Sunday, February 4, 2024

Budget Deck Profile - Blue/Black (Rebecca) OP04 + OP05

Another budget deck, but this time instead of playing control with Rebecca, we can go aggressive instead. I doubt people would be interested in a Budget Rebecca deck, but I will post one anyway. Most of the cards you need are Dressrosa stuff to make this build work. I don't think this deck will cost a lot to make as I've took out the expensive SR. Although, if you feel like it is within the budget you can order 2 copies of the expensive SR for this deck. But mostly, there are plenty of Dressrosa cards to make this into a budget build without the SRs. It is just about if the deck ill be playable with a bunch of cheap cards slapped together.

Cost Reducer

We don't have many cost reducers in the deck, mainly because they are mostly high cost. Two of the cost reducers are high cost too, so they will cost you a lot of DONs to play them. Orlumbus's effect only works during the main phase. You reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 4 this turn and trash 2 cards from your deck. Then KO 1 of your Dressrosa Characters. The thing about this card is that we want to mill the deck so we can use other Character's effect. You also have plenty of low power Dressrosa to KO so you can build up the trash.

OP04 Hajrudin is another Character that lets you reduce your opponent's Character cost. Plus he is a 7k beat stick, but will cost you 6 DONs to play him. The effect also activates during the main phase just like Orlumbus. You may rest 1 of your Lead to reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 4 this turn. We won't be attacking with Rebecca anyway because she can't attack. So resting her won't make you lose anything.

Toy Soldier is our low cost cost reducer. Just like Orlumbus and Hajrudin, he also works during the main phase. You may trash this card to reduce your opponent's Character cost by 3 this turn. Not as much as Hajrudin and Orlumbus, but 3 is still a good number. Plus he also have 2k Counter which is good for defending. The only downside is that he is a 2 drop and most of the Dressrosa cards in this build doesn't target 2 drops in the trash to bring back to hand.


If you want removal, we do have a few cards from Dressrosa that will work in his build. But more importantly, these cards are cheap to afford, none of these will be breaking your bank account. Kyros have 2 effects, the first effect is if this card would be KO, you may rest your Leader or 1 Corrida Colisuem instead. Basically we can protect Kyros twice per turn which is not bad for a 5k beat stick. The on play effect is if your Leader is Rebecca, KO 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Character, then trash the top card of your deck . The only downside to this effect is that you need to reduce your opponent's Character cost down to 1 or less in order to KO something on the field.

Leo only has on play effect and the effect is very similar to Kyros. On play, you may rest 1 Leader, if that Leader is Dressrosa, KO 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Character, then trash the top 2 cards of your deck. Again we need to reduce our opponent's Character cost down to 1 or less in order to KO something on the field, but unlike Kyros, Leo only cost you 1 DON to play.

Currently my favourite card of the game Trueno Bastardo, because they actually made this as the official English name. The effect is better than Kyros and Leo when it comes to KOing your opponent's Characters. KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character, then if you have 15 cards in your trash, KO your opponent's 6 cost or less Character instead. Getting 15 cards in your trash is not difficult as we rarely have any cards that could return back to deck. The Trigger effect is you may rest your Leader to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Character. I'll be very happy if I also see this in my Life area as I could reduce my opponent's board from doing plenty of attacks.


Even without OP04 Sabo, we still got plenty of Blockers who are from Dressrosa. Sabo currently is a bit expensive to be played in this build especially when we also run OP05 Rebecca who's also not cheap. Ideo is just a 2 drop Blocker, nothing much I can say about this card.

Meanwhile OP04 Bartolomeo is a 3 drop Blocker, but with a 2k Counter. So even if you don't play Bartolomeo, you can always use his Counters for defending against your opponent's attacks. Its definitely not bad for budget options as he isn't that expensive to get for a rare.

Riku is a different Blocker, we have an on play/on KO effect that gives one of your Dressrosa Character 2k power this turn. You wouldn't have any problems choose your Characters as they are mainly Dressrosa. The only problem will be the on KO effect since we don't have Sabo to make him a high power Blocker. I guess you could choose your other beat stick instead so they will be easier to defend against your opponent's attacks.

