Monday, January 15, 2024

OP05 Red (Whitebeard) Deck

The old man is still alive and kicking. Although for me, I keep searching for Whitebeard instead of Newgate, since that is the name that have been stuck in my memory for a long time. I keep getting confused why Whitebeard doesn't show up in card search. I wish Bandai add their nickname next to the real name like the Baroque Workers. I was thinking about doing 2 deck profiles for this build, but the deck ended working better as one, by changing some cards around so I can have something from those 2 decks combined.


The Characters, there is no Zoro, but you can run Zoro if you wanted to. However, that will also means reducing the number of Counter cards in the deck to defend for Whitebeard. Jozu only works if you have 2 or less Life, you also need to give Jozu 1 DON to work. If you have 2 or less Life and your Leader is Whitebeard Pirates, this Character gains Rush. Basically, you need a total of 5 DON in order to use Jozu in general. Otherwise, you could just use him for the Counter power.

OP02 Ace is a 7 drop Rush character, the on play effect is very simple, reduce up to 2 of your opponent's Characters by 3k this turn, if your Leader is Whitebeard Pirates, this Character gains Rush. The Rush requirement is very similar to Jozu, but of course Ace has more power, and being able to reduce your opponent's Characters by 3k really helps in clearing the board.

The final Rush card in this deck, Luffy. Luffy in my honest opinion, the effect is stronger than Ace. I know Ace can reduce your opponent's Characters, but Luffy can easily go through Blockers. However, you do need to give Luffy 2 DONs to trigger his effect. When attacking, your opponents cannot activate Blockers during this battle. He will be a 8k beat stick unblockable, but of course if you going for the finish, you want to give Luffy as much DON as possible as we don't care about Blockers, we want to hit over the Counter power in your opponent's hand.

The Removals

The removals, however they can only KO low power Characters. I'm not running Otama mainly because of lack of room, but if I'm running Ace Leader, these cards will be even better as in the Ace build, I can utilised the power reductions compare to this build. Anyway Whitebeard has an on play effect and when attacking effect. For the on play effect, 1 of your Leader gains 2k power until the start of your next turn, then you cannot add Life to your hand using your own effects during this turn. Thanks to this effect we don't need to worry about losing our Life from Whitebeard's Leader effect, plus he also makes Whitebeard Leader as a 8k power Leader, providing the attack and defence at the same time. For the when attacking effect, you need to give 2 DONs to Whitebeard in order to activate his effect. KO up to 1 of your opponent's 3k or less Characters. Only useful if your opponents have 3k Blockers since we don't have much power reducer in this build.

OP03 Marco on play effect basically lets you KO 1 of your opponent's 3k or less Characters. The On KO effect lets you play Marco rested, like a Phoenix. Unfortunately the On Play effect only works during your turn, so you can't hope for your opponents to KO Marco, then revive him to KO one of your opponent's Characters. He just doesn't work that way which is a shame, then again, he might be too strong if that happens. But being able to revive from the trash means your opponents might focus the attacks in trying to remove Marco for the second time.

I'm running OP05 Robin because she's a Straw Hat meaning our searcher Nami can search her out of the deck. Robin's on play effect is very simple, KO up 1 of your opponent's 1k or less Characters. Robin pretty much targets the 0 power Characters that some people run in their builds. However, because she is only 1 cost, we can use her with Ace effect. You play Ace to reduce your opponent's Character's power, then play Robin to KO them, if they managed to reach 1k power.

The Defence

For our defensive stuff, we won't be just using Blockers, we will also have Counter cards in order to protect Whitebeard's Leader. As you know losing a Life per turn will hurt, so you want to stop your opponent's attacks with these cards, to prevent from losing any more Life. OP02 Marco is a Blocker with an on KO effect just like OP03 Marco. You may trash 1 Whitebeard Pirates from your hand, if you have 2 or less Life, play this Character as rested from your trash. The only downside is that he will be rested and for a Blocker, that's not good. It is up to you if you want to save him or not, having a Blocker will protect your Leader, but is it worth using all that Counters just for Marco? That's for you to decide.

