Monday, February 5, 2024

COTD - OP07 Fisher Tiger

Fisher Tiger

Cost 5 / Power 6000 (Strike)

Fishman/Sun Pirates

[Counter +1000]

This character can attack your opponent's characters on the turn it's played

[On Play] If your leader has the <Fishman> or <Merfolk> type, rest up to 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or lower characters.

We got Fisher Tiger. When I saw the first effect, he reminds me of Dressrosa style but better since Tiger is Green, and Green focus on resting mechanic, allowing you to attack those Characters. Not to mention his on play effect allows you to rest Characters, making the first effect even better. He does cost 5 to play, but 5 DONs for this effect is worth the cost if we want to remove certain Characters especially Blockers.


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