Monday, January 29, 2024

OP05 Purple (Magellan) Deck Profile

I am reviving the old Magellan build. To be honest I could wait until EB01, but it is still 2 sets away for us English format players, so there will be time to update this deck. The idea I've got for this deck is making this build an aggressive build, swarming your field with Characters ready to attack next turn. This is only possible because purple got a lot of great cards we can use for this deck.

Jailer Beasts

The ramp are mainly from your Jailer Beast cards, this will put some pressure for your opponents. If they don't KO them, they will take some punishment, but if they do, you will get the ramp. Either way its a win win situation for you. Sadi effect is simple, on play, play 1 Jailer Beast Character from your hand. There are no cost requirements, just as long as they are Jailer Beasts, they would be played for free. 

Minotaur is a card I'm okay about it, if I don't play him early, he will useless. But if I see him early stage along with Sadi, I will have a Double Attack Character. For people who doesn't know what Double Attack, it's deal 2 damage. The funny thing about this keyword is that Bandai other card game DBS actually means attacking twice. So you could attack this card, and then switch target. I think it be broken in One Piece since we are only allowed 5 Characters in play at a time. Anyway for the On KO effect, if your Leader is Impel Down, add 1 card as rest.

Minozebra is a card I would have in play because of Banish. Banish is a strong keyword especially against Yellow with their Trigger effects. Banish basically when this card deals damage, that card goes to the trash without activating the Trigger, as well as your opponents doesn't get that cards to their hand. The On KO effect is exactly the same as Minotaur. 

Impel Down

Now the rest of the Impel Down cards. Domino is just a 2 drop Blocker, so we can play her early to stop your opponent's attacks. We will be doing plenty of returning DONs to deck, so you won't really be able to play a lot of high drop Characters in the build, so having low cost Blockers will definitely help. Only downside is that if we play against UB Akainu (Sakazuki) or any Black decks, she won't stay in play for very long.

Hannyabal is just a Impel Down searcher. He is very important because we are running Jailer Beasts so we need to search out Sadi or Jailer Beasts to get the free play going, and start spamming the board with Characters. The effect is on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up 1 purple Impel Down card other than Hannyabal, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. There is one problem with this search effect and that is PURPLE Impel Down card, so we cannot mix him with the Blue stuff unlike other searchers.

Magellan is our main boss Character, but then again he is the head of Impel Down. I do like the effect as he comes with two different effect. The first effect is on play, by returning 1 DON, your opponent returns 1 DON from their field. The effect is okay, can slow down your opponent's plays, but if you playing against Purple who can ramp, it is a useless effect. At least we get to trigger our Magellan Leader's effect. The second effect works during your opponent's turn. When this Character is KO'd, your opponent returns 2 DONs from their field. Again, your opponents can wait to 10 DONs then KO Magellan so they will not lose much. He is only effective during early turns when we have low DONs.

Returning DONs

Being able to return DONs will allow us to trigger Magellan Leader's effect, and that is what we want in this build which is why we are running more cards who can return DONs back to your deck. OP01 X Drake's on play effect is by returning 1 DON, your opponent trashes a card in their hand. Not too bad but he also a 2k Counter card where we can use for defending.

I am running ST04 Ulti because I want to play more free cards on top of the Jailer Beasts. Ulti's on play is by returning 1 DON, you can play 1 Page One with 4 cost or less from your hand. On top of that, you also have a 2k Counter just like X Drake which is good for defending, but that's only if you don't need to use Ulti's effect to fill up the field.

I am actually running Top Knot because it can return to DONs back to the deck to trigger Magellan Leader's effect. But more importantly I want to use it for the effect. By returning 2 DONs, return 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character at the bottom of the deck in any order. Thanks to this effect we can remove your opponent's annoying Blockers since we barely have anything to KO in this deck. The Trigger effect is the same as the main effect.


Whilst the main cards focus on playing cards for free as well as triggering Magellan Leader's effect. We also need to focus on these cards to stop your opponent's attacks. OP05 Kid is a Blocker with an effect that works on your turn and once per turn. When a DON on your field is returned, add 1 DON card as active. This is so that we don't return too many DONs so we that could play these high cost Characters. Not like 5 is a high number, but with the amount of DONs returned to deck, you might as well count it as high.

Queen is another Blocker with an on play effect. By returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card. Queen is very good in Magellan deck as he is not just a staple in Purple, but being able to return DONs to deck, so we could trigger the Leader's effect. Not to mention, the draw power will also help you to draw into your combo pieces you need to play cards for free.

I am actually maximising ST10 Law even though the effect is situational. He is a Blocker with an On Play effect. By returning 1 DON, if your opponent has 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. Law is another card that is able to return DONs back to deck triggering Magellan Leader. 7 cards is a lot but not if you can see Law early in the game to trigger his on play effect, or against decks that gains plenty of cards in their hand.

Jet Gatling is in the deck for the ramp, but also a 0 cost Counter Event card. The Counter effect is, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Character gains 3k power during this battle. This is just like any other colours, but it is very handy in a deck like Magellan where we can burn DONs we ease. The Trigger effect is also important as it will let you add a DON as active. Having that extra DON will definitely means you could play more cards, or return DONs back to deck.

Deck List

OP05 P Magellan


There are a lot of 4 costs in this build, but some of them can be played for free thanks to Uta and Sadi in the deck. Another card you can add is ST10 Kid, but because he is a 7 drop, and I barely have enough DONs to play Kid in this build, which is why I'm not running him in the deck. ST10 Kid will definitely be handy as he will be able to constantly active Magellan Leader's effect. I guess you could take out the Ulti combo for ST10 Kid, or maybe even Magellan as I don't think Magellan do too much against your opponents unless you constantly giving him a lot of DONs aside from triggering the Leader's effect.

As I mention, Hannyabal need to be in your opening hand so you can search out the key cards like Sadi and the Jailer Beasts to start filling up the board. I am not running many Impel Down Characters, so you can actually have hit and miss with the search effect. I guess if you are running ST10 Kid by taking out Ulti and Page One, you could replace one of them with Impel Down cards so you could hit the search effect more consistently. I also remember, you can also add OP03 Kalifa as she will also trigger Magellan Leader's effect, but also drawing into your combo pieces as her effect is exactly the same as ST04 Queen, but instead of on play, it is when attacking effect.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.