Tuesday, February 20, 2024

COTD - OP07 Foxy & Vegapunk Leader Alt Arts




5 Life / 5000 Power (Special)

Foxy Pirates

[When Attacking] Don!! -3: If you have 3 or more {Foxy Pirates} characters in play, choose up to one each of your opponents rested leaders and characters. The cards you chose do not become active during their owner’s next refresh phase.


2 Life / 5000 Power (Wisdom)

Egghead / Scientist

This leader cannot attack.
[Activate Main] [Once Per Turn] (1) (You may rest the specified number of don!!) Place up to one cost 5 or less card with the {Egghead} type from your hand face-up on top of your life or into play.

I think I'm the only one who prefers Vegapunk over Foxy Alt Art. Personally Foxy Alt Art doesn't look great, and if I pulled the alt art from the booster packs, I won't be happy. I think he's the only alt art I dislike out of the OP07 set. I don't know if its because I dislike Foxy which is why my opinions toward Foxy are very biased. But he does have a nice effect, just the Character.


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