Saturday, February 17, 2024

Budget Deck Profile - Green (Uta) ST11x2

For this deck, I've simply put 2 starter decks slapped together, but if you want an official budget deck for Uta, I can also go that later on, only if I can get more people to write for the blog as there are a lot of one piece decks I can get through ignoring the meta decks. Anyway, not having the main card FILM Nami as the searcher would really hurt as Nami is also able to help you to search out the key cards of the deck, but I will see what I can do with only 2 ST11 slapped together.

The Songs

As this is a budget deck, the main focus will be using the songs of the deck to use them as our advantage. Backlight effect only works if your Leader is Uta, you get to choose one of the following, either rest 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters, or KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less rested Characters. This is very strong for a 2 DON card, but we will need 2 copies of the starter deck to get a playset of Backlight, but you can always buy the singles if you don't want to spend money on 2 copies of starter deck.

New Genesis is your main searcher for FILM cards as we don't have FILM Nami in the starter deck, so this is your only option for searching cards. The effect is if your Leader is Uta, look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 FILM card other than New Genesis and add it to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order, then untap a DON. Technically, we will be using New Genesis effect for free and since this deck is just FILM cards, it will be very hard to wiff the effect unless you are looking for specific Characters.

I'm invincible is your key card as we don't have any big beat sticks in the deck so you will need to rely on your Leader. The effect is untap 1 of your Uta Leader. You can pretty much gives plenty of DONs to Uta, attack, then play I'm invincible to untap her, attack again. Another strong point about this card is that we can play multiple copies, but I only recommend using at least 2 per turn, don't use anymore as you will weaken Uta attacks. We want to force a lot of Counters from their hand, or use up the Blockers on the field, otherwise they would need to take a Life. The Trigger effect is 1 of your Leader/Characters gain 1k power during this turn, making Uta a 6k beat stick for defending.

Free Plays

The key strength of this deck is being able to play Characters for free building a decent board ready to attack your opponents. Law's effect works by paying 1 DON, you may return this Character to your hand to play 1 3 cost Character from your hand. There's not many 3 cost Characters we can use in the starter deck, so you mainly want to choose FILM Usopp as he's a 3 drop, 5k beat stick, hitting that magic number. Although you can play FILM Robin if you want to, then FILM Robin can play Law again.

I've pretty much given away what FILM Robin does. Her effect works on play, play 1 2 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. You can use Law's effect to play Robin and then bring back Law into play, all for 1 DON. You could also reuse Law's effect to play Usopp to have 2 3 drop Characters all for 2 DONs in that 1 turn. I have no idea if that is worth it, but it will means you will be building a decent board to use.

FILM Brook also have an on play effect and its similar to Robin's effect. The on play effect is play 1 3 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. Brook is mainly used to play 3 cost Uta, but you can also play Usopp with this effect. Although having Uta as Blocker will help you to stop 1 attack at least instead of focusing going wide.

FILM Luffy is the 7k Blocker in the deck, but the on play effect is similar to Brook and Robin's effect. On play, play 1 4 cost or less FILM or Straw Hat Character from your hand. You can use Luffy to play Brook and Brook to play Uta, so we will be able to have double Blockers in play for 1 turn, all for 7 DONs which is not too bad.


The rest of the FILM support that have effects for the deck. Chopper's effect only works when attacking and you need to give him a DON to work. Rest 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters. Personally I don't think this is important unless your opponents either play low cost Blockers, or low cost Characters which can easily be powered up. On the bright side even if we don't play Chopper, we will have a 2k counter card in our hand ready to use for defending.

Uta is one of the latest FILM cards in the starter deck who is a Blocker with an effect that works at the end of your turn. You may trash 1 Event card to untap 1 of your FILM Characters. What I like about Uta is that we are able to attack with our 7k Blocker Luffy instead of just leaving him active to use the Blocker ability, allowing us to do more attacks. The funny thing about this effect is that it includes Uta herself, but you will need to give Uta a DON if you want to hit magic numbers.


If you have other cards to use, I would personally replace Jinbe, because low power and Franku, since we don't have any cards that can play Franky for free. I would keep Usopp and Zoro as they are able to hit the magic number without the need of using any DONs. These will be the only changes I would make for the deck, but that's only if you have any spare cards you could use for Uta Budget build.

Deck List

ST11 Uta


The deck is pretty much similar to the normal build, however with less searching and more vanillas in the deck. But the style will be the same where we are searching for specific cards to be able to spam the board, create some defence whilst attacking, also increasing our hand size. It is one of the best deck to use for beginners in my personal opinion, and you only need 2 copies of the starter deck to play unless you can get the singles for the 2 copy cards, maybe if we take out some vanillas, and replace them for something else.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.