Tuesday, February 6, 2024

ST11 Green (Uta) Deck Profile

There will be another update when ST12 comes out in English, but the deck will still work with mostly ST11 cards. The only downside is that the deck doesn't come with FILM Nami, she's play an important role to the deck. Its a good job I've got a playset of FILM Nami because of FILM Doffy build. Anyway I'll see what I can do with the budget version of ST11 Uta with just the starter deck alone.

Free Plays

The cards that let us play our high cost for free. Well 2 of the Characters anyway. Law requires to pay 1 DON to play a higher cost into play, so he's not really playing Characters for free. Law's effect works during the main phase. You pay 1 DON to return this Character to your hand, then play 1 3 cost Character from your hand. Do keep in mind, this effect will be very important for this build because you can play any 3 Cost Characters in your hand, we are not restricted to specific type of Characters like the other 2, Brook and Luffy.

FILM Brook only works on play which is play 1 3 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. There is a way to play non FILM/Straw Hat Character from your hand, but you will need to use FILM Law's effect to do that. Use Brook to play Law, then use Law to play a 3 cost Character that's not FILM/Straw Hat, and you will be all set.

FILM Luffy will play an important role in this build because of the new FILM cards we got from the starter deck. Luffy is a 7k Blocker but we also have an on play effect with lets you play 1 4 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. You could use Luffy to play Brook and Brook will play another Character like Uta Blocker who is a 3 drop FILM Character. So for 7 DONs, you would be able to play 3 Characters in one go, this won't be hard to do as Uta has a lot of search effects so you will end up searching for the cards you need.

The Songs

Now the songs for the deck. Personally I like I'm Invincible song out of all 3 of them. They are all good songs, better than some of the One Piece OP songs that are out these day. But yeah I'm Invincible song works even if I'm gaming. Anyway I could write about these songs as a long paragraph, but I won't and will shorten them down to card effect instead. All of these cards will only work with Uta Leader which make sense since she does sing these songs. Backlight gives you two choices, you either rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters, or KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less rested Characters. Now this really depends on what your opponent has in play.

New Genesis is a searcher. Look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card other than New Genesis and add it to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order and untap 1 of your DON. Basically this is just a free searcher as long as your Leader is Uta, which is pretty good because that 1 DON could make a difference, e.g. using Law's effect to play another Character in your hand for 1 DON.

Even though I'm Invincible is my favourite song out of the 3, the effect is meh. The main effect lets you untap Uta Leader for 3 DONs. I guess if you want to go for the final push, you can put 7 DONs on Uta, attack with Uta to trigger her effect, then play I'm Invincible to untap Uta and attack again. You will be able to have a 12k beat stick attacking twice, and only Blockers or using a lot of Counters will be able to stop this combo. The Trigger effect is similar to the Red Counter cards where 1 of your Leader/Character gains 1k power during this turn. That 1k extra power could make a difference when it comes to defending and I guess it's because of the trigger effect, I am running more than 2 in deck.


I haven't included the vanillas FILM in this section because they are Vanillas, so it is hard to write about them. But don't worry they are included for Uta build. FILM Chopper only works when attacking. By giving this Character 1 DON, you can rest 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. I think the only problem will be making Chopper hitting magic numbers in order for you to use this effect. Otherwise he will be a 2k Counter which is great for defending.

FILM Nami is the main searcher as the effect works on play/when attacking. By paying 1 DON, you can look at top 3 cards of your deck to reveal 1 FILM card other than Nami and add it to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. You can use Law's effect to pay 1 DON to play Nami and use Nami effect to search, so you don't have to have 4 DONs to use the search effect, instead you will only need 2 DONs to do so, saving untap DONs for your other cards.

FILM Bartolomeo is an expensive promo card, and what I've been testing. You do not need to run him. Although he is definitely handy with that effect available. At the end of your turn, you may rest this Character to untap 1 of your FILM Characters other than Bartolomeo. You can use this effect to make your Blockers being able to block after they attacked, or you can use this to untap Nami, so we can use her search effect on the next turn.

The last FILM Character and the only new Character from the starter deck Uta. She's just a Blocker with an effect similar to Bartolomeo. At the end of your turn, you may trash 1 Event card to untap 1 of your FILM Characters. Again this will help especially when you swing with 7k power Luffy who is also a Blocker, so we could untap him and use his Blocker ability on your opponent's turn.

Non FILM Characters

There are only 2 cards that are non FILM cards, but you can still hit and miss with Uta Leader if you are unlucky. But I am maximising the number of copies in the deck, so the chances are still high. Izo's on play effect is rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character. You do not need to hard play Izo because he is a 3 cost Character, which means we can use Law's effect to play Izo for 1 DON. I think that is a better trade instead. Plus Izo also have 2k Counter which is good for defending when you need one.

We do have some resting mechanic but not a lot in the FILM deck, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't include 10 drop Doffy. Doffy's on play effect up to total of 3 of your opponent's Leaders/Characters will not become untap during your opponent's Refresh Phase. For me I like to called this Freeze/Lock depending on what other games you played that have similar mechanic. 10 drop Doffy is really good to slow your opponents down, especially when in Uta deck we have a lot of searching involve. So we could easily search for Blockers and stall to 10 DONs then play Doffy for the Freeze mechanic.

Deck List

ST11 G Uta


If you can't afford Bartolomeo, just replace him with more copies of FILM Zoro as Zoro will not be as important until ST12 deck come out in English. That's when Zoro will be even better than the current build. Anyway this deck is very straightforward. For me, this is the best for beginners who want to learn the game. The deck is very easy to use, you will have search effects, playing Characters for free. Then you will also have 10 drop Doffy who will stop your opponents from attacking. We rarely have removals, just the rest mechanic in this deck.

You do want to constantly give 1 DON to your Leader so you can trigger the search effect, but when you play 10 drop Doffy, you won't be able to and just have a 5k beat stick Leader. Personally I do prefer having 6k beat stick Leader constantly attacking, so I can force more Counters from my opponent's hand rather than just a 5k beat stick.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.