Monday, February 26, 2024

OP05 Blue/Purple (Crocodile) Deck Profile


Personally, I wasn't really sure if I should post this build now or wait until EB01, but since I want this blog to have more posts, I guess I'll post this build now, update it when EB01 comes out in English. This build gives you plenty of draw also utilising the Leader's effect. I do want to add more cards to make the consistency but I need the other cards in the deck to help with this build.


We need a lot of ramp to play the big drops which we will have in this build. OP01 Sasaki only works if you give him a DON which will make him a 5k beat stick. The effect is when attacking, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. The trashing from hand will make it really useful to trigger Crocodile Leader effect so we don't have to use up all Counters from our hand during the early turns. Plus Sasaki is also a 2k counter, so even if you don't need the ramp, he will still be very handy especially with low hand size.

OP04 Ms All Sunday is a 5 cost card that lets you ramp. On play, add 1 DON as rest, then if you have 6 or more DONs on your field, draw 1 card. When you play her, you can definitely trigger the draw ability as you will have 6 DONs by the time you play her. However, not for the Trigger effect. The Trigger effect is by returning 2 DONs, play this card. You will need to be lucky if you have 5 DONs by the time you play Ms All Sunday when you triggered the Trigger effect.

OP05 Zala is another card that is similar to Sasaki, but instead of when attacking effect, she works on play. On play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. Again, the trashing will definitely help to hit the 4 cards requirement for Crocodile Leader's effect. The Trigger effect is just by returning 1 DON, play this card. Basically you will lose nothing and gain nothing with this effect. On the bright side just like Sasaki, she is also a 2k Counter we could use especially when we have low hand size.

ST10 Bart on play effect works better if you have 5 DONs instead of 4. On play, by paying 1 DON, you can add 1 DON as active. You need to pay the cost on top of the Character cost for Bart, but we do have a 5k beat stick on the field unlike Zala or Sasaki for ramp effects. He is more like Ms All Sunday when it comes to the cost and effect.

The Big Drops

Here are the main big drop Characters we have in the build. I am not running OP05 Kaido simply because of this deck is built. If I paid 10 DONs, I wouldn't be able to do anything with the other cards. Yes the draw 3 is definitely handy especially with this kind of build who focus on low hand size. Anyway OP04 Crocodile comes with 2 effects, the first effect being an on play effect which is by returning 2 DONs, if your Leader is Baroque Works, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. This is a nice Life gain ability especially when we don't need to have low life to work. The second effect works during your opponent's attack. By returning 1 DON, you can draw 1 and trash 1 card from your hand, a simple hand filter we could use.

OP05 Kizaru is a nice removal for 7 drop Character. The effect is place 1 4 cost Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Most of the time, the important cards your opponents have in play will be 4 drops. However, depending on the meta, you can easily switch Kizaru with OP01 Mihawk, but Mihawk cost 9 to play instead of 7, but he will be able to return 7 cost Characters instead of 4. But this is just personal preference as Kizaru is also a 8k beat stick for 7 DONs which is not bad.

ST10 Kid is more for defensive plays as well as offensive plays. I guess he more balance things out, but this build is rather defensive. The effect works on play/when attacking, by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader gains 1k power until the start of your next turn. This card is very important especially since I am not running OP05 Kaido, but you can run both in the build if you have the room. Making your Leader a 6k base power will makes thing easier to defend with especially when we focus on low hand size to trigger the Leader's effect.


Three of these Event cards are Counters which will enable you to use Crocs Leader's effect. In my opinion Desert Spada is great in this build as we have some draw power as well as OP04 Crocodile, so we could get the right cards instead of drawing randomly. The effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 2k power during this battle, then look at top 3 cards of your deck and place them at the top or bottom of your deck in any order. This also works well with the Leader effect so you will know the 2 cards you will draw using this Counter effect. The Trigger effect is just draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand, helping you to increase your hand size if you need it.

Rain is a 0 cost Counter. This card will help you trigger your Leader's effect. The effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. The counter effect is useful, but the Trigger effect is pretty useless unless you are playing against low drop rush decks, or low cost Blockers. The Trigger effect is, return up to 1 of 2 cost or less Characters to the owner's hand. I guess you could return your own cards to use the on play's effects or use those cards as counters.

Three Thousand Worlds is just a removal card. Although I am not running many copies of this because I rather play cards like OP05 Kizaru instead. I think having a Character is better than just using an Event card. But I guess if you have low hand size, you could use Three Thousand Worlds to remove your opponent's Characters whilst triggering your Leader's effect. The main effect is return 1 5 cost or less Characters at the bottom of the owner's deck. The Trigger effect is just return 1 3 cost or less Characters at the bottom of the owner's deck. A lot weaker than the main effect in my opinion.

Jet Gatling is another 0 cost counter, and the effect is the same as Rain. You may trash 1 card from your hand, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. The only difference will be the Trigger effect that lets you add 1 DON as active. Personally, you will need this kind of effect especially with the amount of returning DONs back to the deck we can do.

The Filters

Here are the cards that can filter your hand, well except OP01 Ms All Sunday. All she does is just add Event cards from your trash back to your hand. As you can see I am not running ST04 Queen in this build. He's handy but he does cost 5 DONs to play, so sometimes you might only be able to play 1 and the rest are stuck in your hand. Anyway OP01 Ms All Sunday is a Blocker with On KO effect which is if your Leader is Baroque Works, add 1 Event from your trash to your hand. This will allow us to reuse the Counter cards if needed or even Three Thousand Worlds for the removal.

Kaya is just on play draw 2 and trash 2 cards from your hand. You won't gain anything or lose anything, just a filter in case you've got too many cards you couldn't use in hand like 0 Counters, or high cost Characters that we won't be playing until later turns. But she is also a 2k counter which is handy for a low hand size build like this deck.

OP05 Hawkins is a Blocker with an on block effect. On Block, if you have 3 or less cards in your hand, draw 1 card. Then this Character gains 1k power during this battle. Hawkins not only gives you the draw power, but he can also becomes a 6k Blocker which is not bad for a 4 drop Character. Plus we have plenty of ways of trashing our hand without using Counters, so it is not difficult to trigger Hawkins's On Block effect.

Deck List

OP05 U/P Crocs


This build is quite defensive compare to P/Y Crocs deck. I personally play this defensive to wait until I can get my big drops into play. You have the draw power, so you will be able to draw into the big drops pretty easily. It is just that can you ramp fast enough before your opponents start playing big bodies on the field.

I would actually give a DON to the Leader in case you might hit the draw effect even if you not planning to. You might not know what your opponents will be doing, or you might predict what your opponents doing, and won't be keeping a huge hand for long. Plus we will constantly have a 6k Leader for beat stick forcing your opponents to use at least 2k counter to stop the attack.

But this build is very straight forward, I would just ramp, save 1 untap DON for Desert Spada, and then play the big Characters to try and go for game. We do also have some Blockers in case the Counters aren't enough to stop an opponent's attack. It will be a slow process, trying to also clear your opponent's board at the same time so they don't put too much of a threat against this build. But I know EB01 will make this build very different compare to OP05, so I can't wait until then.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.