Saturday, February 24, 2024

OP05 Red/Black (Garp) Deck Profile

I was looking at Garp's effect and realised that this is not once per turn. I think for OP05, Garp did get some upgrades, but personally I think there's not enough KO abilities in Black currently. Plus for the red side of things is power requirements in order to KO a Character and that doesn't work with this kind of specific build is leans more toward the Black side of thing. We will need to wait until EB01 for an updated Garp build, but I doubt people will be searching for this build, but just in case. 

Cost Reducers

Compare to a normal Black deck, we actually don't need that much cost reducers thanks to Garp Leader not being once per turn, which makes reducing Character costs so much easier. But the downside to Garp is that he only targets 7 cost or less Characters, so we still need some cost reducers to target 8 cost or higher Characters. OP02 Tsuru works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 2 this turn. Just a simple 1 drop card, but with 2k counter for defending.

Toy Soldier is from the OP05 set and also have 2k counter just like Tsuru. However, the effect is a main effect so we can wait until the right time to trigger Toy Soldier's effect. The effect is you may trash this card to reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 3 this turn. 

ST06 Hina is a 5k beat stick which is not bad for a 3 drop, but we don't have a Counter on this card. The effect works on play, reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 4 this turn. 4 can be a lot compare to Toy Soldier and Tsuru, but if you combine these cards together we can easily make your opponent's Characters to 0 cost. Not like that matters too much, but we do need to reduce them to low cost in order to KO those cards.

Great Eruption is still a great card to have because of being able to draw a card as well as reducing your opponent's Character cost. The main effect is, draw 1 card, then reduce 1 of your opponent's Character cost by 2 this turn. This is basically the same as Tsuru but with an additional draw effect. The Trigger effect is optional because of the main effect. The Trigger effect is your opponent trash 1 card from their hand. You might not need the main effect and just use the trigger effect to start reducing your opponent's hand size especially during the late games.


Most of these removals are from OP02 set along with Garp Leader, and I've still found them very useful in this build. OP02 Koby only works on play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 3 cost or less Characters. This shouldn't be too difficult with the amount of cost reducers plus Leader effect to reduce your opponent's Characters cost.

OP02 Akainu basically have the same effect as Koby except we can target bigger costs. On play, you may trash 1 card from your hand to KO 1 of your opponent's 5 cost or less Characters. Plus Akainu is also a 7k beat stick on the field unlike Koby 4k power. Akainu is mainly just to remove high cost Characters so we don't have to use plenty of cost reducers on 1 Character just to remove them from the field.

OP02 Garp is a bit strange choice, but he works amazing in this build. You will need to give Garp 2 DONs to trigger his effect, and by giving him 2 DONs, you will also trigger the Leader effect reducing the Character cost by 2 since its 1 DON for each cost. When attacking, KO 1 of your opponent's 0 cost Characters. 0 Cost might mean you will need plenty of cost reducers, but that is only if you are planning to KO 6 or more cost. We also have 2k counter for this card allowing us to defend easier.

OP05 Lucci works great in this deck, but your only downside is getting 3 cards in your trash since we don't have many ways to get cards in trash easily. The effect works on play, return 3 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order. KO up to 1 of your opponent's 2 cost or less Characters and up to 1 of your 1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. This shouldn't be too difficult in Garp build, plus Lucci is a 6k beat stick which is nice to have after using his effect.

I've added Meteor Volcano for more KOing effect but you do not have to run Meteor Volcano and can use something else instead. The main effect is KO  1 of your opponent's 1 cost or less Characters. Personally for 2 DONs I think this is okay, but I will definitely take this out when EB01 comes out in English. The Trigger effect is just draw 2 cards and trash 1 card from your hand, just a simple hand filter ability.

Using Rested DONs

I guess this is the only red part of the deck. Personally I think using rested DONs will help Garp Leader to trigger the reduce cost effect. OP05 Chaka will need a DON to activate the effect, and the effect is once per turn gives 2 of your rested DONs to 1 of your Leader/Characters. This would be important as in one turn, we could reduce your opponent's character cost by 3, plus we have cards like OP02 Garp who needs 2 DONs to trigger his effect. Might as well make use of rested DONs as well as untapped DONs. But if you play Chaka and use his effect on the same turn, he will cost you 6 DONs altogether, leaving you 4 DONs to work with which is not a lot in this build.

ST01 Nami is another card similar to Chaka, but unlike Chaka you do not need to give Nami a DON to trigger her effect. The effect is once per turn, give 1 of your rested DON to your Leader or 1 of your Characters. She's way cheaper than Chaka, but Chaka is a beat stick whilst Nami is not. Plus she can easily be removed from the field by removals.

ST01 Brook only works on play, give up to 2 rested DONs to 1 of your Leader/Characters. He does cost 2 to play so you will have at least 2 rested DONs to use. He is also a 2k counter card which is nice to use for defending, not to mention he's also a 3k beat stick just like OP02 Garp. If you give Brook 2 DONs for the magic number, you can also trigger the Leader effect, and to me this is a win win situation.


Now we have the 2 searchers. Brannew is in the deck because we are running a few Navy cards, so I might as well run Brannew, plus he can also mill which sets up Lucci's effect perfectly. The effect is on play, look at top 3 cards of your deck, reveal 1 Navy card other than Brannew, add it to your hand then trash the rest of the card. 3 is not a lot and considering the number of Navy cards, it is hit or miss effect.

Mansherry searches your trash, however, doesn't search for any red cards, only black cards which is a shame. But I still need to use the effect in case the cards we've got got KO. The effect is by paying 1 DON, you may rest this card and place 2 cards from your trash to the bottom of your deck in any order. Add 1 black Character with a cost of 3 to 5 from your trash to your hand. Mansherry is more of a late game card we could use since we rarely mill, but we will be doing some trashing from our hand to build up the trash.


As you can see I am not running OP04 Sabo, but I recommend running him in the deck if you have the room. I don't really have the room to fit him in this build unless I reduce the number of red Characters to do so. Anyway the Blockers, and we have 2 very different Blockers for 4 cost. OP02 Kizaru is not only a Blocker but also have an effect that works during your opponent's turn. This card gains 1k power and cannot be KO'd by effects. Personally having an early 6k Blocker really helps as he will stop at least 1 attack with ease especially when your opponents used up their DONs and couldn't power up their 5k beat sticks.

OP05 Rebecca is to combo with your 3 cost Characters like Koby and Hina's on play effects. Not only that we also get to return Characters from our trash to the hand. The on play effect is add 1 black Character with cost 3 to 7 other than Rebecca from your trash to your hand. Then, play up to 1 black 3 cost or less Character from your hand at rest. You can also combine Rebecca and Mansherry together, but that is only Mansherry survives for that turn. You could use Mansherry to bring back Rebecca, then Rebecca to bring back a Character from your hand, as well as filling up the field with 3 cost or less Character like Koby to KO your opponent's Character. All this for 5 DONs, which means you have 5 DONs to work with unless you have Nami or Chaka who can move rested DONs to your Characters triggering Leader's effect.

Deck List

OP05 R/B Garp


The deck works like any normal Black deck, but similar to Smoker build where we focused on reducing Character costs so we could KO them with ease. Personally i would treat this like Smoker deck, except with the power of using rested DONs thanks to the red Characters. You can run 10 drop Kuzan in the build, but I think you don't need this as Garp Leader is not once per turn. 

You have your removals thanks to the amount of reducing Character's cost, but what I think is that there are some cards from EB01 set will make a lot of things easier. It's also thanks to that set, this deck will get full revamp, taking out some cards and putting in other cards that I've wanted in this.


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