Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Why Did I Start a One Piece Card Game Blog?


I honestly should written this first before anything, but I'm not too far in with the stuff. I am hoping one day someone out there or Google will find this blog. As you know I previous started a blog for VG, but ended up giving up after the second reboot which didn't solve the issues they had with the first reboot. I could have given the blog to someone else, but I don't know why I didn't, I guess it was a burnout so I didn't think.

One Piece Card Game does have a long time frame with set releases, so this let me get enough time to write deck profiles whilst testing the decks. Testing decks is the easy job, but writing takes effort, but with effort there will be great reward and that is having this blog shows up on Google. I will also start writing a budget deck profile per set, since One Piece seems like it is generous enough to give us a working deck using the cards only from that set. This will help new players who joined right in the middle of the game and not the start.

I will also write about other stuff about this Card Game, including their main Youtube channel, if there's anything interesting released on the JP side of thing, as well as Twitter. I am not sure if I will be talking about the Anime/Manga. I read the manga but rarely watches the anime anymore. I know some people doesn't read the manga, so I don't want to spoil the content on this blog. Well when the times come if I need to write about the series to fill up some contents I will.

What I am Hoping to Gain?

I have a plan in 3 stages. 

  • Firstly get this blog up and running, hoping to find a group of players.
  • Secondly start a team of authors for this blog, so it will be a group efforts, it will be much appreciated if people could help in on the deck profiles. I'm mainly wanting to Jank decks as they are much more interesting than writing meta decks that I'll assume 100% of the people will have on their Youtube channel. 
  • Finally, start a Youtube channel to showcase the deck in the fights, I honestly want to show Bo3 matches, but against different Leaders. For me there's no point writing and explaining how the decks work without actually using them, since there are some Leaders have specific ways of playing.

I do not know how Blogger works as I don't even remember when did the first blog started showing on Google, but I know it will take time, so I will have some patience about it and continue to blog until someone can find this blog. But once I've achieved these 3 goals, I will play as long as I can for One Piece until I lose interested in the game. But hopefully I would have a team of authors backing up so I don't have to shut down the blog.


Currently I've created a new server dedicated to One Piece Card Game, as well as posting information for the blog. I am not interested in creating a Twitter page or Facebook dedicated to this blog. I think I've done enough back then. If you want to contact me feel free to DM me on Discord as Discord is my main communication. 

( is also at the side of the widget if somehow this link doesn't work. Hopefully I can get members once the Blog start appearing on Google.

Recruitment Process

I think having 4-5 authors will be enough for this blog, but if I need more authors, then I will write this on another post. The recruitment process is very simple, if you DM me on Discord, I will tell you the requirements for joining in as an author. There is no pressure as this is volunteering work, so you don't have to join in if you feel the requirements isn't for you.

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About Me

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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.