Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Budget Deck Profile - Purple/Yellow (Crocodile) OP04 + OP05

I've almost forgot that this Crocodile is from OP04, which means I can combine this with OP05 cards. Now I've kept the build toward the purple side of things since we don't have OP04 Yamato or Sanji in the build as those cards are the expensive stuff for yellow. I've kept this deck to Baroque Works only since that where we got the support from. Luckily the Baroque Works Super Rare are really affordable, so you can easily get 4 copies of each without destroying your wallet.

The Ramps

Here are some ramp cards, I did consider OP05 Zoro, but you need 3 Life to work as well as being a 4k beat stick, so you need to constantly pump him up by giving him a DON. For me, that 1 DON can make a difference especially in budget decks where we can't access the expensive cards. Ms All Sunday only has an on play effect which allows to add 1 DON as rested, then if you got 6 or more DONs, you can draw 1 card. We would mostly trigger the draw effects thanks to being a 5 cost Character, unless we play her using the Trigger effect. The Trigger effect is by returning 2 DONs, you can play this card. Don't forget our Crocodile Leader can bring out an active DON, making All Sunday cost 1 DON to play instead.

Mr 13 & Ms Friday is another ramp card. The effect is simple, you may trash this card and 1 of your Baroque Works to add 1 DON as active. There are plenty of low power Baroque Works Characters you can trash with this card. The only one you don't want to trash is your beat stick, but there are only 2 Baroque Works beat stick in the build. The rest have very low power with just an on play effect. The Trigger effect is just play this card. No need to return DONs back to your deck which might be handy.

Zala works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to add 1 DON as rest. The effect is okay, at least you could gain an extra DON. The Trigger effect is by return 1 DON, play this card. Technically we will be playing Zala for free thanks to Crocodile's Leader effect. You could also trash her with Mr 13 & Ms Friday's effect to gain 2 DONs in one turn, but it will cost you 7 DONs altogether. On the bright side, Zala is a 2k Counter which will be handy for defending.

The only ramp we will get from Colours Trap is the Trigger effect. The Trigger effect is add 1 DON as active, which is not bad. You may want to use this Trigger as the main effect is a bit meh. By returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power during this battle, then rest 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. Its not very good during the late games, or when your opponents constantly give DONs to their Leader/Characters to hit over the magic number. But we can at least stop 1 Character from attacking, but it does means we will need to use other Counter cards along with Colours Trap.

Weakness is another Counter card, and just like Colours Trap, it is only 1k bonus. If you have other Counter cards available, I would definitely replace this card, but since I am only using OP04 & OP05 sets to build this deck, I have no choice. The effect is by returning 1 DON, 1 of your Leader/Character gains 1k power during this turn. I guess the 1k power for this turn is a bit better than 1k power during the battle, but it is not enough in my opinion. The Trigger effect is exactly the same as Colours Trap. Add 1 DON as active. If you don't need the Counter effect, you can always trigger the Trigger effect unless you got 8 DONs already on the field.

Baroque Works

Now we have the rest of the Baroque Works Characters. Crocodile works on play, by returning 2 DONs, if your Leader is Baroque Works, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. I guess for budget players, this is close enough to Yamato and unlike Yamato, we do not need 1 Life to work. The second effect works during your opponent's attack and once per turn. By returning 1 DON, draw 1 card and trash 1 card from your hand. I guess we can say this is just a hand filter, not to mention, we could get 1 active DON thanks to Crocodile Leader's effect.

Mikita is a card I will most likely to target with Mr 13 & Ms Friday to get the ramp going since she's only 2k power, and I don't want to give her 3 DONs to hit the magic number. The effect is just a simple search effect, look at top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Baroque Works card, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order. The Trigger effect is just by returning 1 DON, play this card. Again this could end up as a free cost thanks to Crocodile Leader's effect.

Drophy is just a Blocker. I think we need Blockers to at least stop some attacks especially seeing how the Counter cards we've got aren't the best. The Trigger effect is just the same as Mikita. By returning 1 DON, play this card. So we could end up getting a free Blocker. The only downside is that Drophy doesn't have any Counters, so if she's end up in your hand, and you need to use Counters, you are pretty much screwed.

Sky Island

The Sky Island support, I think it's thanks to OP05, it gave me an idea plus Crocodile have Yellow colour. You can run Shura since we are running Ohm and Holly combo, and having Shura will increase our chances to play those cards. Ohm's first effect is just if you have 2 or less Life, this card gains 1k power, and this is a CONT effect, so we would have a 6k beat stick even on your opponent's turn. The second effect works on play, you look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Holly, add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order, and play 1 Holly in your hand. If you want to play Holly, you need to make sure you have Holly in hand, which is also why you could run Shura to increase the chances so we could build up a board.

Gedatsu is a removal as we don't have a single removal card in this build, but I guess in return we will try and go very aggressive with this build to compensate the lack of removal. The on play effect is KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal or less than the number of your opponent's Life. We do want to play Gedatsu as soon as possible so we could remove high cost Characters, otherwise during the late game, we would barely be able to remove anything except having a 5 drop 6k beat stick.

Satori is a plain vanilla with a Trigger effect that makes you trash a card from your hand to play this card, making your board go wider. This is a budget deck, so I do want to make this build more aggressive to cover the lack of weakness this deck has, for not getting any expensive cards. On the bright side, we do have 2k Counter and since our Event Counters aren't high power, this will help you protect your Leader/Characters.

El Thor is a Yellow counter, and unlike the purple event counters who are pretty weak. This one is pretty good, but you do need your opponents to be at 2 Life to work. The effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 2k power during this battle. Then if your opponent has 2 or less Life, that card gains another 2k power during this battle, meaning we would get 4k power bonus. I don't think its difficult to reduce your opponent's Life as early as possible, but I guess you also need to be lucky with the Trigger cards. The Trigger effect is just KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost less than or equal to your opponent's Life. Again just like Gedatsu, the situation various, plus being a Trigger effect means we need luck to KO high cost Characters.

Deck List

OP05 P/Y Crocs


I've combined both Baroque Works with Sky Island stuff from OP05. We know Baroque Works can play stuff for free, but that is only if those cards are in your Life area. So Sky Island stuff will help to play cards from your hand, making the board go wide. This is a budget deck, so we won't be able to play control without the expensive cards. There are a lot of Triggers, but just like any card games, you will need luck with Trigger cards as we don't run a full deck of Trigger cards to guarantee you to hit Trigger effects.

If you can get the ramp going, you wouldn't have too much of a problem, playing the high cost Characters as soon as possible, but like I said. Luck will need to be involve especially when two of them are trigger cards compare to Ms All Sunday and Zala. Well I guess we could say all 4 of them are Trigger cards, but 2 of them only ramp with the trigger effects and not the main effect.

I tried to build this deck as aggressive as possible for the lack of weakness being  a budget deck. You want to finish off your opponents before they can go big and start swinging against you with big numbers. Hence this is why I've added the Sky Island package so we could hit certain cards to go wide. This is also why, you could add Shura in the build for specific searching if you feel the need to add Shura.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.