Friday, February 2, 2024

OP05 Black (Smoker) Deck Profile

Here is a Smoker build and he will be very different to Black Akainu build where that deck focus more on reducing your opponent's Character cost, whilst this deck doesn't need to thanks to the help of Smoker's effect. Anyone want to see the deck, you can see by clicking (here). This deck doesn't really care about getting 0 cost Characters on your opponent's field, but it can help Smoker power up bonus making you having a 7k beat stick Leader constantly. There might be an upgrade when OP06, but I am saying might, and not will be, so don't get your hope up for Smoker players.

Cost Reducers

Just like Akainu build, we will have plenty of cost reducers so we can trigger Smoker's effect, especially if you can get extra 1k bonus which will make a huge difference when it comes to using Counter cards. Kuzan is a lot easier to write for me than Aoikiji, so I'm going to stay with Kuzan unlike the other 2 Admirals. I didn't want to run too many 4 drop Kuzan as he doesn't have any Counter, so it will be difficult to defend if you need to. Anyway we have 2 effects, the first effect is just on play, draw 1 card. Draw is definitely helpful to filter the deck, but what I am aiming for is the second effect. When attacking, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 4 this turn. That 4 can easily makes 5 drop Characters down to 0 thanks to combining with Smoker's effect.

Tsuru is just a cheap cost reducer for 1 DON. That's not too bad especially when we need to leave a DON spare for Smoker. The on play effect is just reduce 1 of your opponent's Characters cost by 2 this turn. Sometimes, you may not need to use her on play effect, and can just keep her in your hand for that 2k Counter. A nice power to use for defending.

If you want to trigger Smoker's effect easily, then 10 drop Kuzan is the way. We have plenty of ways to stall your opponents until you can pull off 10 drop Kuzan, who will make your life a lot easier, especially with the KO effects. Kuzan have 2 effects just like his 4 drop version. The first effect works on your turn, and that is reduce all of your opponent's Character cost by 5. This helps a lot especially against big drop Characters who will be a bit difficult to remove without a lot of cost reducers being played at the same time. The second effect is just on play, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Character. This mainly target Characters who are 5 cost or less, unless you can pull off your cost reducer effects to target Characters who are 6 cost or higher before you play Kuzan.

Toy Soldier one of the cards from the OP05 set. The effect activates during the main phase, so you can use his effect before you play 10 drop Kuzan if you need to remove high cost Characters. The effect is you may trash this card to reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 3 this turn. On top of this we also have a 2k counter card just like Tsuru which will be handy for defending if you don't need to use Toy Soldier's effect.

ST06 Tashigi is a card I prefer over ST06 Hina, I know Hina is a 5k beat stick with a better effect. However that effect only works on play whereas Tashigi works during the main phase just like Toy Soldier. This is so you could use Tashigi's effect before you play 10 drop Kuzan. The effect is, you may rest this Character to reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 2 this turn. Basically she works exactly the same as Tsuru except we have the option to activate this effect during the main phase rather than on play, and just like Tsuru, Tashigi is also a 2k counter which will be handy for defending.

Now the final cost reducer will be the Event card, Great Eruption. The main effect is useful especially when we need to draw the right cards to make this deck work. The effect is, draw 1 card, then reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 2 this turn. This is not bad for 1 DON, and the Trigger effect is, your opponent chooses 1 card from their hand and trashes it. I rarely use this effect unless I don't need Great Eruption in my hand for the main effect.


Now for the removals, we are running plenty of them in the deck so you won't have any troubles KOing those Characters unless your opponents play cards that protect them from KO'd by card effects. OP02 Koby is only a 4k beat stick just like ST06 Tashigi, but the on play effect let you KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters by trashing a card from your hand. This is actually helpful as you do not need to reduce your opponent's Character cost to 0 to work.

OP02 Akainu basically have the same effect as Koby. On play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. You do get to KO 2 cost higher Character with Akainu, plus he is a 7k beat stick for 6 DONs which is not too bad compare to Koby. You can easily have a high number if you give enough DONs to Akainu. But Akainu mainly targets your opponent's high cost Characters since we only need to reduce your opponent Character cost to 5 instead of 3 which is a lot easier to do.

OP05 Lucci is deadly with 10 drop Kuzan, you could pretty much KO most Characters with Lucci's effect. On play, you may place 3 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck. KO 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters and 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. This is very easy to do when you have 10 drop Kuzan in play so you don't need to use a lot of your cost reducers to reduce your opponent's Character costs down to 2 and 1. Plus we can also recycle our trash, which you will be doing.

ST06 Garp is a strange one. The effect is you may trash 1 card and rest this card to KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Characters. I guess we have Koby for 3, Garp for 4 and Akainu for 5. You will lose an attack if you use Garp's effect, but you don't need to wait for your opponent's to have big Characters in play to play Garp, unlike Koby and Akainu which is good for early attacking if we need to.


Now for the defences of the deck the Blockers and a Counter card. Corazon (Rosinante) is a 2 drop Blocker. Honestly you can replace him with Fukuro instead as Fukuro is a 3 drop Blocker but with cannot be KO'd by effects. I'm only running Corazon as he is a Navy Character which means we can search him out using Brannew's effect if we needed to. For 2 DONs, this is not a bad trade since you need at least 1 DON for Smoker. 

Kizaru (Borsalino) is an expensive Blocker if you don't have that card. Hopefully the meta in OP06 will reduce his price seeing how the decks doesn't need 4 copies of Kizaru in the build. Kizaru effect only works during your opponent's turn. This card gains 1k power and can't be KO'd by effects. There is no point playing him before you attack as he could get removed by triggers effect. Of course if you already have him on the field, then that's a different story.

I guess this is why I am also running OP04 Sabo for that extra protection. Sabo is not only a Blocker, but the on play effect is none of your Characters can be KO'd by effects until the start of your next turn. Then draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand. Both part of this effect will be really important as we need the right card for Smoker to work effectively. Not to mention the protection effect can be played before you attack with your Characters so they don't get KO'd by Trigger effects.

The final card Shockwave. Shockwave is a 2 drop Counter card. Sometimes you will have untap DONs and having Event cards that works during your opponent's turn can be helpful. The effect is 1 of your Leader/Character gains 4k power during this battle, then KO 1 of your opponent's active 3 cost or less Character. The downside is that yes you need to have active Characters on your opponent's side to KO them. However not for the Trigger effect. The Trigger effect is KO 1 of your opponent's 4 cost or less Character. This effect can be very handy especially when your opponents have a lot of low cost Characters ready for attacking, or any Blockers waiting to block on your turn.

Deck List

OP05 B Smoker


This deck basically have everything. You will have removal, nice beat sticks, and plenty of defensive cards. To be honest, you could replace Smoker Leader with the Starter Akainu if you don't like that Akainu build. This build have a bit of everything so it will work in both builds. Your key aim is to remove your opponent's Characters whilst stalling to get 10 drop Kuzan into play. 10 drop Kuzan will make everything a lot easier once he hits the field. This is also why the cost reducers in this build have 2k Counter, so if we don't play them, we can protect our Leader/Characters with those Counters. Overall the deck is very straightforward. There's not like a complicated play like some decks, all you can focus is try and remove your opponent's Characters.


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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.