Monday, February 19, 2024

COTD - OP07 Dragon, Bonney & Hancock Leader Alt Arts with Hancock Alt Art

Monkey D. Dragon


5 Life / 5000 Power (Special)

Revolutionary Army

[Activate Main] [Once Per Turn] Give up to a total of 2 of your currently attached don to one of your characters.

Jewelry Bonney


5 Life / 5000 Power (Special)

Supernovas / Bonney Pirates

[When Opponent Attacks] [Once Per Turn] (1) (You may rest the specified number of don!!) : Rest up to one of your opponents leaders or characters.

Boa Hancock


5 Life / 5000 Power (Special)

Seven Warlords of the Sea / Kuja Pirates

[During Your Turn] [Once Per Turn] You may activate this when a character leaves play from one of your abilities. If you have 5 or less cards in hand, draw 1 card.

Boa Hancock

Cost 6 / 8000 Power (Special)

Seven Warlords of the Sea / Kuja Pirates

[On Play] Up to one of your opponents characters other than [Monkey D. Luffy] cannot attack until the end of their next turn. Then, place up to one cost 1 or less character on the bottom of its owner’s deck. 

Man, it's a good job the anime have caught up with the manga otherwise Bonney Alt Art gives away huge spoiler. It is a shame that we didn't get Kuma as a Leader in Egghead, in my opinion we should get Kuma instead of Hancock or Foxy, as he is more related to Egghead arc than the other 2 Leaders. Anyway, Dragon Alt Art have been leaked already, so nothing new about this. What I am interested is Hancock Alt Arts, I do prefer the manga art over the alt art, but I think Hancock Leader Alt Art is not bad.


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