Honestly for a 30 mins video, it wasn't very interesting. All I'm interest is the card revealed at the end of the video, so click almost the end of the video if you want their review on the new card shown. I really don't care if they talk about One Piece TCG in general as this is a One Piece Channel, so of course they will talk good about this game, they won't call the game bad or needs fixing for certain aspect of the game. I will be surprised if they talked anything bad about the game on the main channel.
Nico Robin
Black Character
6 Cost / 7000 power
Strawhat Pirates
[Counter +1000]
[On Play/When Attacking] If you have an 8 cost or above character on field, choose one of your opponent Character, during this turn - 5 cost.
Personally I am surprised Robin is a 6 cost, but then again, making her an 8 cost Character will be very easy with one of the 1 drop Characters we've seen in the starter deck. I think what the most surprising part is that she reduces Character costs. I was literally expecting that the new Black stuff will be all about increasing Character costs for their new style, but I will take reducing Character costs as it means KOing your opponent's low cost Characters will be very easy to do. |
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