Sunday, February 11, 2024

OP05 Red/Blue (Vivi) Deck Profile

I think the issue is making this deck work, and I will try and post this deck since Vivi got some supports for the deck. She is able to make any of your Characters gain Rush as well as drawing a card, so you can easily build a very aggressive deck with the right combination. Although making this build aggressive is not difficult, but you will be losing a lot on the defensive side since we don't really focus on defending, just KOing your opponent's Characters.

Power Reduction

Alabasta supports mainly reduce your opponent's power, so I've decided to take advantage of those cards by running plenty of power reduction cards in the deck. Therefore, even if your opponents have massive power Blockers, we will not care about that. Otama only works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 2k power this turn. I am only running Otama over promo Gordon as she also has 2k counter which is useful when we need to use counters for defending.

OP04 Chaka is actually one of our key cards because he's not just only a 5k beat stick, but the effect is, by giving this Character 1 DON, when attacking, if your Leader is Vivi, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 3k power this turn, then KO 1 of y our opponent's Characters with 0 power or less. 0 power or less is not too difficult if you can combine Chaka with your other power reduction cards.

OP05 Pell is a great combination with OP04 Chaka as you will be able to reduce your opponent's Characters by 5k in total, KOing that Character. The effect is by giving this Character 1 DON, when attacking, reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters by 2k this turn. This will also make Pell hit magic number against your opponent's Leaders, unless they are using 6k Leaders.

Happiness Punch is a Counter card and the effect is 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters loses 2k power this turn, then if your Character is active, reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters by 1k power this turn. We can always trigger this effect since Vivi cannot attack so she will always be active unless your opponents can rest Leader cards. The power is up to you how to split the power, reducing your opponent's attacks so they have to use a DON, or you can reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader/Characters by 3k.

Enchanting Vertigo Dance only works because our Leader is Alabasta. The effect is, reduce 2 of your opponent's Characters by 2k power this turn. This will make it easier to use Chaka's effect to KO 1 of your opponent's Characters if that Character is over 5k power. Not to mention, we can also reduce some of your opponent's Characters so they are hittable with your Characters. The Trigger effect is the same as the main effect, this might come in handy if your opponents decided to go all out with their attacks.


Not only we have power reduction cards to make your opponent's Characters hittable, but we also have some easy removals to reduce your opponent's field. OP04 Pell works by giving this Character 1 DON, when attacking, KO 1 of your opponent's 4k power or less. This shouldn't be too much of a problem if your opponent's field have 8k or less Characters, we can easily reduce those Characters down to 4k, then KO them with OP04 Pell.

Three Thousand Worlds is great against protection from KO'd effects as we can bounce your opponent's Characters back to deck instead of KOing them. The main effect is return 1 5 cost or less Characters to the bottom of the owner's deck. This can be any Characters on the field, but we will mainly target your opponent's Characters. The Trigger effect is a bit weaker, return 1 3 cost or less Characters to the bottom of the owner's deck. 3 Cost doesn't do much damage unless your opponents make them a deadly beat stick.

Jet Pistol is one of my personal favourite in the deck since it works well with power reduction cards just like OP04 Pell. You can run OP03 Fire Fist for more KO, but that card main effect only works by discarding an Event card, whilst for Jet Pistol you don't need to. The effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 6k power or less Characters. You can easily KO 12k beat stick Characters if you can reduce their power down to 6k with this card. The Trigger effect is just activate main allowing us to KO your opponent's Characters during their turn to reduce the amount of attacks they will be doing.

Straw Hats

There's not much cards for the Straw Hat engine which is why I think it will be pointless to run Nami searcher unless you also want to search for Three Thousand Worlds and Jet Pistol. OP01 Sanji works really well in Vivi because Vivi can give Sanji Rush, allowing Sanji to attack on the turn he is played. The effect is activate main, you may add 1 card from your Life to your hand, this Character gains 2k power this turn, then give this Character up to 2 rested DON, making Sanji a 7k beat stick for a 2 drop Character. Not to mention you will also get 2 cards in one turn combining Sanji adding card from Life and Vivi draw power.

Zoro and Luffy are Rush Characters, this is so you can use Vivi's effect on your other Characters if you want those Characters to gain rush. Zoro doesn't have any additional effect aside from being a 3 drop 5k beat stick, but Luffy does. By giving 2 DONs to this Character, when attacking, your opponent cannot activate Blocker during this battle. He's only effective when your opponents have 0 Life, if you play him when your opponents have a few Life, of course your opponents can choose to take a card from their Life instead.


Two more Alabasta Characters. Igaram is just a searcher, but he is not like any other standard searcher out there as the effect is, you may rest this card and reduce 1 of your active Leader by 5k power this turn. Look at top 5 cards of your deck to reveal 1 Alabasta card and add it to your hand, then place the rest at the bottom of your deck. The good thing about Igaram is that he can search for any Alabasta card including himself, but the downside is that you need to rest him. I doubt your opponents will let you trigger Igaram's search effect easily.

OP04 Karoo is actually one of our key card for the deck to make the Alabasta Characters work. Most of the Alabasta Characters will require you to put a DON on them to activate their effects. This is where Karoo come into play. The effect is, you may rest this Character to give 1 rested DON to each of your Alabasta Characters. You got it right, the effect says EACH ALABASTA Character, but of course we won't give DONs to Karoo who will be resting. Like Igaram, the only downside is that we need to rest Karoo and Karoo is a very strong card for the deck especially triggering the Character's effects.


There's actually not much Blockers in the build. I do want to fit more but not enough room since I feel the downside of Vivi is the lack of defending we can do. Both Doffy and X Drake have the exact same on play effect. Look at top 5 cards of your deck and place them at top or bottom of your deck in any order. The reason why looking at top cards will be important is because of Vivi Leader being able to draw that top card, allowing you to get the card a lot earlier than waiting for next turn. Also good with Igaram's search effect so you know what cards you will be searching with Igaram.

Deck List

OP05 R/U Vivi


There is one more card I wanted to added and that is OP04 Cobra, so we would have both Karoo and Cobra making your Alabasta Characters hitting some deadly numbers, but you may have to take out Sanji then if you do. Anyway this deck is very simple, if you know how to manage your DONs, you will be able to use Vivi to give Rush ability to your Characters as well as drawing cards gaining a decent hand size along with Igaram.

The key card is Karoo and you will need to see Karoo in hand as soon as possible, I know he's only a duck, but the effect is really strong as he will enable the Alabasta Character's DON requirement to trigger the effect. Once he is in played, it will make everything easier for the field instead of giving each Character a DON to trigger their effects.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.