Tuesday, January 30, 2024

COTD - OP07 Aladdin


5 Cost / 6000 Power (Slash)

Merfolk/Sun Pirates


[On KO] If your leader has the <Fishman> type, summon a 3 cost or lower <Fishman> or <Merfolk> type character card from your hand.

More Fishmen/Merfolks support for Arlong. I actually don't mind Aladdin. Aladdin can focus on our low drop Characters whilst Arlong will play our Trigger Characters for free. A win win situation for that deck. Although he does cost 5 to play, and for Arlong, you need at least 3 DONs I think to use his effect. 1 for the Leader, then you pay 2 DONs to play a Trigger Character. I might be remembering his effect wrong, it could be 2 DONs for the cost. So if you want to play Aladdin early stage, you will need to sacrifice Arlong's effect for a turn. Overall I'm looking forward in updating Arlong as I've already got the build ready for OP06 set.


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