Thursday, February 15, 2024

OP05 Blue (Doflamingo) Deck Profile

I was debating whether I should post this now, or wait until OP07 for the Warlords support. But I don't think there's any harm posting this right now as we are still 2-3 sets away (at the time I post this). There's not much new cards for U Doffy deck, but they will be handy as a little bit of support. You will be mostly keeping the old stuff in the build since those will be more useful in the deck. 


Lets start off with the Blue style of things, being able to bounce your opponent's Characters back to their deck, so your opponents will need to dig through their decks to draw those cards again. 9 cost Mihawk only has on play effect which is return 1 7 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. We mostly choose our opponents unless we are decking out which might be difficult. On the bright side he will be a 9k beat stick ready to deal some serious power against your opponent's Leader/Characters.

If you don't like OP05 Kizaru, you can easily swap him for ST03 Doffy, but I am not a big fan of bouncing cards back to your opponent's hand unless they have 0 counter. Kizaru's on play effect is return 1 4 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Unlike Mihawk, we can only bounce 4 cost or less Characters, but usually 4 cost or less Characters are mainly Blockers we could try and remove. Also the one advantage over ST03 Doffy is that Kizaru is a 8k beat stick instead of 7k. I know you might not think it might be enough, but that 1k difference in power can make a huge difference when it comes to using Counter cards.

Since this is Blue deck which means we can utilise Three Thousand Worlds. The main effect is return 1 5 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. This is a bit higher that OP05 Kizaru when it comes to return your opponent's Characters, so you could use Three Thousand Worlds on 5 cost Characters whilst Kizaru for 4 cost or less Characters. We also have a Trigger effect which is return 1 3 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. Personally I don't think its that good of an effect for the Trigger unless your opponents is rushing you with low cost Characters.

The final removal card, Red Roc. The obvious reason is that this card can remove any Characters in play so we don't need to worry about high cost Characters. Only downside is that it cost 6 DONs to play, but I guess this means we can use our Doffy Leader's effect to play some free Warlords. The main effect is return 1 Character at the bottom of the owner's deck. I wouldn't use this card on low cost Characters unless is their important card of the deck, I would mainly hold out and use the other cards for removal instead. The Trigger effect is return 1 4 cost or less Character to the bottom of the owner's deck. This is a lot better than Three Thousand Worlds Trigger's effect, so you might use this effect more depending on the situation of the game.

Checking Top Cards

The two key cards in this deck to make sure you would hit the effect with Doffy Leader. These two cards will help you check the top cards of your deck to check for any 4 cost or less Warlords you would be playing for free. Both OP01 Doffy and Perona have the same on play effect, except Doffy is a Blocker on top of the effect. The on play effect is look at top 5 cards of your deck, place them at top or bottom of your deck in any order. This effect will let you know what cards you'll be drawing and what cards will be played using Doffy Leader's effect.

Draw Power

The draw power of the deck to help you increase your hand size, although 2 of these cards are just hand filters, they wouldn't plus your hand. OP01 Hancock is a Blocker with an effect. By giving this card 1 DON, when attacking/on block, if your hand is 5 or less, draw 1 card. Not too bad as you could use Hancock for both offense and defence if you want to draw a card. Plus she will be a 6k beat stick for attacking, only 5k power for blocking.

Kaya is just there for more hand filter in case you drawn into the cards you won't be able to use until late game. The on play effect is draw 2 and trash 2 cards from your hand. On the bright side, she is also a 2k counter which will be handy for defending if we need to use counter cards from our hand.

OP05 Kaido is not too bad in this build as you only need your opponents to have 3 or less Life to work. Most Leaders these days are multicoloured that start with 4 Life. Although there are still a lot of people who are using mono coloured Leader decks with 5 Life, but you will only need to do 2 attacks to get them down to 3 Life. The on play effect is if your opponent has 3 or less Life, draw 4 cards. Drawing 4 cards can be a lot of cards especially getting the cards you need and plus Kaido will also be a 12k beat stick on the field.

ST03 Mihawk is similar to Kaya but I know Mihawk got released first before Kaya, so we should say Kaya mainly copied this effect. Instead of being an on play effect, Mihawk works when attacking. By giving this card 1 DON, when attacking, draw 2 cards and trash 2 cards from your hand. We would have a 6k beat stick on the field as well as being able to filter our hand. We also have a 2k Counter card just like Kaya, which is why I can say Kaya is mainly a copy of Mihawk with the effect and counter. Just not a beat stick Character.


Here are these Seven Warlords of the Sea cards that will be handy in the Doffy deck until OP07 arrives. OP02 Moria is just a 6k 4 drop vanilla, but can easily be played using Doffy Leader's effect. Then we move onto promo Crocodile. Promo Crocodile have the option to become a Blocker which can be handy if you need a Blocker. Most of the time, if we play Warlord Blocker using Doffy Leader's effect, they will come into rest, so there's really no point playing those cards for free, I would rather hard play them. But with Crocodile, even if he's rested, we won't need to worry about Blocker ability and can have a 5k power on the field.

ST03 Moria only has an on play effect which is add 1 Seven Warlords or Thriller Bark Pirates 4 cost or less Character other than Moria from your trash to your hand. Its an okay ability, but I guess we can trigger his effect with U Doffy easily, and have a 5k beat stick on the field. Most likely your opponents will try and remove Moria, but since Moria only has an on play effect, he has done his job.

Law is a 1 drop Blocker, plus this version of Law is a Warlord which is why he is in the deck. You will need at least 3 DONs if you are planning to use Doffy Leader's effect which wouldn't leave you a lot of room to play your big drop Characters. So we could strengthen the defence by playing Law as a low cost Blocker. Not to mention ST03 Moria can get him back to your hand from your trash after you used the Blocker ability, so you could play Law again if you have the DONs to play him.

Deck List

OP05 U Doffy


The key cards is definitely seeing your checking top cards Characters, (mainly Persona) because she is a 1 drop to play which is good for your early turns. Using Doffy Leader's effect can sometime backfire if you don't have other cards like Blocker in play to protect your rested Characters. Hopefully OP07 will improve this build dramatically as I've already planned which cards I am taking out of the deck, which will be most of the cards in this build.

Anyway, you will have some removals since we need to remove your opponent's big drop Characters, otherwise this deck will have no way of stopping your opponent's attacks. Although I think this deck worst match up are decks who can constantly pop your Characters with effects instead of attacking. Making recovery really difficult currently.


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