Friday, February 9, 2024

COTD - OP07 Sengoku


Cost 1 / Power 2000 (Wisdom)


[Counter +1000]

[On Play] Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and reveal up to one card with the {Seven Warlords of the Sea} type and add it to your hand. Then, place the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.  

I never expected Sengoku to be a Warlord searcher especially when I saw the Navy type. I thought he would do something related for UB Akainu deck. I guess U Doffy got even better especially now we got a searcher for Warlord for the deck. I guess you could run Tashigi to search for Sengoku, then Sengoku to search for Warlord, but I wonder if Tashigi is worth it in the build. If you are running a few Navy in the build, then yes Tashigi can be used to search for those cards.


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