What is it About?
Let just says, this is a blog focus on mainly One Piece TCG contents, however, because the name is not related to One Piece at all. There will be other TCG contents for this blog, but that is only if I got other authors to help me with One Piece stuff, or I've finished posting the One Piece decks so I could focus on other stuff.
Budget Decks
For budget decks, I will post the budget decks that uses two sets, because that's where most budget decks are playable. I wouldn't mixed the deck with OP01 or OP02 cards with OP04, because I know for new players, finding those cards will be troubling, and sometimes the price market might shot up because of buyout and future meta decks. So cards would be cheap then, might be expensive now, which is why I don't want the budget decks to use old cards. Although if Bandai does reprints, then I would post more budget decks.
But for now I will post budget decks that are within 2 sets, e.g. OP04 and OP05 combined. There will be also Budget decks from out of the box like Belo Betty from OP05 as an example. You can easily just build that deck using OP05 cards only. Enel for example, I would need OP06 cards to make him actually playable as a budget deck since we would get more Sky Island support for that deck.
For starter decks, if you can get your hand on them, I would mainly post starter decks as 2 starter decks slapped together, unless that starter deck will get support from the new set. However, we got decks like Three Captains where buying 2 of them might be quite pricey unless the singles for that deck cost more than buying 2 itself to get a playset of each cards. I mean you could always sell the extra cards, might not worth much, but always worth a try.
However, if I have more requests to build standard budget deck, I will post them, since they are easier to post than 2 sets budget deck. It will be up to you to be able to find those old cards for the deck. But that is only if I have enough Authors for this Blog to do 2 different type of budget decks for this blog which will be a lot of work.
The Blog
I know the navigation bar is not very good, but I will try and improve the keywords as the nav bar is mainly just labels that I used, especially I wanted to try splitting videos and One Piece Youtube channel if I'm planning to make Youtube videos for this blog, so we don't have two stuff mixed together to find the contents easier. But this will be my future plans, as I'm trying to get things sorted first as my main priority.
My Plans
I have already posted my plans for this blog on another post, but I will post this on here as well. My plan will be in 3 stages.
- Firstly get this blog up and running, hoping to find a group of players.
- Secondly start a team of authors for this blog, so it will be a group efforts, it will be much appreciated if people could help in on the deck profiles. I'm mainly wanting to Jank decks as they are much more interesting than writing meta decks that I'll assume 100% of the people will have on their Youtube channel.
- Finally, start a Youtube channel to showcase the deck in the fights, I honestly want to show Bo3 matches, but against different Leaders. For me there's no point writing and explaining how the decks work without actually using them, since there are some Leaders have specific ways of playing.
I do not know how Blogger works as I don't even remember when did the first blog started showing on Google, but I know it will take time, so I will have some patience about it and continue to blog until someone can find this blog. But once I've achieved these 3 goals, I will play as long as I can for One Piece until I lose interested in the game. But hopefully I would have a team of authors backing up so I don't have to shut down the blog.
If you want real time response from the deck profiles rather than comment and wait, the best way to contact me will be on Discord. Although I may not always be able to respond quickly, because real life stuff. I will try my best and answer the questions. I've also set up a Discord server dedicated to this blog, so if somehow people can find this Blog, I hope people could join and set up the community.
The link is (https://discord.gg/StAkMxFbaf) and if the link doesn't work, you always have the widget at the side.
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