Tuesday, January 16, 2024

OP05 Black (Lucci) Deck

There's one new CP card for this build, yes I'm still keeping this as CP deck. I didn't expect much when I tried this build, but it works, and surprisingly, I ended up liking the build, especially pulling of Lucci's effect. But you don't want to always trigger Lucci's Leader unless you can increase his power so your opponents will need to use more counters. Although I do think there are some cards in this build that can be replaced with other cards to benefit this deck even more.

Reducing Costs

This build have plenty of Characters who can reduce your opponent's Character costs. Well it is a Black build, so reducing Character costs should be normal. OP02 Kuzan have two effects. The first effect is just a draw a card when he is played. The draw can be helpful for Lucci's Leader discarding. The second effect is the main effect I'm looking for. When attacking, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 4 during this turn. That minus 4 cost can come in quite handy for the CP Characters.

OP02 Tsuru only works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 during this turn. She is only a 1 drop Character and she also have 2k Counter we can use to defend our Leader. You may not need to use Tsuru if you have other ways to reduce your opponent's Character cost, but that really depends on what card is in your hand.

OP03 Kalifa, now there are 2 Kalifas in OP03 set and both of them are 4 drops, just different colour. She is another cost reducer but with an additional effect. On play, draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand, then reduce 1 of your opponent's Character costs by 2 during this turn. Basically Kalifa is like a ST06 Tashiga but with an on play effect and the hand filters. 

Toy Soldier is in the deck because he cost 2 to play, and on top of that we have a 2k Counter, so for defending, he will make your life a bit easier because of Lucci's Leader trashing effect. The effect is, you may trash this Character, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 3 during this turn. 3 is better than 2, especially when we want to trigger OP05 Lucci who targets really low cost Characters.

The final cost reducer is Great Eruption, I really like this card especially that extra draw power will definite help this build. The main effect is draw 1 card, then reduce 1 of your opponent's Character costs by 2 during this turn. So basically this is just like Tsuru, but with an extra draw power on top of the effect. The Trigger effect is optional as I mainly want to this card for the main effect. The trigger effect is your opponent's trash 1 card from their hand. This is why its optional to use the Trigger effect, but I guess against some Leaders, trashing a card in their hand will hurt them.

The Removals

I know I'm not running many removals in the deck, but we do have searchers to search these cards out from the deck. Just like Kalifa, there's also another Kaku in the OP03 set, but different colour, but we want to make sure, we want this Kaku in the deck. Kaku works on play, you return 2 CPs from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order, to KO 1 of your opponent's 3 or less Characters. This shouldn't be too difficult to pull off as the deck have plenty of cost reducers. On top of that he is also a 6k beat stick with a 1k counter on top.

OP05 Lucci is the latest addition to the deck and makes quite a difference since you can KO 2 Characters at once instead of 1. Just like Kaku, the effect works on play, you may return 3 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order, to KO 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters, and 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. If you can't KO 2 Characters in 1 go, then I would go for Kaku instead since he only remove 1 Character, and you could use Lucci for a discard fodder for the Leader.


Nothing better than playing Blockers since we will be using quite a lot of cards in our hand, so you will need all the defence you can get for this build. OP02 Borsalino is great to have as the first effect works during your opponent's turn. This Character gains 1k power and cannot be KO by your opponent's effects. But there still other ways to remove him, unless your opponents only have KO effects in the deck, which means they will have to focus on attacking instead.

Fukurou is also another Blocker that cannot be KO by effects, but unlike Kizaru, the effect also works during your turn, so you could play him before you attack, but I wouldn't really do that, since he is a Blocker, and won't do much if you play him early. Just like Kizaru, there are ways to remove Fukurou, but only if they don't play KO effects.

Blueno can only gain Blocker if you give him a DON. If he wasn't a CP Character, I wouldn't run him in the build, because you need 6 DONs altogether if you want an extra Blocker. Blueno does have an on KO effect which is play 1 CP Character with cost 4 or less from your trash rested. Thanks to this effect, we can even play OP05 Lucci since he is a 4 drop, but he wouldn't be able to KO anything unless you are playing against a 1 drop deck. There are a few options you can choose.

Cipher Pols

Now the rest of the supports for CP. Kumadori is just a plain vanilla, however, you can play him using Blueno's on KO effect, that's only if you don't have OP05 Lucci in your trash, and you don't want to play Kalifa to mess up the cards in your hand. So you will just play Kumadori and have a 6k beat stick rested, but will be ready for the attacks during your turn.

Spandam is your searcher. The effect works on play, if your Leader is CP, look at the top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 CP card other than Spandam, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The mill will also help as we have some cards that needs you to return cards from the trash in order to activate their effects.

OP03 Lucci is a nice Rush Character so we can go on the attacks combining both the Leader and Character. I think, he is the only Character in Black that have Rush ability. If I've missed a Character, then I would change this build to add more Rush cards, as we want to be very aggressive. However, because he cost 6 to play, I wouldn't run maximum copies even if you got ways to discard him. The on play effect works by returning 2 CP cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order, this Character gains Rush during this turn.

Air Door is actually pretty good with this build. I was iffy about the effects first, but when I used it, I think it wasn't too bad. The effect is, if your Leader is CP, look at top 5 cards of your deck, play 1 CP Character with a cost of 5 or less, trash the rest of the cards. Not only you can build up the trash, but for 4 DONs, you might be able to pull a 5 cost Character from the deck. The trigger effect is optional, and I only use it if I've got either Spandam or Fukurou in the trash. Play 1 black 3 cost or less Character from your trash. There's not much low cost targets, but I guess you could choose Toy Soldier if you need the cost reducer to trigger the effects, but for me Spandam or Fukurou might be better depending on what you got in your hand, and on the field.

Deck List

OP05 B Lucci


I've kept it CP focus because of the Characters requiring some CPs in your trash in order to work. But for me its easier to focus on this type of build, instead of using Navy type with draw power. I think that idea might work, but I haven't tested it. Although, I am thinking that kind of build might work better than this type of build instead. The key thing about this build is the timing to use Lucci's Leader effect. If you keep activating Lucci's Leader effect, you end up losing a lot of cards in your hand, and not having the Counters to protect your Leader/Characters.

You do want to see Spandam in your opening hand so you could add CP stuff and build up the trash. If not Air Door is another option as it can bring out beat sticks from your deck as well as building up the trash for Kaku and Lucci's effects. KOing by effects your opponent's Characters will also help triggering the Leader effect. Also I know it's a bit different, but if you want to trigger Lucci Leader's effect, you will need to attack with the Leader first before your Characters, I know it will be risky if you ended up hitting your opponent's Triggers that could remove your Characters weaking the attacks.


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