Monday, January 1, 2024

OP05 Best Out of the Box Budget Deck, Belo Betty


From a beginner point of view, grabbing the old cards is like literally impossible especially the starter decks. But luckily One Piece can be generous and let us build decks from that set only and don't need any other cards from either the starter deck or other sets, giving a beginner to play the game without finding those cards. We also got more support coming for these decks, so if you started around this time, then I personally think we should go with Belo Betty as the best budget option for OP05 set. For me Enel will need some more support from OP06 to make it work from out of the box, whilst Belo Betty, you only need OP05 cards and OP06 will make a good boost to the build.  Whilst Rosinante will need OP04 stuff if you can find the cards.

The Main Strategy

I think the main MVP of the deck will be these two cards. OP05 Ivankov will let you play Revolutionary Army for free whilst Karasu will be able to reduce our opponent's Characters/Leaders. OP05 Ivankov is one of the main card we want to play as soon as possible because of the main effect. Once per turn, if this Character has 7k power or more, play up to 1 Revolution Army Character with 5k or less other than Ivankov from your hand. This is very easy to trigger, we can trigger this using Betty Leader skill, or by using DON to power up Ivankov, this will allow us to spam the board much more easily.

Only one Karasu out by the time I've written this post, so I do not need to write the set number. This is our second key card, and if you got two Karasu in play, it is pretty much a deadly combination. Karasu have two effects. The first effect works on play, if your Leader has Revolutionary Army in their types, 1 of your opponent's Leader/Character loses 1k power for the turn. This is not bad especially when losing 1k power can make a huge difference. The second effect works when attacking, if this Character has 7k power or more, 1 of your opponent's Leader/Character loses 1k power for the turn. This is pretty much the same as Karasu's on play effect, and just like OP05 Ivankov, make this card 7k power or more is an easy task to do.


What we also have in this budget build are the searchers to feed Belo Betty Leader's effect. Not bad for a deck from out of the booster box and without any old cards too. Belo Betty only have one effect and it works on play, you look at top 5 cards of your deck to reveal up to 1 Revolutionary Army other than Belo Betty, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This is usually what you want on your first turn, build a board whilst also searching for the key cards.

Another card that might be optional in the build is Revolutionary Army HQ. It is a Stage card, but it is another searcher like Belo Betty, but can be used more frequently compare to Belo Betty's effect. The effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand and rest this Stage, look at top 3 cards of your deck to reveal up to 1 Revolutionary Army, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This can be very handy sometimes if you couldn't get the cards you need with Belo Betty's effect.

The Triggers

Another strong point about Belo Betty are the Triggers like in Yellow, but we are using Red instead for the aggression with the Trigger effect being able to play these card for free so we don't have to rely on OP05 Ivankov to spam the field. OP05 Kuma only has an on play effect which is to KO up to one of your opponent's Characters with 2k power or less. 2k power might be very low, but we do have a few cards who can reduce your opponent's Characters to trigger Kuma's effect. The trigger effect only works if your Leader is multicoloured to play this card. You can also run this in other multicoloured Red decks, but its not necessary.

OP05 Morley doesn't have a counter which might be annoying if we need some defences, and the effect is very situation, but he is a Revolutionary Army card, so we might as well use him. The effect works when attacking, if this Character has 7k or more power, your opponents can't use Blocker during the battle. So if your opponents have plenty of Blocker, but 0 Life left in their Life Zone, you can pretty much put all the DON onto Morley to go for the finish. The Trigger effect is the same as OP05 Kuma, however, instead of playing Morley for free, you will need to discard a card from your hand to play.

Lindbegh is very similar to OP05 Kuma but instead of on play effect, it works when attacking. When attacking, if this Character has 7k or more power, KO up to one of your opponent's Characters with 3k power or less. Just like Kuma, we do have some cards in Red that can reduce your opponent's power. The Trigger effect is the exact same as OP05 Morley so I will not write about it again.

Satori is not a Revolutionary Army, but it is another card in OP05 set which is great for players to add in their deck. It is also a 2k Counter card, and as you know, in this build, we rarely have any defences, so having a 2k Counter can be very handy. As well I need to mention Belo Betty also raises power for Characters that have Trigger effect, as she is not restricted to Revolutionary Army only. The trigger effect works, you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. This is similar to OP05 Morley and Lindbegh Trigger's effect.

The Couple

Before I triggered anyone, these two are friends and not couple, but it is just a ship in the series. However, both of these cards are Super Rare but as a Super Rare, they are not expensive especially OP05 Sabo since rarely anyone use him in the main Belo Betty build as it is a 6 cost card where you want the deck to have low cost so you can use more DON. Anyway Koala only has an on play effect which is, if your Leader has Revolutionary Army type, 1 of your opponent's Characters loses 3k power this turn. This effect will help to trigger both OP05 Kuma and Lindbegh's effect. Not to mention, she is also a 2k counter which will allow us to strengthen our defences just like Satori.

Personally, I think OP05 Sabo is not great for a SR, but I think Bandai really needed to fill that SR slot, so they choose Sabo instead. In fact I didn't think Koala was a SR until I've checked the rarity. Anyway Sabo's effect works on play, KO up to 2 of your opponent's Characters with total power of 4k or less. To actually makes Sabo really good, Red must have a card that can gives minus power to all of your opponent's Characters, but at the moment, they don't, so Sabo can't be a good board wipe.

Deck List

Budget Belo Betty


This build is all the cards from the OP05 only, which is great for new players. If you do want cheap budget older cards, I would recommend getting Big Mom characters e.g. Charlotte Moscato and Smoothie. I don't think these two cards will be expensive, so it should be healthy for the wallet along with this build. Both of the Charlotte card I've recommended also have Trigger abilities which will work great with Belo Betty Leader's skill. Not to mention Moscato will have the Banish ability, so your opponent's Life card will be trashed if they let Moscato hit, whilst Smoothie is to go for the finish with the power up ability.

Although for a beginner, Belo Betty does take a bit of time to master as you will need to find the right timing to trigger her Leader's effect, as she is just not a normal Leader where you can use the effect anytime you want. Once you used the Leader effects, most likely your opponents will attack your Characters so you won't be able to power up the full board easily. This is why timing will be important and also to see what cards you will have in your hand at that time.


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