I honestly have no idea if I could make this build work. I have several ideas for this deck, but I decided to choose the one that can utilise this Leader more. The other 2 Captains from the starter deck are very straightforward to build, but Kid is a bit different considering there's also lack of support for Kid Pirates. So I wouldn't make this focus on Kid Pirates build.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Monday, February 26, 2024
OP05 Blue/Purple (Crocodile) Deck Profile
Personally, I wasn't really sure if I should post this build now or wait until EB01, but since I want this blog to have more posts, I guess I'll post this build now, update it when EB01 comes out in English. This build gives you plenty of draw also utilising the Leader's effect. I do want to add more cards to make the consistency but I need the other cards in the deck to help with this build.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
OP05 Red/Black (Garp) Deck Profile
I was looking at Garp's effect and realised that this is not once per turn. I think for OP05, Garp did get some upgrades, but personally I think there's not enough KO abilities in Black currently. Plus for the red side of things is power requirements in order to KO a Character and that doesn't work with this kind of specific build is leans more toward the Black side of thing. We will need to wait until EB01 for an updated Garp build, but I doubt people will be searching for this build, but just in case.
Friday, February 23, 2024
OP05 Red (Zoro) Deck Profile
Its Zoro here, finally got around to post this deck build. I wouldn't say the deck got a huge update, as there's only 2 cards from OP05 to fit in this build. There's no secret that Zoro will be a 1 drop rush deck, so nothing new. However, being 1 drop Rush means, we will be very weak to defend the Characters, so we need cards that can help to counter that weakness with. But it's also up to you if you want to add some control, or go all out with the deck.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
COTD - P-066 Hancock
Boa Hancock
Cost 4 / Power 5000 (Special)
Seven Warlords of the Sea / Kuja Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[During your turn] If your hand has 5 or less cards in it, your characters with the type {Kuja Pirates} all have +1000 power.
I won't be surprised if this promo becomes expensive for what she does since it's Bandai, and when it comes to promo cards, Bandai seems to be expensive ones unless those promos are outdated. Hancock pretty much powers up all your Kuja Pirates, even the low power Characters will be able to hit magic numbers. Hopefully she will be cheap at first, so I can get 4 copies before the price start rising when there would be more Kuja Pirates support. |
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Budget Deck Profile - Purple/Yellow (Crocodile) OP04 + OP05
I've almost forgot that this Crocodile is from OP04, which means I can combine this with OP05 cards. Now I've kept the build toward the purple side of things since we don't have OP04 Yamato or Sanji in the build as those cards are the expensive stuff for yellow. I've kept this deck to Baroque Works only since that where we got the support from. Luckily the Baroque Works Super Rare are really affordable, so you can easily get 4 copies of each without destroying your wallet.
COTD - OP07 Foxy & Vegapunk Leader Alt Arts
5 Life / 5000 Power (Special)
Foxy Pirates
[When Attacking] Don!! -3: If you have 3 or more {Foxy Pirates} characters in play, choose up to one each of your opponents rested leaders and characters. The cards you chose do not become active during their owner’s next refresh phase.
Monday, February 19, 2024
COTD - OP07 Dragon, Bonney & Hancock Leader Alt Arts with Hancock Alt Art
Monkey D. Dragon
5 Life / 5000 Power (Special)
Revolutionary Army
[Activate Main] [Once Per Turn] Give up to a total of 2 of your currently attached don to one of your characters.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
COTD - OP07 Porche, Foxy, Sanji, Franky, Luffy and Lilith Alt Arts
Cost 3 / 5000 Power (Wisdom)
Foxy Pirates
[On Play] [Don!!-1] Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, you may add up to one card with the type [Foxy Pirates] to hand, place the remainder on the bottom of your deck, in any order you like. Then you may play up to one 4000 Power or lower purple character from hand.
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Budget Deck Profile - Green (Uta) ST11x2
For this deck, I've simply put 2 starter decks slapped together, but if you want an official budget deck for Uta, I can also go that later on, only if I can get more people to write for the blog as there are a lot of one piece decks I can get through ignoring the meta decks. Anyway, not having the main card FILM Nami as the searcher would really hurt as Nami is also able to help you to search out the key cards of the deck, but I will see what I can do with only 2 ST11 slapped together.
COTD - OP07 Otama, Bonney, Hawkins, Law, Sengoku and Jinbe Alt Arts
Cost 1 / Power 0 (Special)
Land of Wano
[Counter +2000]
[On Play] Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, reveal up to one green {Land of Wano} type card other than [Otama] and put it into your hand. Then, place the rest of the cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.
