Friday, February 9, 2024

OP05 Purple/Yellow (Crocodile) Deck Profile

Well unlike the other Purple decks, you won't be needing OP05 Kid in this build because of Crocodile's effect, so there was no point having 2 cards in the build who does the same thing unless you really want the ramp. We do have some new cards from OP05 set for this build. Honestly, I want to wait for EB01, but that is still miles away before the set comes into English, so I will post the deck now, update the build later.

Life Gain

There are two cards in this build who can focus on Life Gain, so you won't need to worry about running out of Life. However, both of these cards are high drop Characters to play. OP04 Crocodile have two effects, the first effect is on play, by returning 2 DONs, if your Leader is Baroque Works, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. This is very good as you don't need low Life to trigger the on play effect. The second effect works on your opponent's attack, once per turn by returning 1 DON, you can draw 1 and trash 1. This effect helps to trigger Crocs Leader so you could have 1 DON untap to use 1 cost Counters.

OP04 Yamato is not as great as our 8 drop Crocs, but she does help with additional Life gain, since the more the merrier is what I always say. The on play effect is KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal or less than the total Life on the field. Then if you have 1 or less Life, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. Its a shame that she needs to KO Characters first before the Life gain, but then again, Yamato might be broken if Life gain is first before the KO effect since we add total life than just your opponent's Life.

Baroque Works

To be honest, we are only running 5 Baroque Works Characters in total out of the entire deck since Crocodile is not really Baroque Works specific to make the build work. However, these cards can definitely help to trigger Crocodile Leader effect. Ms All Sunday (aka Robin) only have 1 effect. On play, add 1 DON as rest, then if you have 6 or more DONs, draw 1 card. I think that draw power will be handy as it will increase the chances to draw the cards we need. The Trigger effect is by returning 2 DONs, you can play this card. Depending on the situation, you might be able to trigger her on play effect, you might not. 

I always thought Miss Valentine looks like Ino from Naruto when I first saw her in the anime. Although you won't see the similarity in this card as she doesn't looks like Ino here. Anyway Miss Valentine is just a searcher, on play, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Baroque Works card and add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The Trigger effect is just by returning 1 DON, you can play this card. Technically, this will be free when we combined this with Crocodile Leader's effect.

Mr 13 & Ms Friday is basically a ramp card. You might need to use the effect if you end up returning too much DONs back to deck and no way to recover the DONs. The effect is activate main, you may trash this card and 1 of your Baroque Works Characters to add 1 DON as active. You can basically just choose Valentine or Doublefinger as they have low power, and if you want to hit your opponent's Leader you need DONs on those Characters. The Trigger effect is just play this card. No returning DONs needed like the other 2 cards. Although the good thing about this card, if you don't need the ramp, you can keep this in your hand for the 2k counter as it will come in handy when you need for defending.

Miss Doublefinger is the card from OP05 set. The effect is very simple, on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. The effect is okay, but I guess we got plenty of cards we can trash in our hand. The Trigger effect is like Miss Valentine. By returning 1 DON, you can play this card. But on the bright side, just like Mr 13 & Ms Friday, she is also a 2k counter. So if you don't need the ramp, you can keep her in hand to use the counter.


There's not much removals in the deck, but in return we do have plenty of beat sticks and defences to stall the game. I guess if we also include Yamato, we only got total of 3 cards that can remove your opponent's Characters. OP03 Katakuri's effect works on play, add 1 Character with 8 cost or less to top or bottom of owner's Life face up. You can target your own Characters, but mainly the ones that have Triggers ability, so you can play those Characters again when your opponents attack your Leader. Although if your opponents got any annoying Characters in play, we want to remove those Characters instead.

Gedatsu is also another card from OP05 set. He can remove your opponent's Characters, but mostly, you want to play him as soon as possible because of the on play effect. KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than your opponent's Life. On the bright side, he is a 6k beat stick easily forcing your opponents to use 2k Counters from their hand.

Stopping Attacks

Most of these cards to stop your opponent's attacks are Blockers, but Bege can stop your opponent's attack and he's not a Blocker which is why I didn't write Blockers for the sub heading. Bege only has a Trigger effect which is 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters cannot attack during this turn. Only useful if you can somehow put Bege onto the Life area, but in return we will have a 2k Counter for defending.

ST04 Queen, no explanation needed. But I think he's pretty obvious why which is why he is so expensive to get if you didn't buy the starter deck. He is not only a Blocker but the on play effect, by returning 1 DON, draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand. This is just a hand filter so you can draw into the right cards, and combined this with Robin (Miss All Sunday), you will have 2 cards who can provide the draw power of the deck.

ST05 Uta works amazingly with Crocodile's Leader effect. She is a Blocker with an On Block effect. By returning 1 DON, you can rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. You will be gaining a DON back since we will be triggering this effect during your opponent's turn. Not to mention, she technically will be stopping 2 attacks instead of 1, slowing your opponents down.

Now depending on the meta at your locals, you can easily run 4 Law in the deck. But I like 2 Law as the effect is situation, but if the effect works, then he's really good in the deck. He's a Blocker with an on play effect. By returning 1 DON, if your opponent has 7 or more cards in their hand, trash 2 cards from your opponent's hand. Law mainly works during the early stages of the game, unless your opponents uses counter early in the game to reduce their hand size.


Now we move onto the Event cards and they will all have Counter abilities on them. Jet Gatling is a 0 cost Counter which can be handy in certain situations especially if you used up all your DONs. You may trash 1 card, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 3k power during this battle. We do run plenty of high cost Characters in the build with 0 counters, so if we can discard them to use Jet Gatling might be helpful. The Trigger effect is just ramp, add 1 DON as active. You do want to ramp early for this build so you can play your high cost Characters with ease.

Honestly, I think the only downside to Colours Trap is the 1k power you only get. By returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power during this battle, then rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. This is pretty much similar to Uta in the deck, but for 1k power, you may need to add additional counters to stop the attack from hitting unless your opponents attack with no power bonus allowing 1k counter will be enough to stop the attack. The Trigger effect is exactly the same as Jet Gatling, add 1 DON as active, giving you more ramp if you need the DONs.

Blast Breath is really strong for this kind of build especially when we can make use of returning DONs back to deck and come back out again. The effect is by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 4k power during this battle. This is actually not bad as we don't have any restrictions for the 4k power bonus. I guess we could say we lose a DON, but not like that really matters when we can trigger Crocodile's Leader effect.

Deck List

OP05 P/Y Crocs


Your main aim of the deck is to ramp enough DONs to play your big drop Characters, Katakuri, Crocodile and Yamato. Although Yamato is situational unless you know you can KO some big drops with Yamato's effect and don't care about the Life gain ability. Even if you can't ramp, we do have some cards to stall, so you will have enough DONs to eventually play your big cost Characters assuming your opponents don't KO your Blockers constantly, or any other removal.

We do want to return DONs during your opponent's turn so we can trigger Crocodile Leader giving us 1 untap DON to use for the 1 cost Counter. Only once per turn though, but really effective if you get the timing right for the 1 cost counter cards. This is also why I'm not a big fan of OP05 Kid in this build if we can already get DONs back with the Leader.


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