Thursday, January 25, 2024

OP05 Black (Sakazuki) Deck Profile

This is just a fun deck as UB Akainu (Sakazuki) has a much better effect whilst this Akainu only have an effect which we can rarely use, depending on what you have on the board. Still handy, but can't be used constantly since we don't have that much DONs to use. I think this post will be kept simple as the deck build is very straight forward, all we need to aim is cost reducer and removals, so your opponents will not be able to build a decent board. To be honest, my Smoker build which I haven't post (at the time this was posted), is similar to this build. I guess you can swap the Leader around if you want a Smoker deck.

Cost Reducers

I may have went overboard with the amount of cost reducers in the build. But I have kept in mind in case you want to use Akainu Leader's effect. This is why I am running plenty in the build. First we will start of with 4 drop Kuzan, on play you draw a card, this is not too important, as the second effect is what I am focusing on. When attacking, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character costs by 4 during this turn. This will be handy as 4 is a big number, and if we need to remove big Characters, we definitely need that number to do so.

OP02 Tsuru is just a 1 drop cost reducer. On play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character costs by 2 during this turn. For 1 DON, this is not bad, but we also have a 2k Counter on Tsuru, this is only if you need to use her for defending instead of using the on play effect. Sometimes, you might need to use her on play effect and sometimes you don't.

10 drop Kuzan is actually the main card in this deck seeing how we need to have 0 cost in order to use Akainu Leader's effect. Kuzan's first effect works during your turn, you get to reduce all of your opponent's Character's cost by 5. 5 is a big number, and plus it's a continuous effect so we don't have to rely on our other cost reducers in the deck. The on play effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Characters. This shouldn't be too hard to do thanks to the first effect.

Toy Soldier is optional in the build, you can run him, you can swap him with a different card you prefer. The effect is simple, you can trash this card to reduce 1 of your opponent's Character costs by 3 during. 3 is 1 more than 2, which can be very handy in some situations like 6-7 drop Characters on their field so you could use your removals to remove those Characters. On top of this, we also have a 2k Counter which is very handy for defending.

ST06 Tashigi is basically like Tsuru, but instead of on play effect, she can activate during the main phase, which is a lot handy than on play. The effect is, you may rest this card to reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 during this turn. On top of this Tashigi also have 2k Counter like Tsuru which is great for defending if we need to use any Counters. The only downside is that she is a 4k beat stick, so if you want to hit magic numbers you need to give her a DON to do so.

ST06 Hina is a lot better than Tashigi when it comes to the reducing cost and power. The effect is on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 4 during this turn. On top of this effect, she is a 5k beat stick which is a nice magic number to hit your opponent's Leader. The only downside is that Hina have no Counters, but don't worry we have way to discard her to trash.

Moving on the the Event card, Ice Age. I don't know if I'm unlucky or the build I've got just got plenty of draws. I've tried running 4 and it felt my hand was unusable so I reduced the number of Ice Age which made my hand better. Anyway the main effect is reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 5. The number 5 is very handy especially against 10 cost Characters, combine this with 10 drop Kuzan, and you can easily make 10 cost Characters down to 0 cost, then you can trigger Akainu Leader's effect to KO that Character. The Trigger effect only KOs 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters, so it is not that important as the main effect.

Great Eruption is one of the key card in this build simply because of the main effect. You get to draw 1, then reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 during this turn. For 1 DON to draw 1, but on top of that we get to reduce our opponent's Characters cost is amazing. The Trigger effect I rarely use because the main effect is just better unless I don't need it. The effect is your opponent chooses 1 card from their hand and trash it. I know discarding might be handy, but it is a shame that this card have a nice main effect to use.


Compare to the amount of cost reducers in the build, I am not running a lot of removals. This is because I have kept in mind that the build is designed to use with Akainu Leader's effect. Otherwise, this build will just be like Smoker deck. OP02 Koby is a nice removal we can use quite early stage. The effect is on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. It is not a bad effect and we can easily reduce your opponent's Character costs down to 3 or less. Then only bad part about Koby is that he's only a 4k beat stick which means you will need a DON to make him hit the magic number.

