Friday, February 2, 2024

COTD - OP07 Spandam


Cost 3 / 4000 Power (Slash)


[Counter +1000]

[On Play] Place the top 2 cards of your deck into your trash, and give up to one of your opponents characters -2 cost for this turn.

More CP cards for both Lucci decks. To be honest, if it wasn't for the mill effect, he is a terrible card to use, because you only reduce your opponent's Character cost by 2, which is the exact same as Tsuru, but she can be played for 1 as well as having 2k Counter. But I guess it's Spandam, out of the CP Characters I think he's useless out of them all. Anyway we will have cards like Air Door who could play Spandam from your deck, so overall, he's okay to use.


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