Friday, January 19, 2024

Budget Deck Profile - Green/Purple (Doflamingo) OP04 + OP05

I was thinking to add ST10 cards, but I don't know if people bought any ST10 decks since starter decks in this game are impossible to get. You only need to add ST10 Law and Kid if you do have the starter deck. If you want the normal build for Doffy, you can find it by clicking (here). Anyway I decided to do a budget deck on G/P Doffy. Doffy is actually not expensive to build except getting 10 cost Doffy. I think that card went up. I will try to keep this deck as budget as possible, but the deck will still be playable. Do keep in mind, by the time I've posted this budget deck, some of the cards might have went up or down depending on the future meta.

Resting Characters

Just like the main build, our key focus will be resting your opponent's Characters. Sugar (at this time this was posted) is cheap for Budget build, I don't think she will hurt your wallet when you build this deck unless you are aiming under $10 budget deck. For me a decent budget deck will work between $20 to $30 as there are plenty of good cards in commons and rares. Anyway Sugar have two effects, the first effect works during your opponent's turn. Once per turn, when your opponent's plays a Character, if your Leader is Donquixote Pirates, rest 1 of your opponent's Characters, then rest this Character. This will makes your opponents think what moves they can make next because they know they will lose a Character. The on play effect is just rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters, just a simple resting effect.

Machvise is a Character with only an on play effect which is, if your Leader is Donquixote Pirates, rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters, then set up 1 DON as active at the end of this turn. He's not bad for a uncommon, as he could rest your opponent's 5 cost or less as well as untapping a DON, so you should get at least 3 DONs untap when you also use your Doffy's Leader effect. Plus he is also a 5k beat stick which is a good magic number against your opponents.

OP05 Doffy can rest your opponent's Characters but only on your opponent's turn similar to Sugar's first effect. The effect works during your opponent's attacks, you pay 1 DON to rest 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. I don't think wasting 1 DON will affect much as you've got plenty of cards who can untap DONs including your Leader. Thanks to this effect, you can at least stop 1 attack per turn, if you combined this with Sugar, you could potentially stop 2 attacks per turn assuming Sugar can survive whilst rested.

OP05 Monet is a Blocker with an on block effect. Rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. So not only we can stop 1 attack, but we could also stop the 2nd attacks as well if your opponents decided to go all out this turn. She is very handy to have, only downside is that she is only 1k Blocker. 1k Blocker against Red can be a bad idea especially when Red have power requirements removal which Monet will fit in that requirements. Then again we could say the same with other colours who can remove Monet before you can trigger the on block effect.

Colours Trap is a weak counter, but it is the card I would prefer over OP05 counter cards. The effect works by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader/Characters gains 1k power during this battle, then rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. I am focusing on the rest ability instead of power, since the more rest you can do, the better the survival of the game. The Trigger effect is just add 1 DON to the field as active. Now if you have the money to get 4 10 Drop Doffy, then I would recommend to use the trigger effect.


The cards that prevent your opponents doing from what they want. If you have enough money, I would recommend getting 4 10 drop Doffy, but because Uta FILM is coming out raising the price of Doffy, 2 would be good enough for a budget deck. Sugar and Doffy, with Doffy being more expensive will be the only cards that will cost a bit compare to the others. Anyway Doffy effect only works on play, you can select up to 3 of your opponent's rested Leader/Characters, and they will be lock/freeze (however you want to say it) during your opponent's next Refresh Phase. This effect is very strong, allowing us to stop some attacks for a turn.

OP05 Corazon, I know he's called Rosinante, but Corazon have been stuck in my head during Kid Law arc. He is a Blocker, but there is an effect which works during your opponent's turn. If your rested Character would be KO'd, you may trash this Character instead. Basically he protects your other Characters from dying. I guess you mainly want to use this effect when your opponent uses KO effects against your Characters.

Just like the main build, you will be utilising Birdcage as the Stage card. Birdcage effect only works if you have Doffy as the Leader which make sense, considering it is one of Doffy's moveset. 5 Cost or less Characters do not become active during both player's Refresh Phases. Most likely your opponents will wait until you have 10 DONs to start attack because of End of Your Turn effect. If you have 10 DONs on your field, KO all rested 5 cost or less Characters, then trash this Stage. I've tried to use a little returning DONs to make Birdcage stays on the field longer, but with ST10 Kid, it is definitely less consistent. 

