One of the builds will be able to use all 4 of these cards whilst the other build will only use 1 of these cards. EB01 Apoo's effect works on play, rest 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. 2 cost or less is not high but we can rest low cost Blockers who could stop your attacks or even against 1 drop build. But the key part about Apoo is that he is a Supernova, so we can search him out and use him for the 2k counter during the counter step.
OP01 Izo only works on play, rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. This effect is a lot better than EB01 Apoo as we can select a higher cost Character, and also just like Apoo, we also have 2k counter on this card. But mostly, we can play Izo more than Apoo as Apoo is mainly for that 2k counter for the deck.
Now we move on to the main boss card for resting, Hody. Hody doesn't only have on play effect, but we also have Rush, so we can attack as soon as he is played onto the field. The on play effect is rest up to total of 2 of your opponent's Characters/DONs. Then, add 1 card from the top of your Life to your hand. The second part of the ability will not matter too much as we are running a mono colour Leader who starts with 5 Life.
Another card who can rest your opponent's DONs is ST02 Apoo. Now ST02 Apoo is a card we can use on the field more than EB01 version. You will need to attach a DON to Apoo for the effect to work. The effect works when attacking, rest 1 of your opponent's DON. This is definitely handy as it can stop your opponents from using 1 cost counters if they leave a DON untap, or even 2 cost Counters. We do need another DON if we want Apoo to hit magic numbers.
We have plenty of Characters who can untap DONs, so we could use Bonney's effect to rest your opponent's cards. EB01 Cavendish works on play/when attacking, if your Leader is Supernovas type and you have no other Cavendish on the field, you can untap 2 DONs. He is amazing in Supernovas build as we could constantly untap DONs, especially when we need to use effects like Bonney Leader, so untap DONs will be very important.
OP04 Baby 5 is similar to Cavendish, but you won't need to have Supernovas Leader to work. The effect works at the end of your turn, you may trash this Character to untap 2 DONs. The good thing about this Character is that we don't need to worry about being the target of attack like Cavendish, so we would be able to get 2 untap DONs, but only for that turn.
OP06 Zoro is not another card that can untap DONs unlike the first two, instead, he untap himself to create additional attacks. Only 1 of the builds will run Zoro. Zoro have 2 effects, the first effect works when attacking, by paying 1 DON, untap this Character. The second effect is an activate main, by paying 2 DONs, untap this Character. So we could potentially swing at your opponents 3 times with 1 Character, they would need Blockers, or they would have to use plenty of counters to stop the attack, especially if you attach DON power to Zoro.
OP07 Urouge is a Blocker with an end of your turn effect, untap 1 DON. We only need 1 DON untap in order to use Bonney's Leader effect, and he is also a Blocker, so if we don't need the untap, we can use Urouge to stop some attacks. But having multiple Urouge means we could untap 2 DONs. Cavendish only untap 2 DONs when we attack, so he will expand our plays whilst Urouge will untap that 1 DON to use Bonney's effect.
Only 1 of the builds will be able to use all 3 cards whilst the other only uses 1 of them in the build. What I like about this build is the access to the control cards preventing your opponents from doing what they want during their next turn. OP01 Kid have 2 effects, the first effect works on your opponent's turn by attaching a DON to him. If this Character is rested, your opponent cannot attack any other card other than Kid. The second effect is an activate main, you may rest this Character to play one 3 cost or less Character from your hand. Thanks to this effect, we do not have to wait until we can attack with Kid to trigger the first effect, but of course in total, you will need 9 DONs to make the full use of Kid's effects.
During the mid to late games, 10 drop Doffy will be very effective against our opponent's cards. The effect is very simple, on play, up to total of 3 of your opponent's rested Leader/Characters cannot become active during your opponent's next Refresh Phase. Thanks to this effect, it will slow your opponent's down on top of having a 10k beat stick to swing at your opponents. You will also be doing plenty of resting, so 10 drop Doffy is very effective in this build.
Another card that is similar to Doffy is OP07 Bonney. Bonney's effect works on play, 1 of your opponent's rested Characters/DONs cannot become active during your opponent's next Refresh Phase. Unlike Doffy, Bonney can also target your opponent's DONs, now this might prevent your opponents from playing their high cost Characters if that 1 rested DON makes a difference. But mostly, we can also stop 1 of your opponent's Characters from attacking for 5 DONs instead of waiting to get 10 DONs to play Doffy.
Supernovas Support
Now for the rest of the Supernovas support, 2 of them are from OP07 sets whilst one of them you need from the older set. OP07 Hawkins have 2 effects, the first effect works if your Leader is Supernovas type, this Character gains Blocker. You can use this in a non Supernovas deck, but he will just be a 7k beat stick instead of 7k Blocker. The second effect works if this Character would be removed from the field by your opponent's effects, you may rest 1 of your opponent's Characters instead. What I like about this effect is that it works against KO and returning effects instead of just KO, so it will force your opponents to lose 1 of their attacks if they want to remove Hawkins.
OP07 Bartolomeo is a Blocker with an effect that works on your turn. If a Character is rested by your effect, you may draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. This is just a hand filter effect instead of draw, but he will be very handy in order to draw specific cards. But you will need to use your rest effects to work, and we only have a few in the build.
ST02 Bonney is a searcher and the effect is an activate main. By paying 1 DON and resting this Character, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Supernovas card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The downside is that we need to rest Bonney to work, so most likely, she will be an attack target so you won't be able to get the constant search effect.
Donquixote Pirates Support
Now we've got the Donquixote Pirates Support for one of the builds as that build will be running both Supernovas and Donquixote Pirates support. OP04 Viola only works when your opponent's attacks, by paying 2 DONs, rest 1 of your opponent's DON. If we combined this with Bonney Leader's effect, then it will cost us 3 DONs altogether. But in return resting that 1 DON might makes a difference when it comes to playing high cost Characters as they could be 1 DON short. Also Viola have 2k counter, so if we don't play her on the field, the 2k counter will be handy.
OP05 Corazon is a Blocker with an effect that works on your opponent's turn. If your rested Character would be KO, you may trash this Character instead. With Corazon, we have 2 Characters we could use with this card, OP01 Kid and OP07 Hawkins, as those cards will be very annoying for your opponents to play against and having Corazon will add that extra protection rather than the Blocker ability.
OP05 Baby 5 is a searcher just like ST02 Bonney, the effect is an activate main effect, by paying 1 DON and resting this Character, look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Donquixote Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. We are running plenty of Donquixote Pirates cards, so you will be able to add some to hand, especially getting Corazon and 10 drop Doffy.
Now one of the longest card name, but also a Donquixote Pirates card that we can add using OP05 Baby 5 effect. It is a 0 cost counter and all the colours will have this effect in their card pool. The counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Character gains 3k power this battle. The Trigger effect is rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character. Only the trigger effect is different from other 0 cost Event Counter cards.
Deck List
![]() |
Supernovas |
Donquixote Supernovas | Supernovas |
Leader x1 OP07-019 Jewelry BonneyCharacters x47 Events x3 |
Two very different builds, one utilises more control other than the other, but the other builds will have more low cost Characters to use. The Donquixote Supernovas build focus more on stopping your opponents from attacking, whilst Supernovas build is more about stalling until we can get the big drop to the field to finish off your opponents in one go. The key part about both build is that we need to have 1 DON active so we can use Bonney Leader's effect unless your opponents have no Characters on the field. The 1 DON active will make your opponent need to think about their attacking order, so they could make the best use of the attacks.
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