Wednesday, February 21, 2024

COTD - P-066 Hancock


Boa Hancock

Cost 4 / Power 5000 (Special)

Seven Warlords of the Sea / Kuja Pirates

[Counter +1000]

[During your turn] If your hand has 5 or less cards in it, your characters with the type {Kuja Pirates} all have +1000 power.

I won't be surprised if this promo becomes expensive for what she does since it's Bandai, and when it comes to promo cards, Bandai seems to be expensive ones unless those promos are outdated. Hancock pretty much powers up all your Kuja Pirates, even the low power Characters will be able to hit magic numbers. Hopefully she will be cheap at first, so I can get 4 copies before the price start rising when there would be more Kuja Pirates support.


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