Wednesday, January 10, 2024

OP05 Blue/Black (Rebecca) Deck Profile

I think Rebecca is a deck where you will take some time to understand how the deck works. Once you understand that, I think we can challenge the meta with the build. But I guess that's me who want to try and make this build a meta challenger deck. This build has one simple style, you stall for time until you get your main Characters in play. If we play in a time limited environment, Rebecca will struggle in matches as there won't be enough time to finish the game if you play your cards right.

Reducing Costs

Here we have 3 cards in this deck that reduce your opponent's Character costs. It may seems low, but in my opinion, they are enough for the deck especially when you can mill your deck, so the chances of drawing these cards will increase. OP02 Tsuru only has an on play effect where you can reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 2 during this turn. This is not bad for a 1 drop Character as well as she is also a 2k Counter card so you can use her for defence.

The 10 drop Kuzan. I am running Kuzan because of his effects that will be definitely be handy for this build. The first effect is more of a continuous effect which is during your turn, all of your opponent's Characters will have -5 Cost in play. Playing Kuzan will help you trigger your removal effects who need certain Character costs in order for them to remove. So if you can play Kuzan, I would try and play him as early as possible. The on play effect is KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with 0 cost. If you want to KO 8 cost Characters, you will need the help of Toy Soldier since he has a main effect.

Toy Soldier effect is by trashing this Character, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 3. We want to reduce our opponent's Characters to as long as possible in order to trigger certain removal effects. But Toy Soldier also have 2k Counter like Tsuru which is good for defence since we do want to use some of the cards from our hand in order to trigger Rebecca's Leader skill.


The reasons why we need reducing Character's cost in this build is to trigger our removals. We can't attack with our Leader which means we be losing out on extra attack, however, this is where our removal kicks in. To replace the disadvantage of the Leader. OP02 Koby only has an on play effect which is trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. The trashing card from our hand can come in handy especially if we got 7 cards in our hand. But by trashing that 1 card, we can go down to 6 to trigger Rebecca's Leader effect.

Kyros got a nice KO protection, if this Character would be KO, you may rest your Leader or 1 Corrida Coliseum instead. At most, you can prevent him from dying twice, so your opponents will need to target him 3 times to work. 3 times the charm is what I like to say about Kyros protection. The on play effect only works if your Leader is Rebecca, KO up to 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters, then mill 1 card. 1 cost is quite a low number in which you have to reach, but this shouldn't be too difficult to do.

OP05 Rob Lucci is a nice recycle. The on play effect is you may return 3 cards from your trash to bottom of your deck in any order to KO up to 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters, and up to 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. If you have 10 drop Kuzan in play, you mainly guarantee to remove at least 2 Characters unless your opponents only have 1 Character in play. The returning 3 cards from your trash will definitely help as you will be doing a lot of mill for the deck, so we don't want to end up decking out as this is not a Nami build.

Three Thousand World is another card that will work amazingly with your reducing Character costs cards. The main effect is return 1 5 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. If you combined this with either Kuzan or Tsuru and Toy Soldier, you can easily remove any Characters in play. Unfortunately the Trigger effect is return 1 3 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. A lot weaker than the main effect, so it will depends on what Characters your opponents have at that time, good thing is that the Triggers aren't mandatory, so you can add Three Thousand World to your hand.

Trueno Bastardo is actually a proper move in the One Piece series, and not like they are trying to create profanity words on cards for those people who never read/watch the series at all. Anyway, the main effect is KO up to 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. If you have 15 cards in your trash, choose up to 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less instead. You wouldn't really need 15 cards in your trash as you can reduce your opponent's Character cost instead if you want to remove high cost Characters. The Trigger effect is you may rest your Leader to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less. It is definitely a lot stronger Trigger effect than Three Thousand World.


Joke aside, here are the other Dressrosa cards. Bounce man Luffy is a card that let us attack active Characters, so none of your opponent's Characters will be safe from Luffy. The main effect is, return 7 cards from your trash to bottom of your deck in any order to set this card as active. Then this Character is frozen during your next refresh phase. You can bypass this by not attacking with Luffy when you use the effect until you know you can finish your opponents during that turn.

