Tuesday, February 13, 2024

OP05 Black/Yellow (Linlin) Deck Profile

The other Big Mom Leader and a lot easier to build than mono Yellow Big Mom deck. Personally I think of her similar to Enel how they both needs you to have low Life to work. But unlike Enel, we also have access to the other colour Black. Black will definitely make us easier to trigger some of the effects we got in Yellow which is why I prefer using this build over mono Big Mon deck.

Life Gain

Since we are running Yellow, we might as well run these cards in the build. 10 drop Big Mom and the Leader are in the same set. The effect works on play, if your Leader is Big Mom Pirates, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life, then trash 1 top card from your opponent's Life. I find this very handy especially if we can't use our Leader's effect until we have 1 Life, so instead, I can focus on using other cards. Gaining a Life and trashing a Life is so much better than attacking your opponent's Leader to wither their Life away.

OP04 Yamato is another Life gain card, however the Life gain only works when you are at 1 or less Life which contradict with the Leader's effect. I guess it will be up to you to use which cards, either have a body or use your Leader's effect to gain a Life. Anyway the effect works on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than the total of you and your opponent's Life on the field. Then if you have 1 or less Life, add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. We do have some cards that are able to reduce your opponent's Character cost so Yamato is able to KO Characters with ease.

Cost Reducer

Personally I think these cards will be enough to reduce your opponent's Characters cost as most of these cards are not on play effect, so we can play these cards into play and wait for the timing. OP02 Kuzan have 2 effects. The first effect is just on play, draw a card. What I am aiming is the second effect, when attacking reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 4 this turn. 4 is a lot especially when we want to hit your opponents to have low Character costs so we can remove them with ease with our Yellow cards.

Toy Soldier is just a 2 drop Character with a main effect. The effect is by trashing this card, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 3 this turn. Even if you don't use his effect, you can keep him in your hand for the 2k Counter. Although reducing a Character by 3 can be really helpful especially when you combine this with your other cost reducers.

ST06 Tashigi is one of the card you can combine with using Toy Soldier's effect. Her effect works by resting this card, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 2 this turn. 2 is not a lot, but it's not an on play effect, so you can use Tashigi when the time come. The downside is that she's only 4k power, so if you want to attack with her, you need to give her some DONs to hit some magic numbers. On the bright side we also have another 2k Counter card for defending.

The final cost reducer card, Great Eruption. Honestly, if you feel like you don't need Great Eruption you can take it out of the deck, as this build wants to reduce your opponent's Character cost by huge numbers. But I guess every little count. The effect is draw 1 card, then reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 2 this turn. The draw can be handy to draw into the cards we need. The Trigger effect is your opponent trashes 1 card from their hand. This really depends on the situation if you need to use the main effect or not. Sometimes, you might need the main, sometimes, you will be happily trigger the Trigger effect.


The removals of the deck so we can remove your opponent's Characters from the field. OP02 Akainu (Sakazuki) only works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. I don't think this is too difficult with the amount of cost reduce you can do in this deck. Plus he's also a 6 cost Character, which means you will be able to activate Big Mom Leader who needs at least 4 DONs to work.

Gedatsu is usually a card that you will need to play as soon as possible. However, not in this build thanks to the help of cost reducer cards from the black card pool. Making it very easy to trigger Gedatsu's effect even if you draw him during the late game. The effect is on play, KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than your opponent's Life. Even if your opponents is at 1 Life, you will still be able to KO those high cost Characters as long as you are able to reduce their Character cost down to 1.

Hino Bird Zap has the exact same effect as Gedatsu, except this card is a lot cheaper to play compare to Gedatsu. KO 1 of your opponent's Characters with cost equal to or less than your opponent's Life. Just like Gedatsu, this shouldn't be too difficult to KO your opponent's high cost Characters, and since this only cost you 2 DONs, you can use more cost reducers if needed.


For the defences, these should be able to stall enough time to get the cards you need and pull off Big Mom Leader effect. OP02 Kizaru (Borsalino) is just a Blocker with an effect that works on your opponent's turn. This Character gains 1k power and cannot be KO'd by effects. Being a 4 drop 6k Blocker is really handy especially during the early turns where your opponents could go 5k power and attack. But most importantly, not being able to KO'd by effects help to shut some decks down who focus on KOing your Characters.

Fukuro is another Blocker that can't be KO'd by effects and this effect also works during your turn, so you won't need to worry about Triggers KOing your Blockers. But he does cost you 3 DONs to play and just a 3k power Blocker. If you have multiple options in your hand, you may not need to play Fukuro and play other Blockers instead.

OP04 Sabo is a Blocker with an on play effect. None of your Characters can be KO'd by effects until the start of your next turn, then draw 2 and trash 2 cards from your hand. Sabo protects your field for a turn, but he does cost 5 to play, and if you don't have 5 DONs, you will have to play Fukuro or Kizaru as your lower cost Blockers but who also won't be removed from the field with ease. Bu most importantly, Sabo draw and trash can help you filter out until you get the cards you need in your hand for next play.

Sanji is just a Blocker with Trigger. Honestly if you don't like Sanji, it's perfectly fine to remove him for something else like OP05 Rebecca who lets you return cards back to your hand as well as playing them for free. The Trigger effect is you may trash 1 card from your hand to play this card. The reason why I am running Sanji because we can constantly perform Life Gain with Big Mom Leader's effect, and if your opponents hit Sanji in your Life, you will be able to play a Blocker to stop your opponent's attacks.

Narukabura Arrow, I'll just call this Arrow for short is a Counter card. If you use Big Mom Leader's effect, she will cost you a total of 4 DONs, which means you won't be able to play many of your Characters, leaving you with untap DONs during your opponent's turn. This is where Arrow comes into play. The Counter effect is if you have 2 or less Life, reduce 1 of your opponent's Leader/Character by 3k power this turn. This is not too bad as it will slow one of your opponent's attacks down, or forcing them to use DONs in order to hit decent numbers so they couldn't play another Character or use Counter Event cards on your turn. The Trigger effect is just you may trash 2 cards from your hand to add 1 card from top of your deck to top of your Life. This really depends on the situation if you need the Life gain or not.

Deck List

OP05 B/Y Big Mom


This deck is pretty straightforward. You do however don't want to take too much attacks just to get down to 1 Life so you could use Big Mom Leader's effect. That's not really how this deck work. What you want is to play Blockers, so you will have defences, but also your beat sticks to slowly wither your opponent's Life away. Then when the time come, you play 10 drop Big Mom for the Life gain as well as being able to trash your opponent's Life, so it will make it easier to finish your opponents off, unless they are also playing Yellow decks, then we will need to switch strategies and use other cards instead.

The combination of cost reducer with Yamato, Gedatsu and Bird Zap makes removing your opponent's Characters really easy to do compare to a mono yellow deck. But of course, you need to make sure you have the DONs to pull this off, or have the Characters on the field to pull off the cost reducing.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.