Friday, February 16, 2024
COTD - OP07 Dragon and Carina Alt Arts
Monkey D. Dragon
Cost 8 / 9000 Power (Special)
Revolutionary Army
[On Play] Give your leader or up to one of your characters up to 2 rested don!!
Cost 3 / 0 Power (Wisdom)
FILM / Gran Tesoro
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Give up to one of your opponents characters -2000 Power for the turn.
I don't know about Dragon artwork, but I'm definitely liking Carina Alt Art. Both Lilith and Carina are amazing, maybe I should just aim for these 2 AAs and start making a collection of cards. I know I won't have uses for them, but nothing hurt if I just collect them in my binder, although pricing might be expensive especially when Bandai have limit the productions for OP07. |
Thursday, February 15, 2024
OP05 Blue (Doflamingo) Deck Profile
I was debating whether I should post this now, or wait until OP07 for the Warlords support. But I don't think there's any harm posting this right now as we are still 2-3 sets away (at the time I post this). There's not much new cards for U Doffy deck, but they will be handy as a little bit of support. You will be mostly keeping the old stuff in the build since those will be more useful in the deck.
[One Piece Card Information Bureau] OP07 Unboxing
We have a lot of cards revealed in this video. I guess because it's almost time for the release date for the JP Format. What I liked, they pulled the AA Lilith, and I really want her for my card collection. The normal art was already pretty good, but the AA is even better. Anyway I won't be commentating on each of these individual cards as it will take too much time considering there's a lot of cards. Some of these are meh and some of these can be useful in certain builds.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
COTD - OP07 Monkey D. Luffy
Monkey D. Luffy
Cost 6 / Power 7000 (Strike)
Straw Hat Crew
[Activate Main] [Once per Turn] -3 DON!!: If your opponent has 3 or more characters in play, set this character as active.
The afro is here, giving Luffy the strength. But more importantly, he is able to do 2 attacks per turn, only if your opponents have 3 or more Characters which shouldn't be too difficult. I could build a multiple attacking deck with Gear 4 Luffy since we have a Black/Purple Leader available in the current card pool. It's just a fun deck, I doubt having 2 multi attackers will do much especially when both are very situational to trigger their effects. |
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
OP05 Black/Yellow (Linlin) Deck Profile
The other Big Mom Leader and a lot easier to build than mono Yellow Big Mom deck. Personally I think of her similar to Enel how they both needs you to have low Life to work. But unlike Enel, we also have access to the other colour Black. Black will definitely make us easier to trigger some of the effects we got in Yellow which is why I prefer using this build over mono Big Mon deck.
COTD - OP07 Crocodile
Cost 4 / Power 5000 (Special)
Seven Warlords of the Sea / Baroque Works
[Counter +2000]
[On Play] (1) (You may rest the specified number of don) Return up to one 2 cost or lower character to the owner's hand.
I hope I'm not the only one who this this effect is meh. But I guess we can recycle low cost on play effect again such as searchers. The only downside if you don't run this in U Doffy, he technically cost 5 to play in other decks if you want to trigger his on play effect. Otherwise being a 2k counter and 5k beat s tick is pretty strong, since the previous 4 drops so far had been 2k Counter and 4k power, lacking the number to hit magic numbers without the power of DONs. |
Monday, February 12, 2024
COTD - OP07 Koala
Cost 3 / Power 0 (Wisdom)Foolshout Island
[Counter +1000]
[Opponents Attack] You may rest this card; Give up to one of your characters with cost 5 or lower and the type {Fishman} <Blocker> for this turn.
I'm not the only one thinking, that's nice, Koala surrounded by Fishmen and patting her head. But too bad she cost 3 to play, so I wouldn't even recommend using her even in budget deck unless we can untap her and reuse the effect again. She is not once per turn, so I think this might be in future where the effect will be strong. |
Sunday, February 11, 2024
OP05 Red/Blue (Vivi) Deck Profile
I think the issue is making this deck work, and I will try and post this deck since Vivi got some supports for the deck. She is able to make any of your Characters gain Rush as well as drawing a card, so you can easily build a very aggressive deck with the right combination. Although making this build aggressive is not difficult, but you will be losing a lot on the defensive side since we don't really focus on defending, just KOing your opponent's Characters.
COTD - OP07 Roronoa Zoro
Roronoa Zoro
Cost 5 / Power 6000 (Strike)
Egghead / Strawhat Crew
[Counter +1000]
[Trigger] If your leader has the type {Egghead}, Rest up to one of your opponents leaders or characters.
