Wednesday, February 28, 2024

OP05 Red/Purple (Kid) Deck Profile

I honestly have no idea if I could make this build work. I have several ideas for this deck, but I decided to choose the one that can utilise this Leader more. The other 2 Captains from the starter deck are very straightforward to build, but Kid is a bit different considering there's also lack of support for Kid Pirates. So I wouldn't make this focus on Kid Pirates build. 


There's only 3 ramp cards in the deck as the others are mainly Trigger effect. OP05 Kid is a Blocker with an effect that works on your turn and once per turn. When a DON on your field is returned to your DON deck, add 1 DON as active. You will be doing plenty of returning DONs back to deck, so it will not be difficult to trigger Kid's effect.

ST10 Bart technically cost 5 to play if you want to use his on play's effect. On play, by paying 1 DON, add 1 DON as active. On the bright side he is a 5k beat stick we will have on play. You could run OP05 Zala is you do not like Jean Bart as Zala lets you ramp without need to pay a DON, just trashing a card from your hand which will be no problem with this build.

ST10 Bepo works on play or when attacking. If your opponent has more DONs on their field than you, add 1 DON as rest. Bepo is one of the key rampers along with OP05 Kid as long as Bepo stays on the field. We can easily trigger his effect with the amount of returning DONs we can do. Plus he is also a good going second card as your opponents will have 1 more DON than you even if you don't return DONs back to deck.


The power cards that can turn into deadly beat sticks forcing your opponents to use more Counters from their hand or they would take the hit. OP01 Sanji activates during the main phase, you may add 1 card from your Life to your hand, this Character gains 2k power this turn, then give this Character up to 2 rested DONs. The reason why I am running Sanji is that Kid Leader needs 3 Life for the 5k power, plus if we combined the power and DONs together, he will be a 7k beat stick for a turn which is not bad for 2 drop card. Plus he is also a 2k counter, so if you can't use his effect, he will be good for defending.

ST10 Heat works amazingly in this build. The effect works when a DON on your field is returned, this Character gains 2k power until the start of your next turn. So he will be a 6k beat stick on your opponent's turn which is not bad for a 3 drop Character. Plus just like ST10 Bepo, it is very easy to return DONs back to your deck, so you will constantly trigger Heat power bonus to make him a 6k beat stick to swing at your opponents with.

ST10 Kid provides both offense and defence for your Leader only. The effect works on play/when attacking just like Bepo. By returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until the start of your next turn. This will make Kid Leader a 6k base, but Kid Leader also gains an additional 1k from the Leader effect, making him a 7k beat stick for a turn. But that will also return 2 DONs altogether.

Punk Rotten is more of a final push card where you go for the win, which is why I am not running maximum copies of this card. The effect is, by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Kid Pirates Leader/Characters gain 5k power this turn. We have a few options to choose from for Kid Pirates, and most of them can also become deadly beat stick combined with this card. The Trigger effect is add 1 DON as active. Just a simple ramp effect, but you may want to keep this card for the power boost.


Now for the Rush Characters so we can attack as soon as they hit the field. OP01 Zoro is just a 5k Rush card, nothing else I can say about this. ST01 Luffy is another great card to go for the final rush for game. He also have an additional ability where you need to give him 2 DONs to work. When attacking, your opponents can't activate Blockers during this battle. If you play him and use his effect on the same turn, it will cost you 7 DONs altogether which is a lot, but if you can force out plenty of Counters from your opponent's hand, then it will be worth it.

ST04 Kaido is a 10k Rush but the effect is on play. On play, by returning 5 DONs, KO 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or less Characters. This Character gains Rush this turn. Not only we have Rush, but we also have removal effect too. Returning 5 DONs will be a lot, but we do have some ramp cards so we won't be losing too much once we used Kaido's effect.


The Blockers of the deck including OP05 Kid to stop your opponent's attacks whilst we can get enough DONs to play our big drops. I personally like having both Uta and Law in the build rather than just Law. ST05 Uta is a Blocker with an on block effect. By returning 1 DON, you can rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. She will be able to stop 2 attacks instead of 1 with one block which for me is very handy to slow down your opponents. Plus we could try and attack that rested Character on our next turn.

ST10 Law is a situational card unless you are 100% sure you can trigger his on play effect constantly, since they are some decks who likes to maintain low hand size making Law's on play effect useless. The effect is, by returning 1 DON, if you opponents have 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. Reducing their hand is good so they won't be able to play the cards they want during their turn, but 7 or more might be easy for some decks, and some decks this might be difficult.

ST10 Wire is a Blocker with a hand filter effect. Once per turn, when a DON on your field is returned, draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. We are running plenty of Characters with 0 Counters, so we can easily discard those cards and draw into the cards we need.


Here are the rest of the Event cards, 2 of them are Counters, whilst 1 of them is a searcher. Radical Beam effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 2k power this battle. Then if you have 2 or less Life, gain an additional 2k power. 2 Life is very easy to do as we got OP01 Sanji who also takes our Life away. The Trigger effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power this turn. This makes your Leader a 6k power base which will means if your opponents have any 5k beat stick in play, they will need a DON to make them hit magic numbers.

For Jet Gatling you have either this or Bad Manners Kick Course, I chose Jet Gatling because I will need it Trigger effect. The Counter effect is, you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power this battle. Just a simple power up ability. The Trigger effect is add 1 DON as active. The ramp will be important with the amount of DONs we can easily returned.

You Fight Against Pirates is a searcher. I am not going to write the long name as it will take ages as it is just a saying. The effect is look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Straw Hat Crew, Kid Pirates, or Heart Pirates card and add it to your hand. Then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. Now, we are running plenty of these Pirates in the build, so it will not be hard to hit the search effect with this card. The Trigger effect is the same as the main effect. All the searching will help us get the cards we want.

Deck List

OP05 R/P Kid


This is just a coincidence that the build is mainly using starter deck cards to fill up most of the slots except the Event cards. I've focused this deck more on power and utilising the Rush Characters as I think this is the way to break through your opponents. You could run Ulti + Page One combo, but those cards take up a lot of spaces, and you might not get the combo pieces without searching, or drawing your deck.

What you do want is being able to ramp. The more you can ramp, the easier you can play your big drops in this build. Once you ramp up to 10, the ramp cards will still provide their usefulness as you will be also returning DONs back to the deck to trigger some card's effects. This is very straightforward with this build.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.