DONs

The two cards where we can utilise the rested DONs so we can power up Sabo Leader's effect. You can also add Chaka in this if you want more rested DONs being used, but Chaka will be harder to search out unlike these two cards since we got Straw Hats searcher in the deck. ST01 Nami effect is activated during the main phase which is what I want. Once per turn, give 1 of your rested DON to your Leader/Characters. Well you want to give that rested DON to Sabo and Sabo only needs 1 DON to trigger the Leader effect.

ST01 Brook is a bit different than Nami as his effect only works on play. You give to 2 rested DONs to your Leader/Characters. If you see him early, I won't really use his effect until I have a 5k beat stick in play for Sabo to target. On the upside, he does have a 2k counter which is great for defending.

Reducing Power

Well the new Revolutionary stuff all focus on reducing power, and I think its good thing as we can reduce your opponent's Leader/Characters so we can force them to use more Counters from their hand to protect their Characters. Koala effect is on play, if your Leader is Revolutionary Army, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character power by 3k during this turn. We can use this effect thanks to Sabo being Revolutionary Army. On top of that we also have another 2k Counter card for defending.

What I also like is definitely making the full use of Karasu's effect. Karasu comes with 2 effects, the first effect is on play, if your Leader is Revolutionary Army, reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters by 1k during this turn. This does helps a little but not like his second effect. When attacking, if this Character has 7k power or more, reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters by 1k during this turn. He's very effective especially when you can get 2 Karasu in play, reducing your opponent's Leader by 2k, whilst having Sabo protecting 1 of them from being KO by 1 attack. Of course they need to attack twice to remove Karasu, but that's only if they don't have removal effects.

OP05 Fire Fist is very simple, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 4k during this turn. Then if you have 2 or less Life, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 power or less Characters. You will be relying on Karasu and Koala to reduce your opponent's Characters down to 4k, then play Fire Fist to KO those Characters. Getting 2 Life shouldn't be hard as we start with 4 Life unless your opponents refuses to attack with their Characters.

Straw Hats

Here are the rest of the Straw Hats. OP01 Nami is pretty obvious as she is a searcher for Straw Hat Crew. On play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Straw Hat Crew other than Nami, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. We won't be able to search for ST01 Nami but we can search for Brook to make use of Sabo effect.

OP01 Zoro is just Rush, but he is a 5k beat stick which means Sabo will be able to protect him for 1 attack unless your opponent plays removal cards. Although Zoro doesn't have any counter so it will be hard if you need cards to defend just like OP01 Luffy. OP01 Luffy is another Rush card, but with an additional effect. By giving this Character 2 DONs, you will be able to make this Character unblockable during this battle. We have ST01 Nami and Brook who can give rested DONs to Luffy so you won't need to worry about needing untap DONs.

Jet Pistol is a removal card, KO 1 of your opponent's 6k or less Characters. This is very simple to activate since we are running the Revolutionary Army cards who can reduce your opponent's Characters. But it does cost 4 DONs to use, and most of your reducing power stuff are one time only. The Trigger effect is the same as the main, but very effective if you managed to hit this card in the Life area, as we will be able to slow down your opponent's attacks.

Revolutionary Army

Unlike the Straw Hat support in this build, we are not running a lot of Revolutionary Army cards, simply because not enough useful one for Sabo. They are more suited to Belo Betty deck compare to Sabo. OP04 Sabo is a Blocker with an on play effect that protect all of your Characters from getting KO'd by effect until start of your next turn. Then, you get to draw 2 and trash 2 cards from your hand. The protecting effect is very handy, as you could play Sabo first before you attack with any of your Characters to protect against Triggers. But if you are playing against Blue or Green decks, this effect is not as good.

Belo Betty is just a searcher just like OP01 Nami. On play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Revolutionary Army card other than Belo Betty, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Unlike Nami, you will have more chances to miss with Betty's effect as we are running a low number of Revolutionary Army compare to Straw Hats. Hopefully Bandai will release more Revolutionary Army stuff suited for Sabo rather than just the upcoming Dragon or Betty Leader deck.


Now for the defensive side of the deck. Most of the defensive cards are Black and mostly being 5k power or more which can be protected by Sabo. OP02 Hina is a Blocker with an on block effect that allows you to choose 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Character, and that Character cannot attack this turn. Stopping that extra attack your opponent will be doing, and since Hina activate during on block, we can use Sabo Leader to protect her from being KO that battle, and ready to use her effect next turn.

Kizaru the main 4 drop Blocker for black. The effect only works during your opponent's turn, this Character gains 1k power and cannot be KO'd by effects. Just like OP04 Sabo, there are ways to remove Kizaru with ease like Blue bouncing Kizaru, or Green resting Kizaru so you can't use Blocker ability, then attack him. But if Kizaru would be KO by attacking, you can use Sabo to protect him, but personally I would use Sabo's effect on Hina over Kizaru.

Radical Beam is the same as OP06 Fire Fist where if you have 2 Life, you will be able to make the full use of the effect. It is a Counter card where 1 of your Leader/Character gains 2k power during this battle, then if you have 2 or less Life gain another 2k power. Making the total power of 4k in total for 1 DON which is not bad at all. The Trigger effect is just 1 of your Leader/Character gains 1k during this turn. It is during this turn and not battle, so 6k Leader might be easier for you to defend with counter cards, or you might want Radical Beam in hand instead.

Deck List

OP05 R/B Sabo


I've kept the build quite simple. All you will be doing is mainly reducing your opponent's power, as well as protecting your own Characters using Sabo Leader's effect. This is why ST01 Nami and Brook will play a major role in the deck, as you could use them to add rested DONs to your Leader instead of needing untap DONs.

You also have the Rush Characters like Zoro and Luffy. This deck doesn't have any big drop Characters, so you will be mostly relying on Luffy and Karasu to finish the game. Triggering Karasu's effect is very easy as you only need to give him 2 DONs to start reducing your opponent's Leader power, and if you got 2 Karasu in play, you will be able to go for the final push. Not to mention Sabo will be able to protect these Characters, well only 1 of them from being KO'd this battle.


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