Now I really want to build Vegapunk build over Yamato, but still 2-3 set away for the English format. Zoro is just a plain vanilla, but that Trigger effect is really handy to stop one of your opponent's attacks. Stopping 1 attack could make a difference between surviving an extra turn and losing on that turn. Plus he's also an Egghead Character which means we can play Zoro for free using Vegapunk's effect |
Saturday, February 10, 2024
One Piece Card Game Own Enemy... Bandai
I'm going to write a post about this which is a shame since I've started blogging again. Like some anime saying, you is your own enemy. One Piece a card game that have so much potential being one of the big card game, all being ruined by Bandai. I don't know about JP ver, but the ENG ver here sucks. The lack of production for new sets just says don't play the game. Bandai should know by now that the game is popular, so printing more products is healthy for the game, but nope, they do the opposite, print less product, raises the card pricing, trying to scam for more money. This feels like Nvidia situation again with the current GPU stuff.
COTD - OP07 Sabo, Event Cards and Manga Hancock
Cost 8 / Power 9000 (Special)
Revolutionary Army
[On Play] You may trash 1 card from your hand: KO up to one of your opponent’s cost 5 or less characters, and up to one of your opponent’s cost 3 or less characters.
Friday, February 9, 2024
OP05 Purple/Yellow (Crocodile) Deck Profile
Well unlike the other Purple decks, you won't be needing OP05 Kid in this build because of Crocodile's effect, so there was no point having 2 cards in the build who does the same thing unless you really want the ramp. We do have some new cards from OP05 set for this build. Honestly, I want to wait for EB01, but that is still miles away before the set comes into English, so I will post the deck now, update the build later.
COTD - OP07 Sengoku
Cost 1 / Power 2000 (Wisdom)
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and reveal up to one card with the {Seven Warlords of the Sea} type and add it to your hand. Then, place the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck in any order.
I never expected Sengoku to be a Warlord searcher especially when I saw the Navy type. I thought he would do something related for UB Akainu deck. I guess U Doffy got even better especially now we got a searcher for Warlord for the deck. I guess you could run Tashigi to search for Sengoku, then Sengoku to search for Warlord, but I wonder if Tashigi is worth it in the build. If you are running a few Navy in the build, then yes Tashigi can be used to search for those cards. |
Thursday, February 8, 2024
[One Piece Card Information Bureau] First OP07 Secret Rare Revealed! Plus Other Cards
I know there are other cards in this set that are also in this video. There is one card that's been revealed already and that is Morgans, so I won't need to post this Character again. Just the other cards. Honestly, I'm really hype for OP07 as they can revive some old decks for me to try out as well as combining them with the OP07 Leaders. But mostly for me is the old Leaders since they didn't get as much support compare to now.
COTD - OP07 Morgans
Cost 2 / Power 2000 (Wisdom)
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Your opponent discards one card from their hand, and then reveals their hand. Then your opponent draws a card.
Nice, I'm one step closer in building my ideal Hand Destruction deck. I have the build for OP06, but there are too many high cost Characters, and not enough low cost like Morgans. I doubt he will be useful in a lot of deck, but being able to check your opponent's hand is always a Plus for me. This is so if you could go all out in that turn, or wait until you reduce their hand, then attack. So he might be useful in Black decks especially if you are focusing on aggressive build. |
Tuesday, February 6, 2024
ST11 Green (Uta) Deck Profile
There will be another update when ST12 comes out in English, but the deck will still work with mostly ST11 cards. The only downside is that the deck doesn't come with FILM Nami, she's play an important role to the deck. Its a good job I've got a playset of FILM Nami because of FILM Doffy build. Anyway I'll see what I can do with the budget version of ST11 Uta with just the starter deck alone.
Monday, February 5, 2024
COTD - OP07 Fisher Tiger
Fisher Tiger
Cost 5 / Power 6000 (Strike)
Fishman/Sun Pirates
[Counter +1000]
This character can attack your opponent's characters on the turn it's played
[On Play] If your leader has the <Fishman> or <Merfolk> type, rest up to 1 of your opponent's 6 cost or lower characters.
We got Fisher Tiger. When I saw the first effect, he reminds me of Dressrosa style but better since Tiger is Green, and Green focus on resting mechanic, allowing you to attack those Characters. Not to mention his on play effect allows you to rest Characters, making the first effect even better. He does cost 5 to play, but 5 DONs for this effect is worth the cost if we want to remove certain Characters especially Blockers. |
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Budget Deck Profile - Blue/Black (Rebecca) OP04 + OP05
Another budget deck, but this time instead of playing control with Rebecca, we can go aggressive instead. I doubt people would be interested in a Budget Rebecca deck, but I will post one anyway. Most of the cards you need are Dressrosa stuff to make this build work. I don't think this deck will cost a lot to make as I've took out the expensive SR. Although, if you feel like it is within the budget you can order 2 copies of the expensive SR for this deck. But mostly, there are plenty of Dressrosa cards to make this into a budget build without the SRs. It is just about if the deck ill be playable with a bunch of cheap cards slapped together.
