Saturday, February 10, 2024

One Piece Card Game Own Enemy... Bandai

I'm going to write a post about this which is a shame since I've started blogging again. Like some anime saying, you is your own enemy. One Piece a card game that have so much potential being one of the big card game, all being ruined by Bandai. I don't know about JP ver, but the ENG ver here sucks. The lack of production for new sets just says don't play the game. Bandai should know by now that the game is popular, so printing more products is healthy for the game, but nope, they do the opposite, print less product, raises the card pricing, trying to scam for more money. This feels like Nvidia situation again with the current GPU stuff. 

The people who aren't affected are the people who doesn't play the game physically like me since I don't have a local to play One Piece. Digimon doesn't seem to have any problems with products, all I know they print plenty of the new set. Both of them are from the same company. I wonder if they are different management. Personally I think Digimon kinda sucks as you can't play any of your favourite Digimon since Bandai don't want to support them. They take like 10 sets to have your support for the deck. By that time, I rather play something else.

One Piece on the other hand, if there is a way, there will be a will for your old Leaders to get new cards. Although the recent 2 sets OP04 and OP05 have been very specific, wouldn't really work with the old Leaders. Reminds me of playing VG, trying out old decks with new cards which is what I like about One Piece compare to Digimon.

It will be a shame if Bandai single handily destroyed One Piece Card Game, because everyone knows, if you going to print less products, and have high pricing, they will be put off by the game and play something else instead. Heck even building a competitive YGO deck feels cheaper than a competitive One Piece deck, and I always thought YGO was always expensive ever since MR5 got introduced. 

The success of DBS card game felt like they were lucky that it popped off. But unlike One Piece and Digimon, that game does not have a JPN format, so nobody can buy cards before the cards come out in English. Personally I like this kind of format, no buyouts, so no one can predict the meta without actually playing the new cards. 

BSS was another game I was looking forward to seeing how it is completely different from BS. As their product releases were similar to DBS products which I prefer over One Piece and Digimon. However, at the same time Bandai also released One Piece, so BSS hype died down pretty. Lets just say the timing was bad for BSS, because of One Piece popularity, so Bandai ended up not caring about BSS.

Is it Greed?

Did Bandai make a huge mistake? Who in their right minds would limit productions? The only ones that do so are greedy companies, and Bandai is going to destroy One Piece at this rate. Nobody would play the game if you can't get the products without spending tons of money for 1 booster box. They will move on to another card game where you can get the products so much easier.

Like I said, I don't want to see One Piece died because of Bandai. As I enjoyed playing One Piece Card Game out of the 4 card games from Bandai. I know Bandai aren't good at games. Their mobile games doesn't last very long, (but One Piece Treasure Cruise is still ongoing), and their anime games all felt like they had the same button. I only know, because most of my anime games are from Bandai, so the controls felt similar. The non anime games felt different.

Your Opinions

Your opinions about Bandai handling One Piece matters. I just want to know what your opinions about this. Is Bandai becoming a shady company? Or is it the West Vs East situation where the East handle things better than the West?

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A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.