Friday, January 12, 2024

COTD - EB01 Mountain God


Mountain God

Cost 5 / Power 7000 (Strike)

Animal/Wano Country

[Counter +1000]

Once again, I don't really want to talk about vanilla cards, but Mountain God can work with OP04 Corazon since it is a 5 drop Character building up the 5 drop board. Although I don't think there are many 5 drop Characters for Wano Country so you would have to mix it up a bit for the deck. I know you could use it with Kin'emon Leader as Kin'emon reduces Wano Country cost by 1, allowing you to play Mountain God for 4. Using 4 DON for a 7k beat stick might be worth it in the deck, who knows. I will need to play test to find out.


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