COTD - OP07 Portugas D Ace
Portugas D Ace
Cost 5 / Power 6000 (Special)
Whitebeard Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Draw two cards, then return two cards from your hand to the top or bottom of the deck in the order of your choice.
My first reaction when I saw this was I could use this in Blue/Yellow Queen deck, but I know he will work better in Blue/Yellow Ace deck since we got the 2 drop Kid Ace who can play 5 drop Ace for free which will be very handy to play this Ace Blocker. Not to mention we also get to filter our hand, if we don't like the cards we can place them at the bottom. But if we do like the cards, we can place them at the top so we are not losing anything valuable. I like this card. |
Saturday, February 3, 2024
COTD - OP07 Carina
Cost 3 / 0 Power (Wisdom)
FILM / Gran Tesoro
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Give up to one of your opponents characters -2000 Power for the turn.
Looking at this FILM card suddenly gave me a new idea for a deck I will be posting for this blog. It will mostly just a FILM Blocker deck with a few removal seeing how some of these Red FILM cards can reduce your opponent's Character power. Although I do this this Carina Art over her purple version. I guess that's all I can say about this card since she's very basic. |
Friday, February 2, 2024
OP05 Black (Smoker) Deck Profile
Here is a Smoker build and he will be very different to Black Akainu build where that deck focus more on reducing your opponent's Character cost, whilst this deck doesn't need to thanks to the help of Smoker's effect. Anyone want to see the deck, you can see by clicking (here). This deck doesn't really care about getting 0 cost Characters on your opponent's field, but it can help Smoker power up bonus making you having a 7k beat stick Leader constantly. There might be an upgrade when OP06, but I am saying might, and not will be, so don't get your hope up for Smoker players.
COTD - OP07 Spandam
Cost 3 / 4000 Power (Slash)
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] Place the top 2 cards of your deck into your trash, and give up to one of your opponents characters -2 cost for this turn.
More CP cards for both Lucci decks. To be honest, if it wasn't for the mill effect, he is a terrible card to use, because you only reduce your opponent's Character cost by 2, which is the exact same as Tsuru, but she can be played for 1 as well as having 2k Counter. But I guess it's Spandam, out of the CP Characters I think he's useless out of them all. Anyway we will have cards like Air Door who could play Spandam from your deck, so overall, he's okay to use. |
Thursday, February 1, 2024
COTD - OP07 Vinsmoke Sanji
Vinsmoke Sanji
Cost 1 / Power 0 (Strike)
Germa Country / Vinsmoke Family
[Counter +1000]
[On Play] [Don!!-1] If your leader has the type {Vinsmoke Family} draw one card.
Looks like we got kid Sanji. Make sense since Sanji left the Vinsmoke family at a very young age. But at the same time, I am also sad that we don't see Sanji's Stealth Black as a Germa card. The others all have their Power Rangers /Kamen Rider forms except Sanji currently for this game. Anyway, the effect is definitely useful especially when the current deck uses a lot of hand size, and the only draw power to refill our hand is Reiju. We also have plenty of room to add Sanji to the build, so I can't wait to try it out. |
OP05 Red/Black (Sabo) Deck Profile
I think Sabo have a nice effect for a Leader, on top of that he is also Revolutionary Army which means we will be able to utilise the Revolutionary Army cards in OP05. However, most of the cards we need to use for Sabo are mainly Straw Hat, so this build will have a mix of engine in the deck. I think if you can get the deck right, Sabo can be a real contender. Unfortunately I won't be using any of the Cost Reducers because it doesn't work with the Red stuff.
About Me

- Raikishi
- A former VG Blogger who is trying a different card game blog, expanding the blog rather than focusing on one card game. Wanting to get the blog popular, start recruiting authors and then go from there.
I guess Uta is back again with another FILM upgrades from EB01 set and the two cards make the deck changed a lot compare to the previous bui...
Personally, I've wanted Kuma as the Leader over Bonney after reading his past in the manga, but Bonney will do. Anyway, a very control d...
The way I've built Ace will be the same way that I did with Black/Yellow Luffy. Mostly Yellow cards with a splash of blue, as the blue s...
Now, we've got 2 black Lucci, so I will need to add their set version so people won't get confused in which one I'll be talking ...
I didn't post an EB01 version of this build because it was 1 card changed, so I've waited until OP07 to post this build. I've ch...