OP05 Rebecca is one expensive card for a Super Rare but I will need to use her effect in this budget build. Don't worry you won't need 4 Rebecca, you could get her later or maybe when the price comes down. Not only she's a Blocker, but her on play effect lets you add 1 black 3 cost to 7 cost Character other than Rebecca from your trash to your hand. Then play 1 black 3 cost or less Character from your hand rested. Not only you get to recycle the Characters you need thanks to the mill, but you also get to play a Character for free. Just don't choose any Blockers as they need to be active in order to block.

Beat Sticks

There's a simple reason why we are milling this deck as you want to set up for these cards. The more cards in your trash, the easier the requirements to reach some of these cards. OP04 Luffy is not too expensive for a Super Rare as he only works in certain type of builds like Rebecca, so you could easily run 4 copies of him. Luffy's first effect lets you attack any active Characters and not just rested Characters. This is very useful against Blockers, so your opponents will have no way to stop the attacks unless they throw Counter cards to stop Luffy. The second effect is you may return 7 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order to set this Character as active. Then this Character will not become active in your next Refresh Phase. Basically this is just lock/freeze, but depending on the situations, you do not want to do another attack with Luffy to bypass this requirement, unless you are going for the final push for game.

Elizabello is a Character that can only work if you got 20 cards in your trash, otherwise he will just be a 5k beat stick. The effect works when attacking, you may return 20 cards in your trash to your deck and shuffle them. This Character gains Double Attack and 10k power this battle. For people who doesn't know what Double Attack, its just dealing 2 damage instead of 1. But to make this very successful, you need to make sure your opponents have no Blockers in play, because 15k beat stick is very hard to defend against with Counters only, and only Blockers can stop this with ease. This is also why Luffy will play a major role in KOing your opponent's Blockers.

King Kong Gun is not a beat stick, but it is a card that can make any of your Characters into a deadly beat stick. The effect is 1 of your Dressrosa Characters gain 6k power this turn. The if you have 15 or more cards in your trash, they also gains Double Attack this turn. This card works perfectly with Luffy (since it one of Luffy's moves) as Luffy can potentially swing for 4 damage in one turn. Now most players are running multicoloured Leaders who start with 4 Life, but there are Leaders with 5 Life so clearing out their Life might not be possible unless you do one attack. The Trigger effect is just draw 3 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand, building up the trash. Depending on the situation, you may need King Kong Gun, you may not, this is really up to you and what's the situation on the field.


Now the rest of the Dressrosa support for the deck. OP04 Rebecca is just a searcher. On play, look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Dressrosa card except Rebecca, trash the rest. This is a bit different than the other searchers as you will be milling the deck. But in return we shouldn't have too much of a problem searching since this deck is just Dressrosa deck for budget build.

Mansherry is a different type of searcher as the effect works during your main phase. You may pay 1 DON, rest this Character and returning 2 cards from your trash to bottom of your deck in any order. You can add 1 black 3 cost to 5 cost Character from your trash to your hand. She is a bit weaker than Rebecca Blocker when it comes to adding certain Character costs to your hand. But you can use Mansherry to recycle Rebecca Blocker, then use Rebecca's effect to recycle another card. It will cost you 5 DONs altogether for this combo, but it will allow you to recycle the trash at the same time.

Corrida Coliseum is an important Stage card we should see in our opening hand. If not you will need to use Rebecca's Leader effect to search out the card. The effect is if your Leader is Dressrosa, your Dressrosa Characters can attack Characters on the turn they are played. This is like a restricted Rush ability, but if you combine this with Luffy, you can pretty much attack any Characters on your opponent's field, as Luffy is able to attack active Characters and not only rested Character.

Deck List

OP05 UB Rebecca


The deck is just filled with Dressrosa cards. Unfortunately we are not using any Blue cards, I just don't have the room to fit Blue cards in this budget deck. The build is very similar to the main build as you want to look for Corrida Coliseum as soon as possible so you can start attacking your opponent's Characters when you play your Characters. You want to stall for time so you have enough cards in your trash to go for the final swoop in one go. But you also need to make sure, your opponents will not be able to stop the attacks easily like having multiple Blockers in play.

We do have Cost Reducers and Removals in this build to help you in addition with the attacks. The longer you stall the game, the better you would have enough cards in your trash to pull Double Attack combo with Elizabello and King Kong Gun, swiping 4 damage in one turn. I want to say OTK, but not all Leaders will have 4 Life to pull off OTK combo. There are some with 5 Life so that will be hard to take it all down in one go. You want to do this when your opponents are low on hand size and doesn't have any Blockers to stop one of your deadly attacks.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.