Saturday, January 6, 2024

OP07 The Future 500 Years Later Box Art Revealed


I am quite surprised about this when they revealed this art. We are already skipping to the Egghead Island arc. Spoilers alert ahead for those people who haven't read the manga. I don't think the anime will be at this part at the time I've written this part.

After reading the manga, I really hope Kuma is the Leader for this set. Not like I'm interested in using Kuma, but I guess it will depends on what colours will Kuma be in. Maybe in red/black as Kuma can be both his Kingdom and Revolutionary Army. Honestly aside from the Kuma stuff, I don't really care about the other cards, But will we get the 5 Elders? I know 1 of the Elder actually shows up in the Egghead Island, and then we had Kuma past story. 


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