Tuesday, January 16, 2024

COTD - EB01 Doma & Khalifa and Miss Wednesday Alt Arts


Cost 1 / Power 3000 (Slash)

Whitebeard Pirates Allies

[Counter +1000]


Cost 5 / Power 5000 (Wisdom)

Water 7 / Galley-la Company

[Counter +1000]

[On play] Don!! -1: If your leader has the {Water 7} type, return up to 2 cost 4 or less character cards from your trash to your hand.

Miss Wednesday

Cost 3 / Power 4000 (Slash)

Baroque Works

[Counter +1000]

[On Your Opponent's Attack][Once Per Turn] DON!! -1: If your Leader's type includes "Baroque Works", add up to 1 DON!! card from your DON!! deck and set it as active.

I'm very sad that we didn't get Whitebeard Pirates, but Whitebeard Pirates Allies. On top of that he is a vanilla which makes the situation even worst. I guess we could try making 1 drop Whitebeard deck, using Dandan and Makino to make use of these 1 drop vanillas. I think its possible, but this is only a theory, I have no idea if a 1 drop Whitebeard deck will work. If not, he could always go into Zoro build for 1 drop Characters.

Anyway we see the Alt Arts, Khalifa who is a 5 drop which means we can use Iceburg's Leader effect to play her. Although I don't think I've seen her rare version of the card, maybe I've missed it, or they just didn't revealed them which would be pretty strange. Miss Wednesday, I'm just calling her Vivi because she is just Vivi in disguise. The Alt Art finally looks better than the SR after the recent reveals of Alt Arts, finally.   


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