Fossa is a 2 drop Blocker. I'm only running him because for the low cost and can be search out using Izo's effect since Fossa is a Whitebeard card. You can play him as soon as possible if you see him in your hand, because once you get to the big drops, you will feel you will have lack of DONs to play any other stuff, especially 9 drop Whitebeard. But the power up effect will save you a bit instead of Blockers.

Radical Beam is a very strong Counter card, works perfectly with Whitebeard. The Counter effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 2k power during this battle. Then in you have 2 or less Life, gain another 2k power. So in total, we would be able to power up one of our cards by 4k. The Trigger effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power during this turn. This effect can make our Leader a 7k power for the turn, making it very easy for us to use Counter cards as we won't need to use much Counters, unless your opponents put more DONs on their Leader/Characters.

Bad Manners Kick Course is a 0 cost Counter we can use. This build actually use quite a lot of DONs so having some 0 cost Counters will definitely help when protecting Whitebeard. The Counter effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand. 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. 3k can be handy in some situation where you lack Counter cards. For the Trigger effect, 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters loses 3k power during this turn. Although since I'm only running 1 copy, I'm mainly wanting Bad Manners in my hand more than using the Trigger effect unless it can stop one of your opponent's attacks.

Now the final card from one of the early starter decks, Guard Point. Guard Point counter effect is basically the same as Bad Manners Kick Course except without the need to trash a card from your hand. 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. Not bad for 1 cost, although Radical Beam is better but only works when you have 2 or less Life whilst Guard Point can be use early in the game. The Trigger effect is exactly the same as Radical Beam, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power during this turn. Basically its the same reason why we want Guard Point in the deck, to hit that Trigger bonus making it much easier to use Counter cards when your opponents attacks the Leader.

The Power Boosts

Two very different cards when it comes to the power bonus. OP01 Sanji power himself up. The effect is, you may add 1 card from your Life to your hand, this Character gains 2k power during this turn, then give this Character up to 2 rested DONs. If possible, Sanji would become 7k beat stick for a turn which is a nice beat stick to have. He is also in the build to help to trigger Jozu and OP02 Marco's effects who required 2 or less Life to activate. On top of that Sanji is also a 2k counter we can use to defend for the Leader.

OP02 Makino is in the build to make use of the 1 drops we have in the deck. Very few decks can make use of 1 drop Characters once we used their on play effects, so she is very handy to have. The effect is, you rest this Character, 1 of your red 1 cost Character gains 1k power during this turn. This will allow your 2k power to reach the magic number, 5k power, making those Characters able to attack your opponent's Leader. Of course, if your opponents have a 6k Leader, we will then need to use a DON to power up the 1 cost. On top of that Makino is also a 2k counter, but I've mainly used her to make my 1 cost Characters able to attack Leader/Characters.


We have 2 different Characters to search out the 2 different Pirates in the deck, Straw Hats and Whitebeard Pirates. Both Characters only works on play. OP01 Nami effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 Straw Hat Crew except Nami, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.

Whilst OP03 Izo effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to 1 Whitebeard Pirates except Izo, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Both cards will be able to get the power boost from Makino's effect as they are both 1 drop Characters.

Deck List

OP05 R Whitebeard


As you lose a Life each turn, you want to be on the attack as well as providing the defence. You can add Zoro if you want more Rush for the build, but Zoro is risky for the deck as he doesn't have a Counter on the card, meaning when we need to use Counters for Whitebeard's Leader, we might have a problem. But most of the time you want to use Counters as early as possible, unless your opponents uses plenty of DONs for their Leader/Characters.

You then want to play your Rush Characters and attack as soon as they hit the field, either attacking their Characters to reduce the amount on the field, or attack their Leader, so they could use Counters or take a Life. 9 Drop Whitebeard is mainly our last defence. We would be pretty much use most of our DONs to play him, but in return, that 8k power Leader will a lot easier to guard. Although if you are about to lose if you take any more hits, I wouldn't spend the DONs on 9 drop Whitebeard. I think it will be too risky especially of the number of 1 drop Counter cards we could use for the DONs.

But the main priority is that you want to be aggressive as possible, start attacking if you can, because once you down to 2 Life, that will be danger level since Whitebeard's Leader will be eating up that Life. You will also need to use Counters early if you can to stop your opponent's attacks if they attack your Leader, so you wouldn't need to worry about losing too much Life per turn. 


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.