Tuesday, January 23, 2024

OP05 Red/Purple (Law) Deck Profile

Law is one of the very few decks where we can fill the deck with the starter deck cards and just add a few booster set cards to complete the deck. What I do like about the deck is that we will have plenty of removals thanks to our Leader effect. The more power you can reduce, the better your options can be. I think personally this is a great deck to play as long as you know what you are doing.

Reducing Power

We do have a few cards that can reduce your opponent's Character power so we can use Law Leader to return them to deck. You can add more if you want, but I think this is the right amount. OP01 Otama only has an on play effect which reduces 1 of your opponent's Characters by 2k power during this turn. This will help against your opponent's 5k Characters, changing them to 3k, then use Law Leader to return that Character to deck, clearing one of the threat. Otama is also a 2k counter so if you need any Counter cards to defend, she is a good choice to choose if you not worried about using her effect.

Ace will not get any Rush effect because we are not running Whitebeard Pirates as a leader, he is mainly in the deck for the reducing power. The effect is on play, reduce 2 of your opponent's Characters by 3k power during this turn. Then if your Leader is Whitebeard Pirates, this Character gains Rush. We do not care about the Rush, but what we do care about is being able to reduce 2 of your opponent's Characters, weakening their power so we can also attack them as well as using Law Leader's effect to remove one of them if able to.

Promo Gordon, now if you don't have Promo Gordon, don't worry, Bandai have made the exact same effect in OP06. I think he's called Max, so Max will be replacing Gordon if you don't have the card. Anyway the effect is you may place this Character to the bottom of the deck to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 3k power during this turn. With Gordon, we can target 6k power Characters to return to deck using Law Leader's effect.

OP05 Fire Fist is very handy to have in this deck. The effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 4k power during this turn. Then if you have 2 or less Life, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 power or less Characters. To be honest, I don't think this is hard to do, but I don't really care about the KO effect in this build. Fire Fist is mainly to use with Law Leader's effect to return your opponent's Characters. The Trigger effect is the same as the main, so you could reduce your opponent's attacks, or they will need more DONs to make those Characters a decent beat stick.

Now you can run more Gamma Knife if you feels like your opponents are playing Characters with a lot of remove. You can easily reduce the number of Fire Fist to bump Gamma Knife numbers up. The main effect is by returning 1 DON, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters power by 5k power during this turn. Thanks to this effect, we can target your opponents 8k power Characters reducing their power, then use Law Leader's effect to return them. Of course you can target higher power, but you will need combination of reducing power to do so. The Trigger effect is basically add 1 DON as active. Just a small ramp, and of course I prefer Fire Fist Trigger's effect where at least I can stop my opponent's attacks.

Heart Pirates

Now we got the Heart Pirates Crew, of course there's more than this, but I don't know when Bandai will make the rest of Law's crew. OP05 Law only works when attacking, if your opponents have more DONs on the field than you, look at top 5 cards, reveal 1 Heart Pirates card, add it to your hand. Then, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. You can add any Heart Pirates cards even Law himself which makes this searcher very good to have. Not to mention, it is not hard getting less DONs than your opponents unless you are also playing against decks who focus on returning their DONs to deck to activate effects.

Shachi & Penguin is one of our key cards as they specifically works the best with R/P Law. The effect works on play, if you have 3 or less DON on your field, add 2 DONs as rest. They works the best during your early turns, however, you can still use the effect when you have 6 DONs. You will need to use Law Leader to return 3 DONs to play Shachi & Penguin to gain that 2 DONs. On the bright side even if you can't use the effect, they are a 2k counter which might be handy for defence.

ST10 Jean Bart is optional, you can run him, you can use something else, it is up to you. I just want the ramp in the deck since we do have some big drops in the build. The effect works on play, add 1 DON as active. You do not need to wait for 5 DONs for the ramp as you can play him for free using Law Leader's effect, then pay that 1 DON to gain a DON to use. 

ST10 Bepo works better than Shachi & Penguin as we are not restricted in the number of DONs to activate his effect. The effect works on play/when attacking, if your opponent has more DONs on their field than you, add 1 DON as rest. This is basically like OP05 Law where you need to have lower number of DONs than your opponents to work. Bepo having both on play/when attacking effect makes him really good, as you will be able to ramp 1 on play, and ramp another when attacking.

The Defence

Now we will talk about the defensive side of the deck, the Blockers and a Counter card. OP05 Kid also have an additional effect that works amazing in these kind of build. When a DON card on your field is returned, add 1 DON as active. This will means, you will only be losing 2 DONs when you use Law Leader's effect to return one of your opponent's Characters. Otherwise we will have a decent 6k beat stick in play.

ST04 Queen is no doubt one of the staples, but if you don't have Queen, there are plenty of other replacement you can choose from for Law deck, so don't need to worry about this. The on play effect is by returning 1 DON, you can draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. Just a nice hand filter to replace the cards you don't need with the cards you do need. Although, not many important cards you must have in hand, except the power reducers, and maybe your ramp cards so you can play your high cost Characters.

ST10 Law can easily be searched out using OP05 Law's effect since we are not restricted with the same name when it comes to search effect. So you could add ST10 Law very early in your hand if you need to use the on play effect. The effect is by returning 1 DON, if your opponent has 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. Decks that have so much searching and draw power will hurt when you play ST10 Law in play, otherwise he will just be a 4 drop Blocker we can play for free using Law Leader's effect.

Radical Beam is nice to have in the deck, although the only downside is that you need 2 or less Life for the full effect but that is not hard to do. The effect is 1 of your Leader/Character gains 2k power during this battle, then if you have 2 or less Life gain another 2k power. This will make it 4k power in total for 1 of your Leader/Character. The Trigger effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power for the turn. That 1k might be handy making your Leader 6k power, so any of your opponent's Characters with 5k power or less will need to put DONs to hit the magic number.

Deck List

OP05 RP Law


I've kept this build very simple with the key aim is being able to reduce your opponent's Character power so you can use Law Leader to return them to deck. But we will also need to have some ramps in the build as losing 3 DONs constantly for Law effect will hurt in the long game. What we do want to see is Shachi & Penguin in our hand so losing 3 DONs will not hurt as much if we can recover 2. You do have Bart and Bepe, but Shachi & Penguin is the most important one out of them all.

We have Zoro for the quick rush ability as he only cost 3 to play, which Law Leader can target if you need something 4 or less cost in your hand. For me, you would want to get to 5 DONs in order to play Queen and Kid for the Blockers. Ace on the other hand is 7 drop, so it will up to the game state to see if you have enough DONs to play Ace. Personally I'm not too bothered as long as I see my other power reducer cards in my hand.


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