OP04 Rebecca is just a searcher. On play, look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Dressrosa card other than Rebecca, add it to your hand, trash the rest of the cards. This will allow us to build up the trash so we can use Lucci or Luffy's effect if needed. The only downside to this searcher is that we got another Rebecca in the deck, and that Rebecca is mainly one of our main cards, so this will hurt when we send her to trash.

I guess this is where Mansherry kicks in. Mansherry activates during your main phase, you can pay 1 DON and rest this Character, return 2 cards from your trash to bottom of your deck in any order to add 1 black Character with cost 3 to 5 from your trash to hand. This effect will be very handy as she can recycle our Blocker Rebecca as long as Mansherry can stay on the field.

Corrida Coliseum is a card we must have on our turn 1 thanks to the effect. The effect is, if your Leader is Dressrosa, your Dressrosa Characters can attack Characters on the turn they are played. This is basically a restriction of Rush, but the Stage will work amazingly with Luffy allowing us to clear the board as soon as he hits the field. Otherwise, your Dressrosa Characters can only attack your opponent's rested Characters when they are played.


More Dressrosa cards for OP04 Rebecca to target except herself. However they all have the keyword Blockers, as this is more of a defensive control deck more than anything. OP04 Sabo has an on play effect which is none of your Characters can be KO by effects until the start of your next turn, then draw 2 and trash 2 cards from your hand. This have a better protection effect than Kyros, but Kyros can't be KO by anything whilst Sabo only focus on KO effects.

OP04 Bartolomeo is just a normal Blocker, but he is a 2k Counter which is good when we need to use Counter cards. Honestly for me, I don't have to play Bartolomeo if I have other Blockers to play as I mainly use him for Counters. However, if you feel you need more Blockers to block your opponent's attacks then feel free to play him.

Riku's effect works on play/on KO. 1 of your Dressrosa Characters gains 2k power during this turn. He is also a Blocker which means you would be able to trigger the 2k power when he dies. Sabo is also Dressrosa type, so you could give Sabo the 2k power to make him a 8k Blocker instead. Another Character would be Bounce Man Luffy. You can make Luffy a 9k Beat stick to attack your opponent's Characters then set him back to Active again.

OP05 Rebecca is our main Blocker. I don't really care much about the 0 power, I want to use her effect which is on play, return 1 black Character with a cost of 3 to 7 other than Rebecca from your trash to your hand. Then, play up to 1 black Character with 3 cost of less from your hand rested. Not only we could bring back Sabo or Luffy, but we can also play our lower cost for free which can be handy. Although because those Characters comes in at rest, you don't want to play cards like Bartolomeo or Mansherry who will be useless when they are rested.

Deck List

OP05 U/B Rebecca


What you want to play first is either Corrida Coliseum, or playing Rebecca search to search for Corrida Coliseum. You also want to maintain your hand size to 6 or lower so you can constantly trigger the Rebecca's Leader, mill the deck, so you will have plenty of cards in your trash. You will end up with plenty of cards in your trash, however you will have cards like Lucci, Luffy and Mansherry who can recycle your trash so you won't worry about decking out.

This is why I am not running King Kong Gun in the deck, because 15 cards in the trash won't be in the trash for long with plenty of recyclers in this build. King Kong Gun is a good card, but not for this kind of build. I am also not running many Character cost reducers because of 10 drop Kuzan. Once 10 drop Kuzan hits the field, I just feel there wasn't any need to use my other cost reducers unless my opponents are playing plenty of 8 cost or more Characters.

The Event cards only focus on removing your opponent's Characters as we don't want to give chances for our opponents to attack with. Remember, we focus on our big cost Characters to attack like Lucci, Kuzan and Luffy. So we need to stall as much as possible with our Blockers and removals, dragging the time to bring out those Characters. This is also why, if the tournaments are time limited, Rebecca would be put as a disadvantage as she could end up with tying the game instead of win because of lack of time. Assuming that's the rule for Bandai making the game tied when the time is up.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.