Monday, January 8, 2024

OP05 Yellow (Enel) Deck Profile


Honestly, most of the Enel decks will look the same, and so will mine. Nothing really creative about it since the deck just works with those cards. It is just about how to play those cards, that is the difference for this build. All this deck is missing is OP06 supports to make the deck even better. The only difference I would have is to provide 2 different build since we are in OP05 so this will be a lengthy post, however, both decks will be using similar cards.

Sky Island

These are some key cards for the Sky Island build. Ohm has two abilities, but one of them is more of a continuous ability. If you have 2 or less Life, he gains 1k power, making Ohm a 6k beat stick. For the on play effect, you get to look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 Holly and add it to your hand, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Then play up to 1 Holly from your hand. Holly is a 5k Vanilla beat stick which you can see next to Ohm. The efficient way is to have Holly in your hand when you use Ohm's effect, so you know you can definitely play Holly for free, and won't waste the searcher effect.

Shura is pretty much a searcher, a 2 Cost searcher. The effect is on play, you look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 Sky Island card other than Shura, add it to your hand, then place the rest of the cards at the bottom of your deck in any order. What I like about Shura is that we have a Trigger ability which let us play him for free.

Enel is one of the main card of the deck, not only he has Rush, but we also have a protection ability. Once per turn, if this Character would leave the field, you may trash the top card of your Life instead. If there is Luffy Character, this effect is negated. I love how this is related to the series where Luffy is the one counter to Enel, this is when they didn't use Haki to hit Devil Fruit users.

Big Mom Pirates

Another option is the Big Mom Pirates package you can use with Enel Leader. The deck focus more on searching out the cards, but also filling up your field with Triggers. OP03 Pudding only works on play, look at top 4 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 Sanji or Big Mom Pirates card other than Pudding, add them to your hand, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. This is just a nice 1 cost searcher if you can spend the 1 DON.

The only thing I don't like about Perospero is the lack of Counter for a Super Rare, if it was Rare and below, this card would make sense, but Super Rare, I think there's no excuse. This is only my personal opinion about this card. Anyway Perospero only works when KO, look at top 3 of your deck, reveal up to 1 Big Mom Pirates card, add it top your hand, place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. He is a better searcher than Pudding as well as being 5k beat stick on top, but it will depends on if your opponents are generous enough to let you search, or let you keep a 5k beat stick on the field. However, he does have a Trigger effect which is trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. If you see him in your Life, it would be a great help.

Brulee is a Blocker with a Trigger which is to play this card. But she is a Big Mom Pirates which will help with your Searchers which is the only reason why I am running Brulee in the first place. Maybe to also hit the Trigger effect so we can have a free Blocker in play to stop one of your opponent's attacks.


What both decks will have will be the access of removals. We definitely need removals so we can remove some Characters on your opponent's field, forcing your opponents to spend more DON, so they can't use DON to power up their Leader/Characters. OP03 Katakuri is one expensive card for a normal version of the secret rare. The effect works on play, add up to 1 Character with 8 cost or less face up to the top or bottom of the owner's Life. This doesn't have to be your opponent's Characters, he can choose your own Characters, but that is only if your opponents got nothing to remove when you play Katakuri.

Gedatsu is a card I would want to play as soon as possible as he is mainly useless during mid to late game where your opponents are low on Life. However, you can use Katakuri to give your opponents extra Life, then play Gedatsu during your next turn, assuming they didn't lose a Life on that turn. The effect is KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal or less than your opponent's Life. This is why we want to play Gedatsu as soon as possible, since we could KO their 4-5 cost Characters. But we do have a 6k beat stick which is a nice magic number against your opponent's Leader.

Thunder Bolt is another KO card. Gedatsu may not be able to KO high cost Characters, but Thunder Bolt can in return for something else. The effect is, you may trash 1 card of your Life to KO up to 1 of your opponent 5 cost or less Characters. You do lose a Life, but there will be cards in the build who benefits you from having low Life. The trigger effect is pretty much the same as the main effect, except without trashing your Life. KO up to 1 of your opponent 5 cost or less Characters.


The cards that you mainly want specifically for their Triggers effect except OP04 Sanji since he is a Blocker you can use. OP03 Shirahoshi is a 5 cost card that I rarely play. I mainly use her as a Counter, but if I can hit her Trigger effect, that will be amazing. The effect is on play, draw 3 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand. This is just a nice hand filter to filter out the cards you can't use with cards you can use instead. The Trigger effect is just play this card which is what I want to aim to do with both of these builds.

Bege is in the deck for the same reason as Shirahoshi. You want to use the Trigger effect instead of playing the card. However, Bege does have 2k counter instead of 1k counter like Shirahoshi. The Trigger effect is up to 1 of your opponent's Leader or Characters cannot attack during this turn. If the timing is perfect, he will slow your opponents down, but if the timing is not, you can add Bege to your hand for the 2k Counter for defence.

OP04 Sanji is just a 4 cost Blocker with a Trigger effect which is you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. This is pretty much a win win situation, and he is good in both builds where we focus on Life recovery so we could hit our Trigger Characters when your opponents attacks your Life.

Life Recovery

Enel will not be the only card who has the ability to recover your Life, you also got OP04 Yamato and ST07 Big Mom (Linlin). Yamato only has an on play effect, but that on play effect will come in very handy. On play, KO up to 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than the total Life on both field. Then, if you have 1 or less Life, add up to 1 card from top of deck to top of your Life. Yamato can KO quite a few Characters since she counts total Life instead of only your opponent's Life like Gedatsu. Not to mention, if you have 1 Life, you will guarantee a Life recovery, so you could survive longer on your next turn.

Big Mom basically gives your opponents choices to choose from instead of you choosing the effect. The effect works on play, your opponent choose one, trash 1 card from their Life, or you add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. Definitely a difficult choice, but it will also depends on the situation, if your opponents would sacrifice their Life, so you won't survive easily, or make you heal, so your opponent won't lose a Life. Of course, there will always be bad matchup when you use Big Mom's effect, against some decks, one might benefit from losing a Life, the other might benefit if you recover.

Deck List

Enel Big Mom

Enel Sky Island

OP05 Enel Big Mom

OP05 Enel Sky Island


Characters x44

Events x6


Two very similar build since both uses similar Triggers line up as well as Big Mom Pirates cards, except one build will utilize Big Mom Pirates more than the other build. Which one to choose is up to you, both will still utilize the Life area as well as being able to KO your opponent's Characters. But I guess the one advantage about Sky Island build is that you are able to use both Ohm and Holly to make use of the beat stick Characters, whilst Big Mom build requires more luck with the Triggers, whilst hard playing the Characters.

In the Sky Island build, you notice Conis, now Conis is useless as we are running 0 Stage in the build, but she can be searched using Shura's effect, so we can have a 2k Counter in our hand. She isn't like Satori where we can play him for 5 cost to get a 5k beat stick in play, but Satori is pretty much the same reason as Conis, keeping him for Counters, unless you managed to hit his Trigger effect.

The Big Mom build you also have OP03 Sanji, Sanji is also a 2k Counter card, but I think it is worth running him in the build. You can also search Sanji using Pudding's effect. Although Sanji's effect will only trigger by placing 2 DON onto him, you get to add a card from top or bottom Life, then adding the top card of your deck to top of your Life, allowing you to increase your hand size whilst increasing the chances of Triggers. 


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.