The Defences

Not only we can rest your opponent's Characters and locking them from doing anything, we also have some Blockers and Event Counters we can use for the deck. I know I've already mentioned some of the Blockers already during this post. Diamantes is a Blocker with an effect that you need to give him 1 DON to work. At the end of your turn, if you have 2 or more active DONs, you can untap Diamantes. This effect is very easy to trigger thanks to Doffy's Leader effect. This will also bypass Birdcage locking effect as well as having 7k beat stick on attack and 6k defence when blocking.

Spiderweb is a Counter card which works very well with Birdcage. You can run 4 of this card if you wanted, but if you don't see Birdcage, then the only other way will be stopping your opponents from attacking one of your important Characters on the field. The Counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 4k power during this battle, then untap one of your Characters. We mostly want to choose our low cost Characters because of Birdcage, but if somehow your opponents attacking your main Characters, you want to use Spiderweb on those Characters instead, to stop your opponent's second Character from targeting that Character. The Trigger effect is 1 of your Leader gains 2k power during this turn. It is a strong effect if you don't need Spiderweb in hand, and can just power up your Leader to use less Counter cards.

Now one of the longest card name in the game, I won't bother typing it all up and just called this cost 0 counter card. I know we got some ways to untap DONs to use cards effect, which is why I'm only going to run 1 copy in the build. It is an OP05 card, so it should be easier to get for new players. Anyway the effect is, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. This effect is the same as any other colours who got 0 cost Counter. But the Trigger effect will be different, and this Trigger effect is rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. This is actually good for last minutes prevention if your opponents still have Characters active when they hit this card in your Life. But I guess this is all luck base. 

Donquixote Pirates

Now we have the rest of the Donquixote Pirates which should be affordable. OP04 Baby 5 only works at the end of your turn. You may trash this Character to untap 2 DONs, giving you 4 DONs to work with during your opponent's turn. We do run quite a few cards which needs you to pay a DON during your opponent's turn, so running OP04 Baby 5 will be very handy.

Pica should be affordable unlike 10 drop Doffy, unless somehow people find usage for Pica and make the price shot up. There is a end of your turn effect which you need to pay 1 DON to untap Pica. Again, this effect will help to bypass Birdcage lock when you have the Stage card in play. The second effect is a once per turn effect, if this Character is KO'd, you may rest 1 of your 3 cost or more Characters instead of than Pica. I wouldn't choose your 5 cost or less Characters if Birdcage is on the field, unless you have Spiderweb in hand to untap that Character to bypass Birdcage lock.

OP05 Baby 5 is in the deck because she is a searcher. She can help you search out the key cards, especially 10 drop Doffy as we are running low copies because of a budget build. The effect is by paying 1 DON, you may rest this Character to look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 Donquixote Pirates card, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This effect really depends on what cards you have in your hand to get what cards you will need to pull off the combo.


Mr.5 can easily be replaced with ST10 Kid, if you got bought a ST10 starter deck. Or you can replace it with other cards you've got, or even bump up 10 drop Doffy if you can afford him. There are plenty of options to choose from which is why this spot is optional. There weren't much choices from what I am hoping for.

I'm running Mr.5 for the effect that works during your opponent's attacks. Once per turn, by returning 2 DONs, you may rest this Character to KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character. This is very different than resting effect we got to slow down your opponents, we can KO your opponent's Characters, so they will need to use more DONs to replace the field. More importantly, I'm running Mr.5 because he has the ability to return DONs, making Birdcage effect can last longer on the field, so your opponents will not be able to wait for 10 DONs for Birdcage to disappear.

Deck List

OP05 GP Doffy


I've tried to keep this build similar to the main Doffy build where we can utilise the DONs to make Birdcage last longer whilst resting your opponent's Characters. All we need is both OP04 and OP05 cards to make this work, this shouldn't really hurt too much for budget players as long we got the main goal. You want to see OP05 Baby 5 or Birdcage in your hand quite early in the game.

The timing to use Birdcage is up to you. You could wait for your opponents to attacks so they have rested Characters, then play Birdcage, or play Birdcage first and use your rest effects to rest your opponent's Characters. There are ways we can utilise this one card as long as we got 5 DONs to play with. Everyone will be different in how they would use Birdcage. 

Then you want to see Mr.5 or Colours Trap to return DONs to the deck so Birdcage can stay on the field much longer than waiting for 10 DONs and then disappear. I know some of your opponents will want to do that, just attack with their Leaders, and not attack with their Characters until the 10 DONs requirement, which is why if you have other cards that can return DONs to deck, this put a lot of advantages, even for only a budget build deck.  


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