OP02 Akainu basically have the same effect as OP02 Koby but we can target a much higher cost than 3. Plus he's also a 7k beat stick which I think will be needed to attack your opponent's Leader/Characters. Anyway the effect is on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Unlike Koby who can mainly target lower cost Characters, Akainu can target 8-10 cost Characters as long as we have the cost reducer to reduce their costs down to 5. This should be hard to do.

OP05 Lucci is mainly to reduce your opponent's board so they cannot go wide and start attacking your Leader. The effect is on play, you may return 3 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order. KO 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Character, and 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Character. We do have some ways to get cards into our trash, so having Lucci being able to return those cards can be very handy to have. 


Now we will talk about the Blockers. For a deck who needs to rely on 10 drop Kuzan, we don't run many, and most of these are high cost Blockers which might be a problem. OP02 Kizaru (easier to write than Borsalino) is our main Blocker. There's really no reason to take him out unless you can't afford him. There is an effect that works during your opponent's turn. This card gains 1k power and can't be KO by card effects. Mainly, you don't want to play Kizaru unless you have finished attacking, since that protection only works during your opponent's turn, and we will have Triggers that could potential remove him if you play him before attacking.

OP04 Sabo is very nice to have as he protects your field for a turn unlike Kizaru. The effect is on play, none of your Characters can be KO's by effects until the start of your next turn. Then draw 2 cards and trash 2 from your hand. The hand filter can also be handy to see the main cards we need for the deck. But most importantly, you can play Sabo to protect your Characters against Triggers who would KO your Characters and reduce your attacks.

Finally OP05 Rebecca, Rebecca can bring back some Characters from your trash which is why I am running her in the build. The effect is on play, return 1 black Character with cost 3-7 other than Rebecca from your trash to your hand. Then, play up to 1 black 3 cost or less Character from your hand rested. We do have plenty of 3 cost or less Characters we could used to trigger their on play effects. But more importantly is returning the Characters you either trashed or KO'd from your trash to you hand, so you could use them either next turn or this turn again.


Now we have two very different searchers for the deck. One who search your deck and the other who search your trash similar to OP05 Rebecca. Brannew is a Navy searcher, but he is different to regular searchers. The effect is on play, look at top 3 cards of your deck to reveal 1 Navy card other than Brannew, add them to your hand, then trash the rest of the cards. Instead of placing those cards to the bottom of the deck, you trash them instead, but that doesn't matter as we have some way to recycle the trash.

Mansherry is a different searcher as she will be searching your trash instead of deck. Mansherry effect works by paying 1 DO, resting this card and returning 2 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order. Add 1 black Character with cost 3 to 5 from your trash to your hand. Not as good as Rebecca but you can use Mansherry to bring back Rebecca, then use Rebecca to bring back another Character if you need a higher cost Character in your trash. Only downside is that she will likely be a target for an attack, and having 0 power, you won't be able to stop those attacks unless you have plenty of Blockers in play. 

Deck List

OP05 B Akainu


What I am focusing with this build is being able to reduce your opponent's Character costs with ease whilst also removing their Characters so they will need to constantly play new Characters to replace the field. But it is also dedicated to using Akainu's Leader effect which is why I am running plenty of cost reducers. In my opinion Smoker and Akainu deck should be different build and shouldn't be just swapping the Leader and call it a deck as I want to have the deck be able to use Leader's abilities.

Anyway the key card is the build is 10 drop Kuzan, if you can survive until you can play 10 Kuzan, it will make your entire deck so much easier to play, and you will be able to use your Leader's effect with ease. But if you don't have 10 drop Kuzan, you will need to play your removals like Koby, 6 drop Akainu and Lucci to reduce the amount of attacks your opponents can do. You also have Blockers to stop some attacks, I mainly play Kizaru as my first Blocker, because he is 6k with unbreakable on your opponent's turn.

The 3 DONs from Akainu Leader honestly is a lot, especially when you can put that DON to better use. But the effect is there just in case you didn't draw your removals, but have plenty of cost reducers in the build. So I guess using that 3 DONs might be worth it in those situations.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.