Friday, January 26, 2024

COTD - OP07 Itomimizu


Cost 3 / 0 Power (Wisdom)

Foxy Pirates

[Counter +1000]

[Activate Main] [Once per turn] If your leader has the {Foxy Pirates type} and you do not have any other characters in play named [Itomimizu], add up to one rested Don!! from your Don!! deck. 

Just a ramp card that works similar to both Galley-La and Onigashima, except with those cards, they are Stage whilst Itomimizu is a Character which can easily be removed from the field. At least we don't need to rest Itomimizu, otherwise he would be a terrible card. Just imagine if we need to rest him, that would be terrible, opponents can easily target him for attacks to stop the ramps. But currently, I'm quite happy with this card, 0 power means I won't attack with him and used something else. Only downside is that you can only have 1 on the field, but that also makes sense, since 2 of these will be turbo ramp seeing how we can get to 10 DONs pretty easily.


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