Wednesday, January 17, 2024

OP05 Blue/Yellow (Queen) Deck Profile

At first, I wanted to post two deck lists for Queen, but then I've found out the other build which uses a different engine is more for budget build. So I will post the budget version of Queen later on. I guess I have a few decks that are able to go for budget builds in the OP05 set, who knew that. Anyway, the deck is very different to other decks I've played before, it felt more like playing Rebecca, with the exception of Queen is able to attack. So if you like these kind of decks, this might be for you.


As you can see the way I've made Queen is more of a defensive control build. You want to keep removing your opponent's Characters so they cannot attack your Leader, but you also want 8 cost or higher Characters so we can trigger Queen's Life Gain ability instead of drawing cards. OP01 Mihawk only have a on play effect but he is a 9k beat stick to have on the field. The on play effect is place 1 7 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Of course you want to choose your opponent's Characters over your own, but unfortunately we can't remove any 8 cost or higher Characters.

OP03 Katakuri is a card that's not a 9 drop, so we could play him a bit earlier compare to our 9 cost Characters. Once again, the effect works on play, you can add 1 8 cost or lower Characters to top or bottom of the owner's Life. Again just like Mihawk, you don't really want to choose your Characters unless you needed that life gain to survive. But still, you could always choose your opponent's Characters to weaken their attacks for next turn.

OP04 Yamato will be good when you are 1 Life, however if you could perform Life gain with Queen Leader's effect, you can only focus on the KO effect. Most likely you won't be doing much attacking your opponent's Life until you can play high cost Characters, so Yamato would be able to KO some pretty high cost Characters available. The effect is on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less that the total Life on the field. Then if you have 1 or less Life, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life.

Three Thousand World is a card I rather have in my hand than in the Life area because the main and Trigger effect has a huge cost difference when it comes to removing Characters on the field. The main effect is place 1 5 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. This is great against certain cards, but more importantly, being able to remove 5 cost Blockers. The Trigger effect is just place 1 3 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Personally there aren't as much choices for 3 or less, unless your opponents have low cost beat sticks in play, or low cost Blockers we could choose.

Red Roc cost 6 to play, that is a lot of DONs needed, but remember, we do want to stall as much as possible until we can bring out our big drops to play and start triggering Queen Life Gain as well as draw power depending on the situation. The main effect is place 1 Character at the bottom of the owner's deck. Literally a removal that is able to remove any cards which is very handy to have, and also why I'm running maximum copies since we will not be afraid of your opponent's high cost Characters. The Trigger effect is a bit better than Three Thousand World, place 1 4 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. With 4 cost or less, there's just more options over 3 cost or less we can choose to return.

The last removal Sables, there is 1 reason why I am not running more Sables over the 2 other Event cards simple because it only return Characters back to owner's hand. I personally think returning cards back to hand isn't a great idea with the on plays effect they can trigger, unless, those Characters have no Counters. The Trigger effect will be the same as the main effect. Return 1 7 cost or less Character to the owner's hand. If you see Sables in the Life area, that will be great as you could slow down your opponent's attacks, but in your hand, it will depends on what Characters you will be returning to your opponent's hand. You could also return your own Characters to activate their on play effects, but that will really depends on the situation to do that.

Blockers Paradise

Now, you shouldn't have any problems not seeing a Blocker in this deck. I thought Corazon deck had a lot of Blockers, but nope Queen surpassed that with these Blockers in the deck. OP01 Doffy has an on play effect that lets you look at the top 5 cards of your deck and place them at top or bottom of your deck in any order. This will be very important because of Queen's effect which lets you either draw the card or add it to your Life area. If you do see a Trigger card, you want to use Queen's effect to put that card into your Life and wait for your opponents to attack your Leader to trigger the Trigger effects.

Shirley is a card that can let you see what card is at the top of your Life. Honestly, I don't really care about my opponents unless I know what's on top of my Life, so I could check if I should give your opponents those cards. The effect is on play, look at 1 card from top of your or your opponent's Life, and place it at the top or bottom of the Life. You would only need to use Shirley if you can't use Queen's effect, but otherwise, once Queen is activated, she will just be a plain Blocker, unless you do not know your top cards of the deck.

OP04 Sanji is a Blocker with a Trigger effect, and that Trigger effect is, you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. Trashing a card in your hand will put you more of an advantage since Queen needs to have a total of 4 cards in Life and hand to activate the effect, and if somehow you could reduce your hand size, that will be very good to set up Queen's effect.

OP05 Drake is basically OP01 Doffy, but cost 5 to play instead of 3. However in return we would have a 6k blocker instead of Doffy's 4k blocker. The effect is look at the top 5 cards of your deck and place them at top or bottom of your deck in any order. This is exactly the same reason as Doffy, so I'm not going to type it all up again where we can look at the top cards of our deck, and utilise Queen's Leader.

Hancock and Brulee are exact same card, but just different colours. Their Trigger effects are play this card. So if you managed to see either of them in your Life, you will be able to get a free Blocker on the field unlike OP04 Sanji, so we can stall your opponent's attacks. However, they are only 1k power Blockers, so playing against Red who can KO these low power cards with ease, that might end  up being a problem.

The 2k Counters

The only similarity that these two have will be the 2k Counter. Aside from Blockers, 2k Counters will also play an important role because of your low hand size. Kaya's on play effect is just draw 2 and trash 2. With the amount of Events and big cost Characters in the build, she is really great to have as we can filter those cards to search for our low cost Blockers to play. But another is, you can combined Kaya with Doffy and Drake's on play effect, you can sort the top cards of your deck, and draw into the cards you need, then use Queen's effect to put the rest at the top of your Life.

OP04 Bege is mainly for the Trigger effect which is 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters cannot attack during this turn. Another way to stall without needing to use Blockers abilities from your Characters. However, don't worry if you got Bege in your hand, you can just use him for 2k Counters. Just don't play him on the field, you should be able to use other cards than playing Bege for 3 DONs.

Deck List

OP05 UY Queen


You want to be as defensive as possible (might be not for some people) until you can bring out the big drops in the deck. You can just attack with Queen since he is able to attack unlike Rebecca deck. Although if you want to annoy your opponents, you could use Queen to constantly attack their Characters, then play a Blocker, or removal and pass the turn. You don't want to start attacking your opponent's Life constantly until you have the big drops to trigger Queen's Life gain effect, with the option to draw if you need to.

Ideally you want see Kaya in your opening hand, however don't worry if you can't, you also want to see Doffy and Shirley in order to organise your deck and Life. Then we can just hope your opponents play big cost Characters so we can use our Event cards to remove them. I wouldn't use those Event cards on low cost Characters unless you have to. 


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.