Saturday, January 20, 2024

OP05 Purple (Iceburg) Deck Profile

I think the upgrades for Iceburg will be pretty obvious thanks to OP05 Kid making this deck pretty good, well I know we can spam big Characters pretty easily, having deadly attacks, but we also got the defence to stop our opponent's attacks. I know we will get more support from EB01 set, but that is still a long while away which is why I'll be posting the deck build first, then when EB01 arrives, I will post the update version of this build.

The Ramps

The way Iceburg is played, he is very similar to Purple Kaido deck where we will need to focus on the ramps in order to make the full use of returning DONs back to deck and play them again. Paulie's on play effect is by paying 2 DONs, add 1 DON as active, then if you have 8 or more DONs on your field, KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less. Paying the 2 DONs is very easy in this build as we can play Paulie for free using Iceburg's Leader effect, so we do not have to wait until 7 DONs to play Paulie. But if you want the KO effect, then you will need to wait until you have 7 DONs.

Ms. All Sunday aka Robin is just a ramp card. There are other ramps we can use, but I want to have the draw power she comes with. The on play effect is add 1 DON as rest, then if you have 6 or more DONs on your field, draw 1 card. This is not difficult to do with the amount of ramps to trigger the draw power. For the Trigger effect, you return 2 DONs to play this card. I don't know about the returning DONs, but at least we will have a 5k beat stick on the field.

Personally, I think Jet Gatling is enough in this build especially with the amount of high cost Characters, and returning DONs back to deck, so I don't think we need any more Counter cards that have a cost to pay. The Counter effect is, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. Then we move onto the Trigger effect which let us add 1 DON as active. This really depends how desperate you need the DONs, if you are not desperate, then you can add Jet Gatling to hand, but if you are, then you can trigger the Trigger effect.

Galley-La Company is pretty much Onigashima but Iceburg version. The stage only works if you have Iceburg as a Leader, and resting this card. You can add 1 DON as rest. So you want to see Galley-La in your opening hand, so we can get the ramps going, the more you ramps, the more Characters you can play, especially when we are focusing more on the high cost Characters in this build.

Water 7

The Water 7 Characters, well a few of them are CP Characters, which is why they also got CP version in the same OP03 set. Kaku's effect works when attacking, you return 1 DON to have this Character gains Banish. Now for those people who doesn't know what Banish do, Banish is an effect which trashes your opponent's Life, so they won't be able to gain Trigger effects. This is very strong against Yellow decks, which is why I mainly put a few DONs on Kaku to either force my opponents to use more Counters from their hand, or they will lose that Life card. This is why I like using Kaku, plus he's a Galley-La which means we can play him for free using Iceburg's Leader effect.

Kalifa only has a 4k power, but in return, we got a 2k counter to use when we go for the defending. We can also play her for free thanks to Iceburg's Leader effect. The effect works when attacking, you return 1 DON to draw 2 cards and trash 1 from your hand. This is pretty much Queen, but an attacking version of Queen instead of on play effect, which might comes in handy. Although if you want to hit magic number you will need to give Kalifa some DONs to do that.

Kokoro is just a searcher for Water 7. The effect is on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck to reveal 1 Water 7 card add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. I can't really expand on this because she's just a key searcher, but I guess she can search out Galley-La if you don't have the stage card in your hand to pull off the ramp.

Rob Lucci mainly has a Green style effect but I know Purple have some resting effects too. The effect works when attacking, you return 1 DON to rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Basically he can stop one of your opponent's Blockers, unless their Blockers cost 6 or more, but most of the time, opponents will be running 5 cost or less Blockers in their deck. Not to mention we can also play Lucci for free using Iceburg's Leader effect because Lucci is a Galley-La Character.


Well no surprised at all where we are keeping these 3 Blockers as they are very good in the deck, well not Law, his effect is 50/50. OP05 Kid is a card we must have for this deck because of the effect. The effect works once per turn, when a DON card is returned, you may gain 1 DON as active. That extra active DON might makes a difference when you play another Character, and it is not difficult to trigger Kid effect thanks to the number of returning to DONs Characters.

ST04 Queen is a staple, no comment. Well the on play effect is another hand filter like Kalifa but Kalifa is more constant as long as she stays on field whilst Queen is more one off effect. The effect is return 1 DON to draw 2 and trash 1 card from your hand. You can easily filter out the cards you don't need to draw the cards you do need which is what I like about this deck.

Like I mention why ST10 Law effect is 50/50. It will depends on what type of decks you are playing, sometimes, you will just have a plain vanilla 4 drop Blocker, but sometimes you might need to use Law's on play effect. Anyway the effect is you return 1 DON, if your opponents have 7 or more cards in hand, they will need to trash 2. The reason why I said this is 50/50 is that some decks uses their hand very early, so they would never reach 7 cards in their hand. If they did it would be at the beginning of their turn, so that would be the only time to use Law's effect.

Animal Kingdom Pirates

For more aggressive plays I decided to run these ST04 Characters. I know we can get plenty of Characters to the field thanks to Iceburg's Leader effect, but I want more. ST04 Kaido's on play effect is by returning 5 DONs, you can KO one of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. This Character gains Rush. I think the Rush will play an important role because of how wide you can go with Iceburg deck, doing plenty of attacks, as well as reducing your opponent's Characters.

We will move on to the siblings Ulti and Page One. The only reason why these two in the deck is to combo with each other. I don't think it is difficult to search them out thanks to Kalifa and Queen's effect who can draw into the combo. Anyway Ulti's on play effect is by returning 1 DON, you can play 1 4 cost or less Page One card from your hand. The Page One we got is a 6k beat stick but vanilla effect. I think this will make your opponents need more Counters especially on top of the 5 drop Galley-La Characters who are already 6k beat stick. It will be a pretty deadlier field when you have all these together.

Deck List

OP05 P Iceburg


I've kept this build very simple and Water 7 related so we can easily accessed the cards. The key thing about this deck will be the ramp, the more you ramp, the more DONs you can return. We can never stay at 10 DONs for long. The main card you want to see in your hand is Galley-La Company so you can start the ramp just like Kaido build. Don't worry if you can't, there's always Kokoro who will let you search for Galley-La. If you still didn't hit, then you will need to rely on Kalifa and Queen to filter out your hand and draw those cards.

The deck also have the possibility to play 3 Characters in one turn, but only if you have 4 DONs. You play Ulti, use Ulti effect to play Page One, then you use Iceburg's effect to play a Galley-La Character in your hand. It doesn't matter how much your opponents can wipe your board, we can always refill it with some of these Characters. Of course, you will need to ramp up the DONs, so we don't lose out when we return DONs back to deck. Then on your next turn, we will be able to do 3 attacks in one go, which for me I think this is pretty good combo for only using 4 DONs to do this. Of course getting Ulti and Page One doesn't always happens without the draw power involve which this deck also provides.

Iceburg as a Leader cannot attack, but this deck will have all the advantages to cover that weakness, so in the end, having Iceburg can't attack is a good thing. Imagine if he is able to attack, and you can also pull out all the big drop Characters with ease. I don't think your opponents will be happy about that.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.