Friday, January 5, 2024

OP05 Green/Blue (Donquixote Rosinante) Deck Profile


Rosinante aka Corazon had a tragic story in the One Piece series, I recommend watching that part of the anime to understand what I mean, as I do not want to spoil the fun. Honestly, the way this Leader works just makes me reminds of the story. It is typical Corazon style of doing things. Yes, the name Corazon is easier to remember than Rosinante as the name is stuck in my head, which is why I am writing Corazon on this post. I do think the Leader is underrated in my opinion, but then again, it does depends on what type of match up you are playing against.

The Blockers

Now I don't think you would have much of a problem with the defences side of the deck as in total we are running 5 different types of Blockers including your Leader, which is a lot of Blockers in one deck. OP01 Law only has an on play effect which is you may return 1 Character to your hand, to play up 1 Character with 3 cost or less from your hand. This effect is actually pretty good as you could return 1 of your 2k Counters, or On Play Characters to your hand to play something else. You will have plenty of choices with 3 Cost or less.

OP01 Doffy is the deck because he is searchable with OP05 Baby 5's effect as well as you could play Doffy using OP01 Law's effect, since Law doesn't have a colour restriction. Anyway the on play effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, return them to top or bottom of deck in any order. This effect is just checking your top cards to see what you draw, but if you have OP05 Baby 5 in play, you can use her effect to get that one card to your hand if they are searchable using Baby 5's effect.

Diamante is not your ordinary Blocker, as you are able to attack with Diamante, then set him to activate thanks to his effect. Although the effect will have some requirements to set Diamante to active. You give him 1 DON, at the end of your turn, if you have 2 or more active DON, set this Character to active. This means you would have a 7k beat stick, but at the same time a 6k Blocker to block one of your opponent's attacks.

Corazon is a main card to have on your field. The effect works during your opponent's turn, if your rested Characters would be KO, you may trash this Character instead. This is good against KO effects, but also if your opponents would want try to attack your main beat stick on the field. You could sacrifice Corazon, if you need to instead of using Blocker's ability. But my guess is he is mainly to go against KO effects than attack to KO your Characters.

The Brothers

The two brothers for the deck. OP04 Doffy cost 10 to play, but he is definitely worth to be in the build, even though we have a 5 cost focused deck. The timing is really important, if you can freeze 3 cards, that will be amazing, but even stopping your opponent's 1 huge power Character from attacking for a turn can also help. Anyway Doffy only has an on play which is you can freeze up to 3 of your opponent's rested Leaders/Characters during their next turn. If you play Doffy too early, you can just use him as a 10k beat stick.

Corazon's first effect is basically, if this Character is rested, your activate 5 cost base Characters cannot be KO by effects. Basically this one card works against certain cards, and most of your 5 Cost Characters are Blockers, so Corazon will be able to protect them just like the series. The on play effect is the main effect I want which is you may rest this Character to play up 1 green 5 cost Character from your hand. It is a shame that he doesn't work with Blue Characters otherwise I would also run Virgo in the the deck, as Virgo is a nice 5 cost 7k beat stick. This effect really depends on the situation of the field, if you need to play 5 cost Blockers, or are you able to play other 5 cost Characters to go for the offense.

The Removals

I like to have some form of removals in the deck just to reduce the chances of needing to attack your opponent's Characters to reduce their field. OP01 X Drake only has an on play effect which is KO up to 1 of your opponent's rested Characters with 4 cost or less. The downside to this effect is that the Characters must be rested, but on the bright side is that this is a Green deck where resting Characters will be involve. You can also play Drake for free using OP04 Corazon's effect.

ST03 Doffy is in the deck because you can search him with Baby 5's effect just like OP01 Doffy. However, he is also a 7k beat stick so it is nice to have him on the field. I guess the only downside is the on play effect which is return up to 1 Character with 7 cost or less to the owner's hand. There are only two choices with this effect, either your opponent's Blockers, or their 7 cost big boys, so they have to use up their DON again on their next turn. However, you aren't restricted to your opponent's Characters, as you can also return your Characters if need to.


It won't be Green if we don't have any resting abilities. I've added OP01 Izo for the resting effect as well as him being a 2k Counter which we will need. Izo only has an on play effect which is rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 4 cost or less. This will allow you to rest some Blockers, since most Blockers people play are 4 cost or less, but there will be some 5 drop Blockers too which Izo will be useless.

Sugar has 2 effect, the first effect works during your opponent's turn and only once that turn. When you opponent plays a Character, if your Leader has Donquixote Pirates type, rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters, then rest this Character. She is pretty handy to have in play, it will make your opponents think what Characters they could play, and which Characters they would have to sacrifice. Of course the downside is the 0 power for Sugar, but you have 5 different Blockers who can protect Sugar. The second effect works on play, rest up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 4 cost or less just like Izo, but a cheaper cost to play.

Deck Profile

OP05 G/U Rosinante


There are some cards I've added like Yamato since she is a 5 cost green Character that can be played using OP04 Corazon's effect. Not only that Yamato is a Double Attack plus Banish, making your opponents forcing to use Counters, or else they will lose 2 cards from their Life and won't get them to hand. Yamato is very strong pressure card to have. Viola can also mess up your opponent's DON if your opponents decided to attack, and you can easily unsuspend DON by trashing OP04 Baby 5 at the end of your turn. So you wouldn't need to worry about the amount of DON you will need to spend. Kaya is just for the hand filter, because we do have plenty of non Counter cards and high cost, if we got them all in our hand, we might struggle a bit.

I am not running OP01 Kid, as much as it is good for defence and being able to play 3 cost or less Characters for free. This deck will have too many high cost, and your options to play high cost Characters will be a problem since it will be playing 1 high Character cost per turn, and you don't have Event cards to power up your Leader. But the match up aren't too good to use in this meta in my opinion, maybe if One Piece has a side deck, you could tech Kid in the side. 

The main important is that you want OP05 Baby 5 in your opening hand as she is your main searcher to search for Donquixote Pirates. You also have Corazon Leader who can help to block a Character attack, if you want to keep certain Character in play. But you do need 6 cards or less in order for Corazon to set to active. I don't think that will be too hard to do as you've got some cards who can just play Characters for free, and even if you do have more than 6, you can use some cards as Counter.


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